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Everything posted by Spamalot

  1. Phoenix/Marlin/ Mortimer Clarke...Always passing the buck won't answer a simple question like How much do you think I owe you or How much interest have you charged, and for giving 7 days to 'pay up or we'll take you to court' ultimatum and then court docs arriving 6 days later.....must be magic!!
  2. Have you tried this link? National Debtline England & Wales | Debt Advice | Factsheet 08 Reducing Payments Or Suspending A Bailiffs Warrant On A County Court Judgment It Might be helpful.
  3. Is it at all significant that The letter from MC to inform me that I had to pay the full outstanding balance within 7 days or they'd take me to court was dated 21.11.08 (FRI) therefore the earliest I would have received it would be Sat 22nd and the court papers landed on my doorstep exactly 7 days later on Sat 29.11.08?
  4. Phoenix were assigned the debt in May 2008 and they in turn appointed Marlin Financial services to 'administer' the account. CCJ states that Phoenix are the claimants and monies are to be paid to Mortimer Clarke Solicitors ( same address as Marlin) who were the 'solicitors' who informed me that Phoenix were seeking a court order. Either way it all seems designed to give people the runaround and confuse them into submission.
  5. I have hunted high and low and I don't seem to have a copy of the POC. Where would I get this from? I remember ( I THINK?) it being attached to the N245 but I think it went back to MC with my admittance...not sure...I was in a bit of a fog at the time working nights to earn extra dosh to pay debts ,Christmas coming, rowing kids etc.etc How would I go about getting a copy of this? Would I have to request it from the court or add it to my SAR to Phoenix/Marlin? My intention is to SAR HFC, (the OC) and Phoenix (They are named as Claimants on CCJ but as the account is being administered by Marlin should I send the paperwork to them?) I'm a tad confused More advice please from you fantastic people out there.....
  6. Just checked my Experian report and I found it a bit confusing. says....HFC Default balance £9966....current £8613.... Marlin Default £9966.....current £8384. Same debt different balances....appreciate the difference may be where I have been making payments to Marlin since the debt was assigned BUT Why is the same debt on there twice and why does it say I've defaulted to Marlin when I've never received a default notice from them? Report looks like I've got two different debts defaulted on when it's the same one!!! Expert help here please
  7. Just to add...Wrote to MC over 2 weeks ago requesting FULL BREAKDOWN of payments received, interest and charges accrued since they wrote to me in November informing me of their intention to secure a charging order and also a current balance. Reason being, having kept up my payments I was suspicious that by the time the judgement was granted it was for more than they were due. (This was prior to me finding this site so guess what....I signed the letter!!!!) The upshot is they actually replied yesterday giving me a list of what I'd paid and nothing else!!!!!!!!! So I still really don't have a true position of my debt. Will sort out sars at the weekend. Thanks again for allyour advice guys...R&B,FG.
  8. I'm so green and ignorant I shouldn't be allowed out of the house!! Ok ,FG, what is a POC? I'm assuming OC is original creditor and therefore I should send my SAR to HFC? What, exactly, should I request that will give me as much information as I need to see if I have a case to set aside and or settle the 'adding of interest' question? Also, I have not had any 'statements' of my account stating payments, interest balance etc. since HFC sold the debt to Phoenix. Where would I go to get that info? Having let my DMC manage my affairs I just blindly paid every month and discovered I 'owed' more than I thought I did when the N245 came through the post. Yes I know...in hindsight, and with the info I have now I should have disputed it then but like I said I'm a cabbage. All help and advice gratefully received.
