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Everything posted by uglyjunk

  1. Have started filling in FOS form, a bit unsure how to describe the nature of our complaint ie. Inaccessability of services, rude and dishonest call center staff, failing duty of care to our mental health,etc etc. What should I concentrate on, a sorry means nothing from a big company, I want cash compensation, to put towards clearing our managed loan, which currently is just short of four grand, at 86 quid a month. It has been a nightmare dealing with HSBC managed loans since they stopped dealing with them in the branch. Around christmas we had 2 3 hour phone sessions at the branch trying to reduce payments, the first 3 hr attempt was terminated when eventualy reaching the correct dept they refused to discuss it as only one of us was present:mad: The second attempt(having taken an afternoon off work) a reduced payment was arranged(after about 3hrs!), the branch had to lock us in as they closed during the conversation!! I must admit loosing my cool a couple of times during those conversations, the transcripts will make an entertaining read im sure! any advice how to nail some cash for this nightmare? SAR request now? sooner I can pay em off the less of my life need be wasted dealing with these idiots.
  2. Here is todays complaint e mail! Dear mr Goodall I am very distressed to have to contact you again so soon.. Today 5th may 09 my partner recieved yet another call from HSBC call centre no. 08005875764. They confirmed it was not to apologise for the call yesterday. Being busy at work at the time my partner declined to take security check untill the person calling had checked the facts regarding our managed loan ie it is paid up to date as agreed. Again I must request that you compensate us fairly, and swiftly, for the wasted time and stress, that, as we said before is wildly disproportunate to the sums of money involved and the frequancy, or in this case lack of default. We are trying to be reasonable, and have offered you(HSBC) the chance to address our points directly, and take satisfactory remidial action. However so far, all you have achieved, is causing us further stress on an all to regular basis. We look forward to hearing from you about how your investigations have progressed so far, and to recieving the telephone numbers I requested in our first contact. Also to recieving the transcripts of telephone conversations requested. And of course, confirmation of what remedial action you are taking. I can hardly wait for the response..... Oh mr Goodall is who replyed last time, we sent one addressed openly with dear sir as well, just in case mr goodall is now holidaying on mars for a couple of years or some such nonsense
  3. Update!! 5 may 3;17 Recieved a call from 0800 5875764 asking to speak to my partner. He asked for security checks before he could procede. Partner asked if he had called to apologise regarding managed loan situation, he confirmed this was not the case. He said he had no information on history of acccount/complaint. Partner asked him to go check out all the information before deciding if it was appropriate to call, and that then we would discuss it! This is getting tiresome:mad: Will e mail HSBC complaints again to keep them updated!
  4. Iv asked HSBC what they think about their obligations under this act as part of a managed loan call centre complaint... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/hsbc-bank/194441-hsbc-call-centre-managed.html#post2105821 no response as yet, but they wont get off the hook easily, im realy pi$$ed off with them:mad:
  5. hi! i have included here a copy of the complete email that i sent to hsbc...i have recieved an acknowledgement by post and email...unfortunately, i had to email them again today with an addition to the amended email! its all getting a bit long winded....but i'll post todays email after the other one! Dear sir/madam I am writing today after a series of distressing incidents involving your telephone banking service which have left me out of pocket, angry, upset and, worst of all, stressed and publicly humiliated. As you are aware I am under severe financial hardship at the moment, and have had to buy a replacement car this month to facilitate me getting to work, as our old one has broken down and is unfixable. When we realised that we were unable to pay our managed loan this month, my partner and i decided to contact the bank, to inform you of the situation in advance, and try to reach an amicable arrangement, and perhaps to find out if we could put off the payment for ten days until i get paid, to avoid being charged, as this would put further unneccessary pressure on our finances making us more liable to possily default on next months payment. Therfor incurring another charge, which will eventually result in it being impossible for us to make further payments. I also wished to ask for a direct debit to be stopped but due to the difficult and obstructive nature of the operative that i spoke to, I never even got round to mentioning this. After a few attempts