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  1. Hi there, I was hoping someone might know something about this. I was fined in December 2008 on a bendy bus, it was a genuine but a bit of a stupid mistake. The inspector was perfectly nice about it and gave me chances to pay but I didn't have any money on me, so he issued me a £20 fine. Then it was Christmas, totally forgot about it. I got a reminder in February to pay the £20 fine, at the time I was moving, kept the letter and reminded myself I had to pay it. Today I was chatting to a friend and she asked me whatever happened about my fine, shock horror, I realised I'd forgotten, so hastily wrote a cheque and paid the fine. Now I am worried, that as i'm not at my old address and haven't been back since I moved out on 25th Feb, I might have been issued with a court summons and I have no idea. I called TFL, who were little help, but did say that you'd get two reminders and then if no payment was received, you'd get a court summons. As I moved out on 25th Feb and had not yet received a second reminder, is it likely that between then and now I could have gotten a second reminder and a court summons? I am understandably panicked, especially as I already have a simple caution - not related to fare evasion! Can anyone shed any light on this? If I have had a court summons, can I settle without getting any criminal convictions? Stress!!! Thanks!
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