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  1. hiya clemma how are u ive not been on for a while i heard on the radio tho good job is there any news on how this went
  2. well i was letter free today woooooo hoooooooo i wont get a refund on tv i took back as i stopped paying it i dont know if i can get any of my payments back that i had paid on it i dont think so liz i was told they will take u to court by the staff but then they are going to say that arnt they they also say to u they got targets to meet and if they dont they will lose there job and they wont be happy coz they have familys
  3. well well had 4 more letters today from bh one for a item i took back about 8 weeks ago they are still charing me for this they rung me yesterday 13 missed calls i had from them in the end i answered the phone and told them again not to ring me they sed they have been trying to ring my dad as he was one of my refs and then i got upset coz ive just lost my dad and they know this im going to see a brief now asi taped the call yesterday and its on there how nasty they were well lets see if i get any calls today mite go and get a new sim card today
  4. this is a joke now another 4 letters today from bh and get this 8 weeks ago i took a tv back coz i couldnt afford it anymore and they are still charging me or this i could now wallpaper my house with the letters i have got
  5. hiya i heard from cath today shes lovely ive spoke to pj thanks but could u pm me please
  6. im going to contact them they are not going to do this anymore i hope we can all do somthing
  7. surely theres some where we can go to tell our storys who can we get to help stopping them for good i am not going to take this from them they wont get another penny from me thats it now im on one they cant do this to other people we have to stop them
  8. thanks for taking the trouble to reply im going through hell at the mo i had a psp for my son from there and it got nicked off my pram so i went down and asked what can i do i had to make a claim on my d l c they ended the psp and they also got paid out again through insurance so they got paid twice for this i never got a penny bk for what i had paid i have been with them 9 years and never had any problems till last nov when hubby lost his job
  9. that is so wrong how dare they im also a bh customer who wishes she never went there i got in to trouble last year with them when i got pregnant i had spd i couldnt get about my husband lost a job and i couldnt pay they were lovely at first then became very nasty hubby then got another job started paying again but his hours got lowered and again we couldnt pay the day i was in labour they were saying sombody needed to get a payment down to them when i said i couldnt i was in labour they didnt care they sed my hubby could take it down thats great aint it miss the birth of his baby now hubby has lost his job again and things have just got worse they are now telling me if i dont pay by 14 o4 09 they are taking me to court im so scared to answer my phone im now having a cancer scare and i dont need this ive asked them to lower my payments but they wont please help me i dont know where to turn next i am so depressed i took out insureance with them and the tv i got from them i knocked it off the stand it wasnt my fault and i asked if i was covered and they sed no just 3rd party fire and theft and my son broke my hifi and they have sed he ment to do it and he never we are living on 100 pound per week at the mo coz they havnt sorted hubbys jsa out and thats for me hubby and 2 kids we just about do it ive already given a tv back 6 weeks ago coz i couldnt pay and i had paid 18 months off this can i get any money back for this tv what i have paid
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