at getting through, my partner connected with the telephone banking department. He gave his details, asked if he could be called back, since he was caling from a mobile with limited credit, (we have been told on a previous occassion that HSBC will do this if you haven't got the money to complete the call in respect of a managed loan), gave over his phone number, and never recieved a call. We have only got a mobile phone, and as we do not live in a house, cannot have a home phone, therefore phone calls are more expensive than we can afford. When i got back from work, I used the last of my credit trying to ring again. Unfortunately, i failed the security check. I beleive i got my security number correct, as I could see what I was typing in on my mobile screen, but I failed nontheless. I explained to the operator that my credit was going to run out, and i would like to be called back, she said she could do that if I passed the security questions. Unfotunately, my credit ran out prior to the procedure being completed. Still under the impression that it is best to do things properly, we decided to drive to a phone box. As this involved a 14 mile round trip, we had to put fuel that we could ill afford in the car. Now with only three pounds left to make the phone call, I again rang the telephone banking number. I passed security clearance, and asked for a call back, as i did before. This time, I was told it was not possible for a call cente operative to make an outgoing call. Surely if it is posible for the first two operatives to ring us back, it is possible for the third to do so? So who is lying here? Not having the money or time to argue, I asked to be put through to the managed loan department, i believe customer credit services, who i immediately asked if they could ring me back. Was again toldthat it wasn't possible for a call centre operative to call a customer back. (Yet, when we spoke to the managed loan people recently to rearrange the term of the loan, the supervisor at that time said that his department will always do this as they deal with people in difficulty). Again, who is telling the truth here? Explained to the man, that i needed to put off my loan payment til the end of the month, and that i hadn't much time to discuss it as i was watching the credits count down in the phone box. He responded by asking me why my account was in such bad shape that i couldn't meet the payment.(At risk of stating the obvious, we are in a severe recession at this time, and many previously affluent people are in difficulty) I quickly explained what had happened with the car. He informed me that i would incurr a 25 pound charge as i was unable to meet the payment. I then asked for this charge not to be applied to my account. He then asked me in a very derogotary manner why i thought it was acceptable to default on a payment, and then ask for the charges to be dropped all the time. I felt quite insulted by this, as i certainly to not do this "all the time", and would ony ask for the charge to be dropped in exceptional circumstances. As my money was running out in the phone box, i felt that i didn't have tiime to argue with his unfair statement, explained again about the car problem, and said that when i arranged the loan, and spoke to a supervisor, he told us that if we had a problem we were to ring up, and we would be able to find a solution. The operative then stated that whoever had told us this was lying, and there was no way possible to put off a payment, even for ten days as i requested. By this time I am in the phone box in tears of anger and frustration, most humiliating in a public place. I explained to him that if i hadn't had bought a car i would no longer be able to get to work, and my account would then be in a very poor state indeed. I also explained that I had spent my last money on fuel and in the phone box and was upset that this hadn't acheived anything. He then asked me why i wasnt in my branch sorting this out. This made me so angry and upset that i started crying harder and louder. Again exteremly embarrassing in a very public place. Nonetheless i continued to explain to him that 1. I couldn't afford the fuel to get to the bank. (a 16 mile round trip) 2. Your branch cannot deal with a managed loan (He should know this) 3. Its 6pm and clearly my branch is not open (again, he should know this) 4. I work during the hours that the bank is open, so HAVE to phone I told him that i would be taking out a complaint, to which he said he could't do anything else for me. I have to ask, what exactly it was he did do for me other than waste my time and money. At this point my money ran out in the phone box. I didn't even have time to broach stopping my direct debit, so no doubt i will be charged for this as well. Which in my opinion is completely unreasonble. To me this appears to be a trap, designed to generate income in charges from people in difficulty. So i had to walk back to the car in a very tearful and humiliated state. I would like to say that when my partner met me at the car he thought something terrible had hapened to me as I was so upset. What I would like is this: 1-Recordings/transcripts of all telephone correspondance regarding this managed loan. This is not the first or only time we have had difficulty with HSBC call centers. 