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  1. hi all, i am still waiting for the "investigation" by carter & carter, the lending group or the loan supermarket to be compelted, this is 1 year gone. well, i sent a recorded delivery letter which i got back today from the post office as undelivered. a few weeks ago i issued a claim via HMCS Money Claims, a court service. As i have not heard back i have applied for a judgment for the full amount to be paid back. so reading htat they have closed down is a suprise.. i hope you will all issue claims on line at the cost of £25 which you can claim from them, thats if they f**king pay up.. lets make sure they do not rip anyone else off, by making the claims for OUR money and reportign them to trading standards.
  2. hi all, i got through to someone in3 mins today, makes a change in waiting for 45 mins before an answer., i was told still in dispute from OCt 08.. and she could not even give a timescale of how long it will stay in dispute. i was told i will get a refund and that alan davis a manager will phone me back, not heard anything, so not holding my breath .. also was told sam murphy is the director of this sham of companies..
  3. :!:hi all, it is so sad to read about the number of people who have been messed around by this fake rip-off set of a company, at a time when the FSA has made Treating Customers Failry a compulsory code of practice, these people think they are beyond this. my situation with these b*s*a*r*ds is the same as most on here. in Oct they phoned by as Loan Supermarket, sounded like money supermarket when they called me, and for security check they took my card details and charged £39.99, and i was accepted for a loan, paperwork to follow, a few weeks later and nothing happened and i had no details for them. then in dec, carter and carter financial phoned me, and went through the same, and this time as a security check took the details and charged me £149.99. so i took a number from this lot, i started to chase them up as i got nothing through for the 2nd loan (not even the st one 2 montor the fhs later). when ever i phoned, "its the christmas rush and holidays please wait and the loan will come through", this went on to mid Jan, and then it turned in to a back log of paper work. now it was feb, so i wanted to get my money back, and was told to speak with admin, i did, and was then told by admin to write in. so i did, i then started to phone them and was told we are woking the complaint and your account is in dispute. i then continued to phone on a regualr basis, and same thisng, kept getting through to a girl called shaz, think she is the only one who works there. as they are always busy and no one ever answers the phone. now, in april, i still dont have my money or the fckin loans!!!!!! not that i want them any more... so, i phone again and again.. after a week i got through and was told my account is in dispute still!!!!!! i am not getting anywhere close to a refund or seeing my money back in my account. so i will now be using some of these links to post some nice letters. and i will phone mr Iky to speak with him. I am asain myself, but these kind of idiot paki's who think they can set these companies up and get away with it, have another thing coming. i will issue a small claim under the small claims and see where they go. all please report to the ombudsman, i have. report to watch dog the fsa local trading standards.. and any one else.. i really want to get a group tpgether to do a friendly protest at mansion house.. stockport is not far.. lets sort this sham of a company.:!::!::mad::confused::eek::?:
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