  9. Thanks to hammyhound, mo and foolishgirl for advice so far. Without your help I probably would have accepted what MC said and ended up paying more than they were entitled to without questioning it...which is what I suspect they were hoping for! I may have misled in my original thread about charging order as that is what they were going for but as far as I know and understand they didn't get . The judgement as far as I can see is just to pay them back the amount owed in in the agreed instalments. (which is what I was doing in the first place so all this business has done is added court costs to my debt and a ccj to my name. . And as far as I can see they can only apply for a charging order on my property if I default on my agreed payments. Anyhoo, I have sent a request for the cca and deed of assignment to MC and I'm hoping they will either adhere to the request or at least tell me who to go to if it's not them.....trying to save myself a few bob on postal orders and postage here. Now I need more advice....as the statement that MC were going to be charging interest at 8% was verbal and over the telephone should I wait to see if they try this after I've finished paying off the amount owed as stated in the ccj (in about 4 years time)or should I try and get it in writing and then dispute it?? Anyone help with this one. Once again thanks again for help so far...the links and advice have given me hope..
  10. So, I'm applying for copy of CCA and deed of assignment to see if I can sort out the interest they believe they are entitled to but who do I send it to???? Original debt was to HFC/Marbles Assigned to Phoenix Recoveries Luxembourg. Administered by Marlin Financial Services, Payments on CCJ to Mortimer Clarke Solicitors...... Where the cripes do I send my letter??????
  11. Having read the link from HH and the post on assignments it seems I could have something to fight here. As the CCJ has already been issued and I admitted the debt, is it too late? I admitted that I owe the money but my contract was with Marbles/HFC and although I was informed that my debt was being assigned to Phoenix recoveries I did not get a copy of the assignment...is ignorance an excuse to ask for a second chance of a fight to clear my name? Any help and advice would be great as I do feel I've been kneecapped by Marlin with all their threats and If possible I'd love to do something about it and stand up for myself.
  12. Dear HH Thank you for your reply.. I have checked out the link and it is very informative.... With regards to defaults etc this is what I have. 1)8.1.07 Letter from HFC stating they will send default letter 2) 12.3.07 Letter from HFC stating they were reviewing my account but weren't happy with me using debt management company. 3) 22.6.07 Default notice 4) 14.3.08 Another default notice. 5) 24.6.08 Letter from Marlin stating Notice of assignment from HFC to Phoenix Recoveries 6) 28.8.09 Letter from Marlin to contact them immediately to arrange payments. 7) 24.10.08 Letter stating been in touch with land registry and intend to apply for Charging order on my property. 8) Letter from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors asking for full payment or they will issue a claim where I will be liable for a court fee and interest may also accrue. 9) 1.12.2008 N245 received...sent to debt management company who filled in details then returned it to me for signing...this returned to Mortimer Clarke. 10) CCJ Received. Throughout the whole 2 years I have made regular payments and not defaulted on the arrangements made via my debt management company. This is all the information I have.
  13. Hi, Sorry can't offer you any help but just to let you know I also am having problems with HFC/Marlin etc and CCJ's with 8% interest...if I can find anything out I will let you know!!
  14. Can any one advise me please! My financial difficulties forced me to make payment arrangements with several credit card companys a couple of years ago and all but one were very reasonable. The account I had with Marbles/HFC made it very difficult for me but they eventually agreed an arrangement to reduce payments and freeze interest. After a short while they passed the debt on and to cut a long story short it is now owned by Marlin Financial/Mortimer Clarke. Despite keeping up the payments they informed me they were applying for a charging order on my property and last month I received a CCJ for the amount owing, plus charges and an acceptance of my payment offer. The small print at the bottom of the CCJ states that if judgement is for £5000 or more (which unfortunately it is) or is in respect of a debt that attracts contractural or statuary interest for late payment the claimant may be entitled to further interest. Having contacted Mortimer Clarke by phone they have stated that they intend to charge me 8% interest. There is no mention of interest being awarded on my judgement, it just states the total amount owed and the amount of instalments. I have not received any statements on this account for well over a year and despite my contacting them by phone, letter and email they either ignore my requests or tell me they haven't got the information at the moment. I tried contacting the court where the CCJ was issued but they couldn't help me either! Does anybody know if this means that I only have to pay interest if my payments are late or whether I have to pay interest on the full total owing each month. And should I be liable for interest if I haven't received anything in writing? I am getting so confused and trying to get to the bottom of this fiasco is like banging my head against a brick wall They can't even tell me exactly how much I owe!!!. Somebody help....Please:confused:
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