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Everything posted by pucejuice

  1. Hi there, i had to register after seeing this thread, i brought a maple shaker kitchen from bq late 2003, within 18 mths we began to experience the delaminating problem, also the plinths and bottom of end panels were begining to swell, i guess from washing the floor (which i do very carefully as the floor is laminate and thats fine) in august 2005 i went to bq to complain about these faults, they could'nt care less and told me they no longer used that supplier so could do nothing, but as a gesture would give me 10% off a new kitchen!!!!!!! i explained that was not good enough, and as we are doing up whole house could not afford a new kitchen, she went to the office and returned ten mins later to advise that when i could afford a new kitchen i could still have the discount........ I left. my kitchen in the time since has got worse, one plinth has split, and several base doors are swollen along the ridge as if they have been standing in water ( they have of course been cleaned, but only with a cloth, nowhere near the pasting my nans cupboards get). also the colour has really faded, and they now have a nice yellow tinge, and no the kitchen does not get loads of sun! anyway, to the point. i was in the store today looking at kitchens, as i will have to replace before i sell, and explained my problem to a member of staff who called another, who called another. I was advised that the level of service i had recived was appalling, that the maufactuer in question had gone bust, and that customers are still coming to complain and getting refunds (yippeee) all i need is my origianl receipt. i explained that due to time elapsed and the response when i had first complained i no longer have the receipt, but i did pay with finance so they should find a record. apparently thats to is tough, if i have receipt i get help, without i can take a hike, they do not keep records for more than 12 mths, and i need to prove purchase. i asked if i had kicked up a stink would i have got a refund, and was told yes. Im absolutely fuming, can anyone help? do i have any rights?
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