2-No charges to be applied to my account for this period. 3-The date that my manged loan is taken to be changed to the last day of the month. 4-Direct line number/s for a managed loan supervisor who CAN deal with issues and who will accept a reverse charge call from a mobile as we have been advised is possible. 5-Direct line number for a person who can deal with urgent account enquiries without wasting a fortune in an automated call system. 6-Action to be taken against the obstructive operative that i spoke to tonight 14th april. 7-Compensation for the wasted money on phone calls and fuel. 8-Compensation for the emotional stress and damage sustained, and utter humiliation felt. 9-A statement of truth regarding exactly who may or may not call a customer back. 10-Action to be taken to ensure all call centre staff are aware of their duty of care to customers. 11-disciplinary action to be taken against any HSBC staff found to have been misleading and therefore failing their duty of care. I am sorry that i have had to make this complaint, I am very happy with my branch staff, but i am now at the end of my tether with HSBC call centres. Safe to say I have never felt so humiliated. If i didn't have a debt with the bank, I would close my account instantly. UPDATE as of 15th april 09 Recieved a telephone call from a call centre no. from a very amicable HSBC employee to inform me that there were insufficient funds to pay my managed loan! He said he was unaware I had attempted to contact HSBC regarding this issue. My partner explained how he had attempted to sort this out in advance, and reached an amicable agreement on re aranging payments to suit our current cash flow, and to remove any charge relating to this issue. This is a very welcome development, addressing some of the points raised, however it does contradict much of what we were told on the telephone at our expense previously. Is it necessary or even legal for your employees to fail to tell the truth to customers? By causing them undue stress leading them to cry in the street, are you failing you duty of care to your customers under Sections 7 and 37 of the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974. Sect 7 - It shall be the duty of every employee while at work (a) to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work . . . Sect 37 - Where an offence under any of the relevant statutory provisions committed by a body corporate is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to have been attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate or a person who is purporting to act in any such capacity, he as well as the body corporate shall be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. It is in excusable to treat people in this manner, I look forward to your speedy response. yours sincerely so i recieved the acknowledgement, then today, not even a whole month later, this happened: further to my complaint 14th april 09. On bank holiday monday, 4th may, 1133am, recieved a phone call from 0800 1695164, to my phone number requesting to speak to my partner. who said it's bank holiday monday, is this important, i'm busy at the moment. operative replied yes its important but i cant discuss it until security clearence is passed... on passing security clearence, operative informed my partner that our managed loan payment has been missed, and could she take it from our account today. my partner explained that he'd already made a complaint regarding this issue and suggested that she look back in our files to see what the situation was. and asked that she called back later to apologise since it was your mistake. As you are aware, our loan payment date has been re-arranged to the last day of the month and on checking our statement on line straight after this phone call, we can see that the payment HAS in fact been taken from out account on the 30th of April, as arranged with the last person that called us. obvoiusly we would like to add this incident to our complaint, and would like compensation for the stress caused, in an already stressful situation, and the time wasted. by the way, last time i needed to call the managed loan dept, via the switchboard, i was told it was closed on bank holidays, and i would have to call back on the tuesday, yet, they manage to call us. again, i would like to know, why people aren't telling us the truth Why do you feel it is appropriate to try to double a repayment, by stealth, from someone who is already in financial difficulty? the stress that you are continuing to subject us to on this matter is massively disproportionate nto the sums of money involved. i look forward to your response. please could you contact me asap to acknowledge receipt of this complaint and to let me know how the investigations on the first part are progressing. thank you. will keep you all posted with any further developments!
