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Everything posted by coffeeangel

  1. Hi all, Sorry it's taken a while to update this thread, amongst other issues I've dealing with, I have suffered a serious bout of ill-health which has not been helped in the slightest by the stress of this case. BoS's and me had a period of "mediation" which to put it mildly has not worked out too well. We are now going for trial later on in the year with the usual stages of when bundles etc have to be submitted by. Today, I received by RD from the Court BoS's application for a 30 min hearing, together with a witness statement. How nice of them to send this on Mothering Sunday weekend. Thanks again for the support. I will try and not leave it so long before I update again. Coffee
  2. Cool! Thanks for that. Once that cheque has cleared - donation on it's way! Coffee
  3. Ok so after a horrendous journey home tonight, I am sat in my kitchen looking at Capital One's cheque for refunding my charges. So although not all of what they owe, still a win! Thank you for the excellent advice, support and putting up with my many "Victoria Meldrew" moments! Virtual hugs sent to you all! Now where is the "donate" link? Best, Coffee
  4. Mmmm, crafty aren't they! I think you will find though that once they have received LEGAL documentation it will get passed to the relevant department quick sharpish! IMS has flagged this up for you and sent out and SOS so I'm sure we will all be put out of our misery soon so you can commence bringing the rain on Halicrap! Hang tight! Best Coffee
  5. Ok. This is little confusing isn't it! Now Halifax are suing me through BoS through their registered office at The Mound in Edinburgh BUT as you have been told by the court you need an address in England then, the only thing you can do is sue via LLOYDS BANKING GROUP PLC (formed through the acquisition of HBOS (Halifax Bank of Scotland) whose headquarters are at 25 Gresham Street, London EC1 as they are the parent company. I hope that is of help. IMS do you think this is a feasible and acceptable route? Will stayed tuned as they are on my hit list for my Mum. Best of luck madkit. Best, Coffee
  6. Hi Madkit, Even though it is Halifax as the lender when you are issuing the claim it needs to be addressed to Bank of Scotland The Mound in Edinburgh. I know this because these people are suing me and that is what is on the claim form. I'm nearly home so if you can sit tight for say half and hour, I will double check. Best, Coffee
  7. Will do! And really, i'm just speaking the truth my dear!
  8. Had a result with the charges element of this card now just waiting to hear the final decision on PPI. BCOBS and CAG are a wonderful thing! Knowledge is power so let's see if my sword/pen is mightier than theirs! Will update as soon as I hear back. Best, Coffee
  9. So just a little update on the charges element of this claim. After getting a response from them on the PPI element and utilising info sourced from here and with help of BCOBS, I sent another letter and today I received a response Although not what I would get if I went the court route, I have had to weigh up everything that is happening in my life at the moment and puts things into perspective. The amount they have offered more than covers the debt owed on the card which really was my whole objective. So I have decided to accept their offer and put this one to bed so to speak! I will update again once I have actually received the handoff but for now I just want to thank CAGfor supporting me and pointing me in the right direction especially ims for always being patient with my inane questions and heading me off at the pass on many occasion when in danger of having a full blown Victor Meldrew moment (or 2!) Goes without saying too, a donation to the site will be forthcoming! Thanks again - update again once money in the bank! Best Coffee
  10. Mmmm, I suppose I shouldn't be at all surprised at their sneaky and underhand tactics! Yes I will certainly file this away (but not too deeply) but to be used at a later date! Thanks for dropping by so late in the evo Andy, appreciate it! Best, Coffee
  11. And after checking the figures it would appear they are asking for the court costs as well!
  12. It sure does feel that way CB! Surely they must be breaking some kind of rule here..... should the Claimant be contacting me directly and not via their solicitors?
  13. Question for you..... Is it normal procedure for a Claimant to issue proceedings, you get to the AQ stage and then they send you a statement telling you to cough up the full balance which incidentally is different from the amount they have claimed in their PoC?
  14. Hi Ali, Just read through your thread. GE did the same to me but as I have other claims and the like going on, they are on the "to do and attack" list! Will follow your thread with interest. Best, Coffee
  15. Hi birdyboy, I feel your pain but they are taking the michael.... When you send what you feel you need to COMPLAIN to the ICO at the same time as ims suggests above by copying ICO in on the letter. And be sure to advise them that they only have "X" amount of days left so they best get to it pronto pronto! Best, Coffee
  16. I agree CB..... I'll give it until arrival of post today and if it's not there I will call the Court again and ask for a copy. Coffee
  17. Morning Andy, yes super strength pain meds are a wonderful thing! Feeling better than I have done just a zapped but then no proper sleep and pain for 4 days will do that I'm sure! Yes I did ask for a copy of their AQ and draft directions but as yet they haven't sent any. I will wait and see what Mr Postman brings today. In the meantime am putting together a letter of negotiation. One question though, if we do reach a negotiation why do they still have to go for CCJ? Can't they discontinue? Just a thought. Best Coffee
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