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  1. Like I said mate, try CurlyBen. This company is known to be bullyish and a quick letter to the Ombudsman would keep them in check. Don't forget you can transfer your debt to a more agreeable agency if you wish. Try a debt solution agency. As long as they are receiving payment from you, they can't push for CCJ either. Try CurlyBen and don't worry about things if you can help it. It's bloody stressfull, I know, however there's loads of us in the same boat. Follow my threads and you'll get to CurlyBen, All the best Mate
  2. Hi Sea Gull, I'm not the best guy to speak to on this matter. I got my advice from CurlyBen on this forum and he IS awesome. He really helped me out to the extent that Rockwell, so far, have left me alone. It does sound fishy however calling in a debt that you can't possibly repay, even though you have been honoring the debt perfectly. As far as I'm aware, it's quite a jump to go to charging order without reasonable reason or warning. Additionally banks, I think, are the only people who can push for a charging order. Try CurlyBen he knows his apples on this one, all the best mate, Bighag7
  3. Hi Curlyben, Great letter, if I write to Rockwell with this will it reset the Statute Barred clock? They are non specific about the the debt, however if it is what I think it is, it was five and a half years ago and is for less than £500. I'm new to this forum type thing so I've left threads unwittingly all over the place, apologies, Bighag7
  4. I was referring to Curlyben's letter! Thanks.
  5. Hi Mate, I've just received a letter from Rockwell for a debt. It is unclear what it is for, it just states an account number and an amount which is less than £500. I know I'm getting close to the Statute Barred date,however if I send them any sort of correspondance i.e your very excellent letter template, does this start the clock ticking again, even though I will not be admitting any acknowledgement of the debt?
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