  6. Oh and who is correct The guy yesterday who said that i would incurr a 25 pound charge as i was unable to meet the payment. I then asked for this charge not to be applied to my account. He then asked me in a very derogotary manner why i thought it was acceptable to default on a payment, and then ask for the charges to be dropped all the time. I felt quite insulted by this, as i certainly to not do this "all the time", and would ony ask for the charge to be dropped in exceptional circumstances. As my money was running out in the phone box, i felt that i didn't have tiime to argue with his unfair statement, explained again about the car problem, and said that when i arranged the loan, and spoke to a supervisor, he told us that if we had a problem we were to ring up, and we would be able to find a solution. The operative then stated that whoever had told us this was lying, and there was no way possible to put off a payment, even for ten days as i requested. or the one who called us and arranged just that??? guess id better add that to the e mail?
  7. Ok, today the situation took a bizzare but welcome twist:confused: E mail not sent yet.... Whilst browsing this forum looking for the next steps to take, I recieved a phone call to my mobile from 08003284930. Oh joy:eek: its hsbc calling to say managed loan payment refused due to insufficient funds(thanks for that:mad:) and could I explain!. Calmly I aked him to confirm this call was being recorded, and that I was very pleased to hear from him:D.. This confused him a little:???:as he was unaware that I had tried to contact the bank!! I explained I would be making a complaint regarding this issue and explained yesterdays fiasco briefly. I also advised him I was making an SAR request to enable me to ensure the situation is dealt with fairly. He was very amiable and offered to put off payment till after pay day, re arange the future payment dates to suit our current cash flow, and refund the charge. He also checked and confirmed no problem with the direct debit. So Im still furious about yesterday but at least the charges aspect is sorted.. I will amend the e mail to include todays phone call and see what they have to say. cheers:)
  8. Thanks so much for taking the time to help, I will forward the complaint to hsbc, and look into the parachute account, before battle comences... To be rid of hsbc on a day to day basis would be a blessing:) I will keep you all updated on my progress.... And 10 quid sounds reasonable for the huge amount of info they must have on me, do i need to make 2 SAR requests as its a joint account, with 2 names:???: thanks again UJ:rolleyes:
  9. so sorry posted twice, thought first one hadnt worked...
  10. hi! I've had a difficult day with hsbc, and am making a complaint! again! but by email this time...(thanks for the address folks!) I would appreciate comments on my email before i send it, if anyone has any previous experience. I was also wondering if this would be a good time to ask the bank to reconsider my current charges claim against them, due to severe hardship... thanks in advance, heres a copy of the email: Dear sir/madam I am writing today after a series of distressing incidents involving your telephone banking service which have left me out of pocket, angry, upset and, worst of all, humiliated. I am under severe financial hardship at the moment, and have had to buy a replacement car this month to facilitate me getting to work, as our old one has broken down and is unfixable. When we realised that we were unable to pay our managed loan this month, my partner and i decided to contact the bank, and try to reach an amicable arrangement, and perhaps to find out if we could put off the payment for ten days until i get paid, to avoid being charged, as this would put further unneccessary pressure on our finances making us more liable to possily default on next months payment. Therfor incurring another charge, which will eventually result in it being impossible for us to make further payments. I also wished to ask for a direct dbit to be stopped but due to the difficult and obstructive nature of the operative that i spoke to, I never even got round to mentioning this. After a few attempts at getting through, my partner connected with the telephone banking department. He gave his details, asked if he could be called back, (we have been told on a previous occassion that HSBC will do this if you haven't got the money to complete the call in respect of a managed loan), gave over his phone number, and never recieved a call. We have only got a mobile phone, and as we do not live in a house, cannot have a home phone, therefore phone calls are more expensive than we can afford. When i got back from work, I used the last of my credit trying to ring again. Unfortunately, i failed the security check. I beleive i got my security number correct, as I could see what I was typing in on my mobile screen, but I failed nontheless. I explained to the operator that my credit was going to run out, and i would like to be called back, she said she could do that if I passed the security questions. Unfotunately, my credit ran out prior to the procedure being completed. Still under the impression that it is best to do things properly, we