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Everything posted by bobdauilda

  1. Bigdebtor what exactly are you referring to when you say 'unfair charges' and associated contractual interest? Is that just the late payment fees etc with interest on them or does the interest refer to the entire debt? Also why do you advise asking for the SAR before a CCA? TIA
  2. Does anyone know if the creditors can just perform random searches on your credit reference file without informing you? I have discovered two such instances in consecutive months on my file from a mysterious Team NA and is classed as administration review. I have no idea who these people are or who they work for. Any ideas?
  3. One CC has written back saying that they will consider writing off a significant proportion of the debt owed but would register this as a partial settlement only and it would stay for 6 years. Is there any way to negotiate this to be registered as satisfied in full? I know some people have managed this on here but not sure how exactly. The annoying thing is that I have more than paid the original debt in interest payments over the past 5years but they have pushed me too far this time by ignoring my requests for help and negotiations. I also suspect the CCA from 1994 is unenforceable so I may as well go for broke if they are going to screw me for 6years anyway.
  4. Thanks but if emails can be submitted as evidence then why bother putting their email addie in the spam filter? Or is snailmail still the best option?
  5. I have written to my creditors asking for all telephone communication to cease and to only use written communications regarding the debt. They persist in telephoning me several times daily but have now sent me an email saying that I need to reply to grant them permission to do this. Something about compliance with the data protection act. My question is- should I do this and is it acceptable as electronic evidence of my cooperation should it be required in the future or just stick with Royal Snail Mail? Thanks
  6. Thanks Dotty, I will keep searching the threads for answers.
  7. thanks dotty- when you sent the cca did you also do the subject access request too? I am confused on whether you send just the cca first or the both together. What is a PPI- is it payment protection insurance?
  8. andie thank you so much for your kind help, it's given me renewed hope that I have a chance of sorting the creditors out! With respect to the ones who wrote back saying you still owed did you then quote the case law at them? If so do you have the template letter that you sent?
  9. Andie sorry to labour the point but did any of them come back to you in disagreement with their acceptance of the payment? ie did you then have to write several letters quoting the case law that you have found in your defence or did they just roll over straightaway?
  10. Dotty- have you had any defaults yet? Are you planning on doing an F&F offer or CCA request?
  11. Best of luck Fred- I too am doing the same as you and will update accordingly. PS can anyone clarify the whole how to go about checking the CCA and Subject Access request (really confused about the SAR- does this need to be done at the same time?)
  12. Perhaps the size of the sum owed is more relevant in their decision and not the percentage? 35% of a £1000 is only £350 therefore the £650 loss is not worth the hassle of pursuing from the CCC viewpoint. Whereas 35% of £10k is £3500 therefore it is worth pursuing for the £6500 via the courts? Just a thought.....
  13. Thanks so this letter was sent from your mother/her address to your creditors on your behalf. Didn't you include your address too or is just your name and account number sufficient? Did you try this with any other companies or just the two you mentioned ie a 100% success rate in your experience thus far....?
  14. Thanks it all sounds too good to be true! Maybe you are just lucky!?! Did you just write to the customer services department with the offers? I am in the situation that I have not been in default with any of my creditors but now through not being able to work due to injury I will soon be unable to make the monthly payments. I owe 60k on credit cards/loans and parents have offered a lump sum to me to try and get rid of the debts but I want to try a F&F without my credit ref file getting damaged. Do you think this is possible? Has anyone tried this without being in default or starting reduced payments?
  15. I am in the situation that I have not been in default with any of my creditors but now through not being able to work due to injury I will soon be unable to make the monthly payments. I owe 60k on credit cards/loans and parents have offered a lump sum to me to try and get rid of the debts but I want to try a F&F without my credit ref file getting damaged. Do you think this is possible? Has anyone tried this without being in default or starting reduced payments?
  16. Thanks. Auggloop- were you already on a dmp with them or in default? Did they mark your credit file as settled in full with no penalties? how did you get them to offer such low figures? Is there a template letter for F&Fs anywhere?
  17. I cannot find the Winston44 thread despite using the search facility. Can someone help please?
  18. Andie- one further question- had you already missed any payments on your loans cc debts before trying this? Just wondered if it was worth trying to do on any non-defaulted debts to clear them?
  19. Thanks for this info, I was wondering if a parent (with the same surname) could be classed as a 'third party' to use?
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