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Everything posted by alisindebt

  1. alisindebt

    Egg - its no yoke

    That must be the one! Actually, no need to be specific to CrapQuest, as they should never have beem gievn a prior dispute with OC debt anyway, so tell Anne McShame to keep her greasy hands off your wallet. I told her that she should make payments back to me-I had made some token paymentsd. I even offered to call her on her mobile or at home, or arrange a doorstep visit, just like she had offered me when he tried to "help". For some reson she took offence. Funny how she could sh** out but not take it back. I was only trying to help her after she had been caught with her fingerse in the till trying llegally collect on a debt set aside by the county court..
  2. alisindebt

    Egg - its no yoke

    CrapQuest have no legal right to know what the prior dispute with the OC is, since th law is that a disputed account cannot be sold on or shared a third party. Of coure, Egg will always claim that a ddispute has been settled, but in reality you cannot unilaterally end a dispute. Both parties have to agree. Same as an argument with a neighbour. Perhaps you had a prior dispute with Egg e.g. An unfufilled CCA request, a disputed CCA? Perhaps Egg lost the letter. However. The prior dispute with the OC still stands. So CrpQuest can go forth and multiply.
  3. alisindebt

    Egg - its no yoke

    Hi Mozz1, if there was no prior dispute with the OC, then I am not sure what to do. Maybe somebody else on here with more experience can advise.
  4. alisindebt

    Egg - its no yoke

    ACCOUNT IN DISPUTE Dear Sir/Madam, Your ref: Thank you for your letter of **DATE**, the contents of which are noted. I refer to my letter of **DATE** a copy of which is enclosed for your perusal and ease of reference. As holders of a Consumer Credit Licence you are obliged to comply with the Office of Fair Trading Guidelines on Debt Collection. I would therefore be obliged if you would provide me with an explanation as to why you are attempting to collect on an alleged debt which was disputed with **BANK ** prior to your first contact with me, and has yet to be resolved. As per OFT guidelines Section 2.8k "not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt." Since this is considered an unfair practice and contrary to the OFT guidelines, you should consider this letter as a formal complaint, and provide me with a copy of your complaint resolution procedure. I also require you to confirm that you will now comply with the OFT guidelines, and will not attempt any further collection activity whilst the dispute is unresolved. Should you fail to provide me with the required undertaking within 7 days, I shall report your breach of the OFT guidelines to Trading Standards and the Financial Ombudsman Service. Take notice that I will not discuss this matter on the telephone, and all further communication must be in writing. Any further telephone calls will be perceived as harassment, and dealt with accordingly. I hope that you will enter into a sincere dialogue with me about this matter and I am writing this letter to you on the assumption that you would prefer to do this than merely respond with standard letters and leaflets. I would appreciate your due diligence in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you in writing. Yours faithfully
  5. alisindebt

    Egg - its no yoke

    I have to laugh to myself when i read about their "Quality Assurance officer". I had reason to complain about multiple emails within a few hours from Anne McShane, a "Collections Manager" at CrapQuest, also about the fact that she wrote to me accusing me of fraudulently having letters and cheques signed by a friend in the UK whilst I worked abroad. When I proved her wrong and complained, the CrapQuest internal discipline system declared that they found nothing wrong with her conduct. Errrm...OK...if they say so....(cough, splutter). I reported her to the OFT, TS, local MP amongst others. Strangely, I then got a letter from CrapQuest very similar to yours, saying, "CapQuest were instructed by Egg on XX to contact you regarding an outstanding balance of XX. CapQuest were unaware of any issue or dispute at this time and were acting in good faith based on the information supplied by Egg." I wrote the standard prior dispute with OC letter and proved that the debt had previously been to the County Court and had then, at my request, been set aside. That basically shut CrapQuest up and they hurriedly closed the account. Hopefully, they will do the same for you, but they will lie and cheat as much as they can along the way, as was the case with me.
  6. Egg did the same to me in 2005. I used their offer of 6 months free credit and then off in full, meaning they made a big fat zero out of me and they did not like that. Like thousands of others, and it looks like yon also, they just write and cancel the agreement. This only happened after they were taken over by Citi bank, who are a ruthless bunch of American money makers, who turned in some of the worst deficit figures of the American banking system in the recession recently. Great to have such good support from a bank, eh? This shows Egg for what they are, a bunch of incompetent losers who make their customers pay for the bank's mistakes. Let Toymaker help you. throw the book at them. You can see my own thread on here, they had to write my whole debt off and I am sure you can do the same. Talk about Egg on face.
  7. Record them. Every phone call, email, etc, they always drop themselves in it at the end.
  8. alisindebt

