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Everything posted by kateJ84

  1. i would say since u pay half the rent for just urself and she get to pay half the rent for her and her son which constitutes as two people if she is going to play this game then the rent must be split three ways and she must covers her sons part as he is living on the property. If she cannot behave like a mature adult then do it via writing if she wont sit down and talk with you and if she is storing items in the dining room she is then taking up three rooms as residence which was is more than the agreed two with common areas, move her stuff into the other living room and possibly ask the landlord for a lock request for this room and for your bedroom.
  2. Hi Just wanted a bit of advice we are moving out in a weeks time, our landlord has never given details that the deposit is held in a secure account nor is it mentioned in the contract (we moved in sep 07) he also has been away in new zealand since we gave notice and hasnt left anyone in charge of the properties even though he has an office and holiday home business no-one has been able to give us any information of where the deposit is. Also he did not do an inventory nor provide one to us when we moved in and there is nothing in the contract about doing one when leaving can he withhold the deposit in anyway? There are several things that need repairing which i have contacted him about several times but he has never come to fix them, and they had new windows installed and the people who did them botched it and damaged walls etc which he came to see and i left him a three page letter as to what needed doing and what they had done.. which i found ripped up in my bin when i got home (very professional hey.) Also I believe they have now returned from NZ this week but I have yet been able to contact them and they have not acknowledged our letter of notice, even though they were out of the country do thehy have to honour the date i sent it? Any info to help would be great!
  3. they are in full right to do this.. it is a legally binding contract which you have agreed to pay and if they see straight out you cannot pay then they are under no obligation to provide a service to you which you will not be able to pay but are legally allowed to ask for the basic line rental for the full duration of the contract!
  4. if she rings orange and would like to move over to dolphin 35 which would offer her a lot more minutes and unlimited texts (though capped at 3000 i think in the fair usage policy) usually during a contract u can change what package ur on.. usually they will let u do this a bit more willingly if ur going for a higher package but in the long run she will save money!! my husband works for orange in the store and has to deal with this a lot.. if u r upgrading or taking out a new plan do not do it over the phone they are the most unhelpful people even the store staff hate them plus if u order it online or from the callcentre the store cannot deal with the complaint as they just have to ring customer services for u which u can do at home!! if u need any more info i can get my husband to explain things better!
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