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  1. So after finding out this info yesterday i called the FSCS regarding my clain and the best way to tackle it I was told to call Welcome Finance on a number that is actually given on there recorded message. When i spoke to a lady i was told that she will take all my details and put me on the list, then within the next few weeks the forms will be sent out. She said they would be in batches as there are so many, but i am in the first batch to be sent out..... (now that itself seems pretty far fetched from Welcome) So i gave them my details and all i can do is wait i suppose?
  2. Can i claim back any fees charged for phonecalls from Welcome? I am currently looking at reclaiming my PPI then aiming to get the judgement set aside. Any info is Welcome (excuse the pun)
  3. Sounds like good news! I have recently been trying to initiate my claim back for PPi from Welcome who have totally ignored me, i have also asked for all default letters ready to try and get my judgement set aside. Does anyone know who i should contact now? The FSCS? Thanks guys n gals
  4. Hi again, I hope to have some more luck with this question. My agreement was signed with PPI by me 17 May 2007 The agreement was signed by a Welcome Rep on the 31 May 2007 Is this right? Thanks
  5. Hi everyone! I have posted last year but never really advanced. But i am ready to go further if any of you guys can give me advice wether or not i should and of course the best route to tackle this. I took out a loan for £2000 I was charged £978.63 for insurances which included PPI and Personal Accident Plan I never asked for these and was told that they were needed to get the loan. So i signed and took it, i needed the money. After a few payments i messed up - Yes i borrowed but burried my head and mised payments. It eneded up that i got a county court judgement - I pay £30 per month direct from my wages. Since reading CAG and all its wonderfull pages, i am really want to press for some money back. I have got a SAR which included heaps of capitalisation, lots of telephone call fees of different amounts and a skip search fee. I have sent a letter to them last year regarding my PPI and Insurances and I have not recieved any reply. I have since sent another letter regarding any default letters they have said they sent to me. After 28 days and still no response. My question to you guys is that is Is this enough for me to go through the courts and get them to set aside (N1)? Where do i go from here? I look forward to your fantastic and well informed replies R x
  6. Hi Guys, been a busy year but i am ready to start my fight again! From my first letter to Welscum regarding my PPI they have failed to reply. So my question is, should i follow this up with another letter or just try to set aside and go to court? I am ready for it!
  7. Hi Everyone i hope you are well!! Anyway i took out HP on a car with these scoundrels a few years ago. If have ever been late i have been bombarbed with exsessive fees and in abundance. I tried to tackle these the other day and spoke to the infamous 'Rory' who again was a total prat! The heated conversation ended with me getting my agreement sent in the post to me for free. Looking over this i noticed that my 3yrs of statements i was being charged £30 for each late payment/letter etc. When my agreement arrived i had only signed to agree to £25 per letter/late charge. I have just come off the phone to a decent lady who agreed with me that i was correct and that i should forward my complaint. Could anyone please point me in the right direction and how best to write this letter! I would be very grateful of any advice Cheers guys n gals R
  8. Well that is fantastic news, and i am sure a lot of people on this site would be grateful of such! I am quite new to this but ready to take the fight to another level. Please could you answer me some straight forward questions to see if/how i progress this. So far I have taken out a loan. Not paid it off Got a CCJ Got attachment of earnings Still paying this monthly. I have, Requested CCA Recieved CCA Noticed PPI (which i remember being toold i must have but was not sure what it was) Noticed i had another insurance First letter sent requesting PPI refund. Where would you suggest i go form here? Kindest appreciation R:)
  9. Thats the dream!! I would love to have that happen, not sure if it would bpossible, but i can see your point and hope that there further advice on this.
  10. Brilliant Stuff Major! I did not go to court I have got a CCJ which i really dont want on my credit file!! I would fight to get this removed and i am not worries about the fee, i would rather pay to remove it than pay welcome. I have a current attachment which i only pay about £30 per month which is not a proplem, but i would love to take it all the way and get it removed I will be a test case dummy!
  11. Major Player, Thank you for your advice!! I was taken to court by Welcome and i refused again to pay, they put an attachment of earnings on me. I have sent off a letter that djwigster gave me, regarding my PPI I am awaiting response. Is there anything else that i could do?
  12. A few years ago i had a car repossessed. Silly but unfortunate also. I am currently paying a CCJ and i know that this will be on my crtedit file for some time. Questions to the Experts. When the car was taken and then sold on, is there a procedure that ensures the car is not sold below market value? I feel the debt i am paying is because the car was sold a lot less than it was worth. Can i do anything about this or am i clutching at straws? R:)
  13. Brilliant, i will send the letter from djwigster today, thanks for your advice Ozzy much appreciated. If you can give me any more pointers on some of the other points in my thread that would be great!! Thanks again
  14. Hi there, Joining in your thread, i am just about to start applying for my CCJ to be set aside, i have been mis-sold PPI and accident insurance. Would this document benefit me? How wold i get hold of it? Cheers
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