decided to drive to a phone box. As this involved a 14 mile round trip, we had to put fuel that we could ill afford in the car. Now with only three pounds left to make the phone call, I again rang the telephone banking number. I passed security clearance, and asked for a call back, as i did before. This time, I was told it was not possible for a call cente operative to make an outgoing call. Surely if it is posible for the first two operatives to ring us back, it is possible for the third to do so? So who is lying here? Not having the money or time to argue, I asked to be put through to the managed loan department, i believe customer credit services, who i immediately asked if they could ring me back. Was again toldthat it wasn't possible for a call centre operative to call a customer back. (Yet, when we spoke to the managed loan people recently to rearrange the term of the loan, the supervisor at that time said that his department will always do this as they deal with people in difficulty). Again, who is teling the truth here? Explained to the man, that i needed to put off my loan payment til the end of the month, and that i hadn't much time to discuss it as i was watching the credits count down in the phone box. He responded by asking me why my account was in such bad shape that i couldn't meet the payment.(At risk of stating the obvious, we are in a severe recession at this time, and many previously affluent people are in difficulty) I quickly explained what had happened with the car. He informed me that i would incurr a 25 pound charge as i was unable to meet the payment. I then asked for this charge not to be applied to my account. He then asked me in a very derogotary manner why i thought it was acceptable to default on a payment, and then ask for the charges to be dropped all the time. I felt quite insulted by this, as i certainly to not do this "all the time", and would ony ask for the charge to be dropped in exceptional circumstances. As my money was running out in the phone box, i felt that i didn't have tiime to argue with his unfair statement, explained again about the car problem, and said that when i arranged the loan, and spoke to a supervisor, he told us that if we had a problem we were to ring up, and we would be able to find a solution. The operative then stated that whoever had told us this was lying, and there was no way possible to put off a payment, even for ten days as i requested. By this time I am in the phone box in tears of anger and frustration, most humiliating in a public place. I explained to him that if i hadn't had bought a car i would no longer be able to get to work, and my account would then be in a very poor state indeed. I also explained that I had spent my last money on fuel and in the phone box and was upset that this hadn't acheived anything. He then asked me why i wasnt in my branch sorting this out. This made me so angry and upset that i started crying harder and louder. Again exteremly embarrassing in a very public place. Nonetheless i continued to explain to him that 1. I couldn't afford the fuel to get to the bank. (a 16 mile round trip) 2. Your branch cannot deal with a managed loan (He should know this) 3. Its 6pm and clearly my branch is not open (again, he should know this) 4. I work during the hours that the bank is open, so HAVE to phone I told him that i would be taking out a complaint, to which he said he could't do anything else for me. I have to ask, what exactly it was he did do for me other than waste my time and money. At this point my money ran out in the phone box. I didn't even have time to broach stopping my direct debit, so no doubt i will be charged for this as well. Which in my opinion is completely unreasonble. To me this appears to be a trap, designed to generate income in charges from peple in difficulty. So i had to walk back to the care in a very tearful and humiliated state. I would like to say that when my partner met me at the car he thought something terrible had hapened to me as I was so upset. What I would like is this: Recordings/transcripts of all telephone correspondance regarding this managed loan. This is not the first or only time we have had difficulty. No charges to be applied to my account for this period. The date that my manged loan is taken to be changed to the last day of the month Direct line number/s for a managed loan supervisor who CAN deal with issues and who will accept a reverse charge call as we have been advised is possible Direct line number for a person who can deal with account enquiries withou wasting a fortune in an automated call system Action to be taken against the obstructive operative that i spoke to tonight Compensation for the wasted money on phone calls and fuel Compensation for the emotional stress and damage sustained, and utter humiliation felt. A statement of truth regarding exactly who may or may not call a customer back. I am sorry that i have had to make this complaint, but i am now at the end of my tether with HSBC call centres. Safe to say I have never felt so humiliated. If i didn't have a debt with the bank, I would close my account instantly. I would appreciate a speedy response to this email. yours sincerely
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