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  1. Many thanks for the information, and the advice!
  2. Yep thats true, however the last time I made a claim the other party insisted I was in the wrong and my insurance company (Direct Line at the time) refused to believe me and take the matter to court, despite the fact that photographic evidence of the damage to my vehicle clearly showed the other party's story to be a complete fallacy. Thanks for the reply though. That said, I can always pass the matter on to my insurer if the other guy doesn't want to settle, I'd just prefer to sort it out asap rather than wait months for it to go back and forth between insurance companies. Thanks for the info Rob S, any idea how I go about getting it? email, phone etc? All I gave him was my name, land line number and the name of my insurer, would I be liable too? He was pretty agitated and I didn't feel like asking him for more of his info in case he punched me on the nose!
  3. I recently was involved in an car accident, with the other driver running into the back of me when I stopped suddenly. The guy was pretty angry, considering he was at fault, and only gave me his name and the licence plate on the car. I really don't want to lose my no-claims bonus, and I doubt he does either, so my question is, can I find out his contact information from the DVLA so I can sort it out with him without involving the insurance companies? I know (from movies) that you can obtain driver information from the DMV in the US, can you do it here? Thanks for any and all advice JonwUk
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