    Egg - its no yoke

    The funniest part was that Egg took me the County Ciurty knowing I was abroad. When I found out I had the judgement set aside Then Egg sold tjhe debt to Crapquest!! Talk about crapping on people
  9. alisindebt

    Egg - its no yoke

    She calls her self in her emails, "Collections Administration Manager", which means she is one of many monkeys, but perhaps has a few lesser monkeys working under her. Basically,she is great to write to as she always abuses the collections laws and guidelines and gets angry, dropping herself right in it.
  10. alisindebt

    Egg - its no yoke

    Her direct dial telephone number was apparently released somewhere on the internet (she must have upset a lot of people) and she had large numbers of calls from collections agents, double glazing companies, insurance companies, etc and so her number has been removed from all CrapQuest sites and info.
  11. alisindebt

    Egg - its no yoke

    This is the Collection Manager's details: amcshane@capquestco.com Please feel free to contact her directly.
  12. alisindebt

    Egg - its no yoke

    Egg sold my credit card debt to crapquest. I did a prior dispute with the OC letter and they wrote off 4500 pounds-you can search ny thred on here. I had great fun stringing them along as i live broad. They even wrote me a letter claimiing I was really in the uk: I eventually put them out of their misery by reporting them to the Oft, TS; local mP, etc It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience doing it, although Anne McSHANE THEIR COLLECTIONS MANAGER DID NOT SHARE THE SAME VIEW AS ME FOR SOME REASON.
  13. Assuming that you disputed it from before the DCA bought it, then it should not have been passed on to them. Send them the OC prior dispute letter and stick to your guns. It is totally unlawful for a bank, such as Capital One, to pass the debt to a third party whilst it is in dispute.
  14. Congratulations! Unfortunately, the banks will try and put you off even when they are wrong. Then they wonder why we need forums like this to fight back.
  15. Congratulations Landy! I also reported somewhere else on here recently, I think MBNA successes, a PPI refund for 940 quid from an old Abbey/MBNA card dating back to around 2000, anyway MBNA had to pay the PPI amount, plus interest, plus 150 compensation and were forced to write a letter of apology for their (ahemmm) "oversight". Maybe we could all the same excuse next time we default, it was an "oversight". I also made a donation to CAG and encourage others to do also with successful claims. It costs you a lot less than if you had paid a lawyer and also provides a free service to those in dire straights.
  16. Personally, I got my PPI money back from Egg, after all the expected ceremonial shouting and kicking by them and refusals to pay initially. They sent me a sound file of the sales conversation with one of their sales agents in which I clearly stated that I worked abroad and so they eventually had to complain. However separately, I disputed the CCA enforceability. By the way, Egg cannot unilaterally call a dispute settled and "close" a complaint just because they say so. Keep the complaint going and that way, they cannot lawfully pass the account to third parties, such as DCAs.
  17. Hi Roy I am not sufficiently knowledgeable to comment on the specifics raised in this letter, although I am sure that you can look over your earlier arguments that the CCA is unenforceable and see if they still apply. However, it is certain that they cannot unilaterally say that the CCA is enforceable, it is up to the court to decide this. Accordingly, they cannot declare that the dispute is therefore resolved. You would have to agree with them for that to be the case. Therefore the case is still in dispute and on that basis they should not be threatening collections procedures, issuing a default, etc. They are unlawfully sending you this crap to try and scare you before court, if they even bother to turn up.
  18. I also have a card with Egg, actually I have three accounts. One was written off as Egg, after having the CCJ set aside by me when I was abroad, kindly sold the account to the lovely people at CapQuest. Funny Egg will even s*** on their own DCAs by selling an uncollectible debt. I played along with capQuest for a year, enjoying the international correspondence and lead a lady by the name of Anne McShane down the garden path for that time. Wonderful emails, she even wrote to me many times in one morning, breaking all the collections guidelines, and even sent one saying "please respond" about two minutes after the previous one. She must have been very frustrated, but that was my intention. She even sent me an email claiming that my letters were being sent from the UK, implying that somebody was fraudulently signing my name. I thanked her for putting her allegations in writing. Poor woman, I eventually put her out of her misery by sending her a prior dispute with the OC template letter, after which the account was written off. Sorry Anne, 10 thousand pounds was written off. I have two remaining accounts, not that I am particularity bothered about paying either, partly because I am abroad, partly because of the despicable way that Egg and their DCAs have behaved and partly because of the fact that the CCAs are both completely unenforceable.
