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Everything posted by killer-heels

  1. Hi, no definately not a student (wish I still was though!) lol. I have posted the auction number so you can see its genuine I have today sent a letter as advised on here, so now just got to wait..... Jx
  2. Hi, what does a student question mean? if it helps anyone, the item number is 200316114368. I really appreciate all the help from everyone, its really nice to have the support and opinions. Jx
  3. Car is ex police car, all I can see from the MOT and log book is that there is one prev owner which is Northumbia Police, guy I bought the car from bought it on 2nd December, the MOT is dated 1st December. I can only assume that the damage has been done since its MOT, as I mention he is a rally driver, so I guess not suprising that he may have been rallying in it (its a 2.5 V6). Jx
  4. Have had email from the seller:- Our solicitor advises that, as you test drove the vehicle, there is no case to answer. The offer of £80 still stands until 17th March but you will be required to sign a receipt in full and final settlement. Never buying a car on my own again!!
  5. Thanks, will follow advice, I really appreciate it. Just one further query as I can get an MOT booked for about £20, and that will give me all the mechanical issues, BUT car has current MOT until December, so if it fails a new one (which it will) will in invalidate the current MOT? Many Thanks, Jx
  6. Hi, thanks for the reply. I do have his address and he definately didn't sell it as a business sale, he is an antique dealer. The car was his son's who is a rally entheusiast, so surely knows something about cars. I have been in touch with him, and he advises that the car is sold as seen - buyer beware. The problem I have is I spent everything I had on the car, and cant afford to get reports etc done on it, but desperately need it safely on the road to get little one to school and back, I have used it the past few days (driving incredibly slowly) to get him to school, and then parking it up (littles ones dad collects him from school) I have read that is may also be illegal to sell an unroadworthy car?? Am I able to post the ebay item number (it was a buy it now and not an auction)?? Thanks again Jx
  7. Hi, I recently bought a car from ebay from a man that although is a business is not a motor dealer. The car is described as "mechanically sound, with no knocks or rattles etc and has been well maintained, feels like a new car" However the car has major steering issues needing a new sterring column and rack, and new drive shafts and CV joints. I asked the seller when I bought the car if it was OK as I needed it to get my 6yr old to school and back and he assured me the car is "straight" I have contacted the seller to say I am unhappy and he has offered to refund me £80! (the car was £1000). The advert states that a full or partial refund will be given within 14 days if goods are not as decribed. I have also looked on the internet and it seems to imply that when a car is bought privately, it is reasonable to assume the car will pass an MOT unless its being sold as scrap, aside from the mechanical issues, the car would not pass an MOT due to excessive chips on the winscreen and front lights (the owner is a rally entheusiast and I guess had been rallying the car) The car is advertised as body condition being poor, where as it is worse than poor, it needs a full respray, and new bonnet bumper and 4 doors. The seller ensured the car was absolutely filthy when collected, thus hiding most of the damage. Finally the ad also states that he is selling the car as he only bought it whilst his was off the road, and now no longer needs it, this isnt the case, he infact went and bought another car immediately after selling this as he had no car! As it is reasonable to expect a rally driver to have some knowledge of cars, and car not as described, do I have any comeback? I dont have the money to get the car inspected or to repair it so am in a bit of a mess! Yes I know, stupid me for buying a dirty car in dim light!! Any advice would really be appreciated. Jx
  8. Fantastic thanks - have sent a letter saying just that. Have had notice from the courts that the case has now been transferred to my local court, along with an Allocation Questionaire and request for £100 fee. Do I send this straight in, ot do I wait until just before the deadline to see what Cobbetts come back with?
  9. Have this morning received the defence - along with a request for further information - all in legal speak and so makes very little sense (apart from where they want a complete breakdown of the ammount claimed) - it also mentions CPR Part 18. Do I just send them a breakdown of the charges? Any idea what happens then? I can see why they take this route, as when this long winded confusing document arrived on the doorstep it is very tempting to give up!
  10. Have today had notification from Northampton County Court that Cobbetts have filed an admission and intent to defend the whole claim (they filed on the 13th day) Is this normal - and just a stalling tactic - or am I going to be the unluckly one that goes all the way Have had no direct contact from the bank or Cobbetts throughout this whole process........ J x
  11. Well after months of arguing with Natwest over charges - finally this evening completed my moneyclaim application:o £3400 in charges in 24 months (£1200 of those this May!). I guess now is the time that the banking solicitors will be working flat out dealing with all the claims.......:grin: Found it difficult to get the particulars of claim into the moneyclaim site - so cut it down to the following - hope it's ok. 1. The Claimant has an account **-**-** ******** with the Defendant. 2. During the period in which the Account has been operating the Defendant debited numerous charges to the Account in respect of purported breaches of contract. 3. The Claimant contends that: a) The charges debited are not a genuine preestimate of cost incurred by the Defendant; exceed any alleged actual loss to the Defendant in respect of any breaches of contract and do not represent or relate to any alleged actual loss. b) The contractual provision that permits the Defendant to levy such charges is unenforceable by virtue of the Unfair Contract Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations (1999), the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the common law. 4. Accordingly the Claimant claims: a) the return of the amounts debited in respect of charges in the sum of £3,400.00.b) The claimant claims interest under section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 Will post any replies if and when they arrive
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