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  1. Hi there, sorry to be a pain, however i've got one last question. I now have to cancel my claim with the small claims court after natwest paid up. Is this only possible by written letter? Regards, Ben
  2. Thankyou very much, all of you, for your help and advice.
  3. Ok, success! I got a cheque today for over £300! However, the letter with the cheque states that my particular of claim has no "reasonable grounds or cause of action against the bank" and that "payment will be made with no admission of liability and subject to your agreement not to court publicity, or disclose or refer to any third party, the background to this matter, and also keep the terms of this settlement strictly private and confidential." Well I guess i've just broken that, but should I leave it or do I need to get them to remove the terms? Thanks
  4. Right i'm back now......from looking at the FAQ's moneyclaim.org.uk seems to be the next course of action (especially since I said i'd take them to small claims court) Any idea of the costs involved? Cheers BTW Danmoz, had a great time away thanks, courtesy of the bank of mum and dad.....preferable to natwest any day, interest is a lot lower!
  5. Thanks very much for your advice Suzie, I had figured as much myself but its good to hear it from someone with a bit more experience!
  6. Well, i'd totted it all up and it came to £235, which may not seem a lot to some considering the amounts i've seen on here, but as a skint graduate i'll take what I can get. I sent them a preliminary letter and they responded with "we think these charges are acceptable sorry you are unhappy...etc" So I then sent them a recorded letter stating that unless that they refunded then i'd take them to small claims court. That will be 14 days ago tomorrow. I'm guessing you'll recommend I follow it through, but i'm going away for 6 weeks from September and was wondering what the deal was with how long such action takes, or whether I could and it'd be advisable to carry it out after I get back. Cheers! B
  7. Wow, that's fantastic as the claim is only (only!) £235. Thanks for the prompt reply, much appreciated! Ben
  8. I'm sending off a prelim letter today for my current account but I was also going to send one off to claim on my credit card. Are they different addresses? I'm only asking because they seem to be seperate depts, or maybe that's just because it takes 4 days to transfers from my current account online to my credit card to pay off! (What a [problem]) Cheers
  9. Hi there, i've recently recieved all statements for my student account since opening it four years ago. What occurred to me today however was that it may be possible to also claim charges for my natwest credit card which I have incurred this month. So I have two questions a) if I find out those charges, can I add it to the same claim? b) i've only had the card nine months or so, do you think I can ring up and ask them to tell me the charge dates? Thankyou PS - They took the £10 for admin!
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