  19. That is why they got fined millions for the dirty mis selling tricks with PPI. It's amazing that they still try it on. I suppose their new owners, ****iBank, think that breaking the law and ripping off the public is good business. I know that this sounds amazing, but when I worked abroad for part of the time, and notified Egg of this many times, they decided to withdraw my Egg credit card as I was "not in the UK" (read that as being, "you are not a profitable customer as you use the interest free offers and then pay your card off in full and now that Citibank have taken over they don't like customers like you, so you can ***" off"). They used this as an excuse to take me to the Northampton bulk county court, knowing that i was not around to defend. needless to say, once I had rumbled what they were up to i had the case judgement set aside. Even to this day, when i get my post forwarded to me from my old address, they still get various DCAs to write to me about the same debt. It's truly pathetic. I notice that there is a test case about their credit cards coming up soon, maybe June 4th and I truly hope that the judge takes them to the cleaners. Anyway, the moral of the story is that will play dirty with you, so please make sure that you keep writing, involve the FOS, etc and get every last penny of your money back. Any help that you need, we are always here for you.
  20. Congratulations! it just goes to show that you have to be confident and persistent, as all the banks will try anything to NOT pay. The same happened to me with the scabby Abbey. They point blank refused to pay out and even wrote to me, saying that it was out of the timescale for the FOS to become involved. I called their bluff and wrote to the FOS and sure enough, after a few months got a payout of nearly 1000 pounds, including interest and compensation. To anyone out there reading this, remember the banks will play dirty over these refunds, so stick to your guns and keep writing to them until they pay out.
  21. I meant to say here, not her!!
  22. OK, I hear it! But use a template letter from her and tell them that they cannot call. They have to write. That way they cannot call you, if they do, record it and send to the authorities.
  23. They cannot pass the debt to a third party if it is disputed. Look at the law.
  24. Hi again You have disputed the account with Egg for the reasons that gave i.e. unenforceable prescribed terms. Whether or not agree with your reasons, they cannot unilaterally cancel a dispute! You remain of your original view and therefore the account remains in dispute. Under these conditions, they cannot involve a third party debt collector and you should firmly refuse to deal with these Activ people or any other third party or DCA. I still dispute my account with Egg and yet they still attempted on 2 occasions to get DCAs to write. Both times, I sent the DCA a "prior dispute with the OC" letter and they both ran off. You should do the same. If Egg are so sure that they are correct then they should go to court to prove that the CCA is enforceable. I understand there is a test case on this soon, maybe June 4th. Egg wrote such bad CCAs in the days before 2005 or even 2007, that they are in serious trouble now the amount of disputes they have and they will lie and cheat to get cash out of you. This is the template. Just change to your own details and send it registered post, good luck! ACCOUNT IN DISPUTE Dear Sir/Madam, Your ref: Thank you for your letter of **DATE**, the contents of which are noted. I refer to my letter of **DATE** a copy of which is enclosed for your perusal and ease of reference. As holders of a Consumer Credit Licence you are obliged to comply with the Office of Fair Trading Guidelines on Debt Collection. I would therefore be obliged if you would provide me with an explanation as to why you are attempting to collect on an alleged debt which was disputed with **BANK ** prior to your first contact with me, and has yet to be resolved. As per OFT guidelines Section 2.8k "not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonably queried or disputed debt." Since this is considered an unfair practice and contrary to the OFT guidelines, you should consider this letter as a formal complaint, and provide me with a copy of your complaint resolution procedure. I also require you to confirm that you will now comply with the OFT guidelines, and will not attempt any further collection activity whilst the dispute is unresolved. Should you fail to provide me with the required undertaking within 7 days, I shall report your breach of the OFT guidelines to Trading Standards and the Financial Ombudsman Service. Take notice that I will not discuss this matter on the telephone, and all further communication must be in writing. Any further telephone calls will be perceived as harassment, and dealt with accordingly. I hope that you will enter into a sincere dialogue with me about this matter and I am writing this letter to you on the assumption that you would prefer to do this than merely respond with standard letters and leaflets. I would appreciate your due diligence in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you in writing. Yours faithfully Send them (the DCA) this template adjusted to your own needs:
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