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  1. Hiya thanks for the reply, I dont suppose you could write down for me exactly what you did/are doing to get your money back, as in letters etc that you have sent.. I have got all my statements from them, I read on someone elses thread that you need all of these to start of with, Im just not sure what my next move would be.. Thanks in advance...
  2. Hi everyone, My first post so please be gentle ;-) I ordered some stuff from studio just before christmas, i was making all the payments and everything was fine, unfortunatley i was going through a bit of a rough patch with money and I was late making the last payment, which was only £11 and then my account would off been clear. When I saw that the late payment fee's were £20 I was shocked to say the least, that happened twice, so the balance ended up being 50 odd pounds.. Anyway, I have paid £33 of it off, and have a remaining £20 left to pay in 28 days... My question now is can I do a cca?? Can i get these extra payments back ?? I dont mind paying for the goods I recieved but I think £40 in late fees is shocking ... I hope someone could help advise me what would be my next step. Many thanks in advance
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