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  1. Oh gosh I don't even remember writing that! I was alot younger back then and I'm embarrassed to admit I buried my head in the sand and left it. I didn't hear anything for a long time and it was only in November last year that I started getting letters from a company called Marlin in response to the debt. I paid them a token payment of £10 at the time, but then their letters got more threatening and they started added "charges" onto the debt. It then got passed onto their "solicitors" and as mentioned I got a letter from Resolvecall a few weeks ago saying they were now dealing with it. I do have other debts and these were managable but now that I've lost my job they won't be and I need to start writing letters to them asking to accept token payments whilst I'm out of work. A little bit more about this debt in question - I got a loan out with Northern Rock in 2007 over 5 years, can't remember exactly how much for. I ended up being out of work (story of my life) and wrote to them asking for help. I never heard anything from them. I ended up defaulting on the debt and subsequently have been chased by debt collectors ever since. Marlin (who passed the debt onto Resolvecall) seemed to think I owed them £10k (it was originally £7k but they whacked £3k of charges on top). As you can see I have been a bit of an idiot burying my head in the sand and hoping things would go away. Losing my job recently and being that little bit older and wiser (i was 24 and fresh out of uni thinking i was invinsible when I took out the loan back in 2007) I really do want to get my finances in order.
  2. Hi All, I was in the shower this morning when I missed a visit from a DCA called "Resolvecall". They had written to me a few weeks ago threatening a doorstep visit but I didn't think they actually would. You can imagine my surprise when I saw a brown envelope on the doormat this morning with my name handwritten on it. Postcard inside they "called today for the 1st time regarding your account" with a ref number and number to call (an 0844 one ). I'm currently living with my parents (due to job loss) so obviously this is causing me more stress and worry as I don't want them having to deal with these people. I'm not denying that I owe the debt (it was originally a Northern Rock loan taken out 7 years ago) but like I said I don't want to deal with these people in person or keep having them turn up on my parent's doorstep when the debt is nothing to do with them. I'd be grateful of any advice you could give me. Thankyou.
  3. I received a "Postcard" from a DCA on Saturday saying that a representative would be "calling" at my home within the next 3 days. The card was dated the 10th Sept, so I don't actually think they will be coming. Just trying to scare me I think. Is there a letter I can send them about this? I've already sent one about no phone contact. It's embarrassing getting these cards for all to see,obviously the intention, I do want to sort the debt out I have with them but receiving these things makes me very reluctant to do so! Thanks for the advice in advance
  4. I hope someone can help me out as I'm really confused and don't know where I stand. I'm not sure what my next course of action should be. I have/had a loan with Northern Rock, it got passed onto Eversheds "Solicitors" Got lots of threatening letters etc. Wrote to them to stop harrassing me by phone, which they did. Also I wrote to Northern Rock asking for help as I was experiencing financial difficulties (even though I'd told them this COUNTLESS times over the phone!), I also complained to them about their useage of Eversheds. Had NO RESPONSE from them. Letters from Eversheds stopped too. Anyway, 2 weeks ago I had a phonecall from someone at a company called PENINE (debt collectors), they wanted the full balance of my loan (£7810.90 ). Told them didn't have that kind of money and if I did wouldn't I have paid it off by now. Asked them to send me a Statement of Affairs form so could sort a payment plan. They said they would. THEY HAVEN'T. All I got was a letter last week stating that I had 72 hours from date of letter to pay up. Letter was dated 13th, I got it 15th... near on impossible to do. I digress...what I want to know is, who is my debt with? Northern Rock? Eversheds? Penine? I have no clue, woman I spoke to at Penine said that they'd had the debt passed on to them from Northern Rock. So does that mean Eversheds sent it back to NR? I really do want to start making payments on this as I really don't want a CCJ, but I'm very reluctant to pay a debt collection company as I don't trust them whatsoever. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks x
  5. Yep, I sent all letters (to NR and Eversheds) recorded. I stated in the letter to Eversheds that I was seeking help from NR for reduced payments etc. When I spoke to someone at Eversheds I did say to them I was in financial difficulties and was having a DMP drawn up by the CCCS. They weren't very understanding about it, told me "if you had no intention of paying the loan I shouldn't have got one" (!!). I told them that my other creditors had been very understanding with the matter and they said back to me that "they didn't work like that." IDIOTS!
  6. The last paragraph of the letter says... Failure to hear from you by 27 April 2009 will result in our seeking immediate instructions to proceed, with a view to obtaining a County Courty Judgement.
  7. Hi all, I posted on here a week or two ago about Eversheds Solictors, well I've had a response from them and I would like some advice please So, cut a long story short... I got behind with my payments on a Northern Rock Loan, I got a letter from Eversheds stating the debt had been passed on them and they were demanding full amount. Spoke to someone at Eversheds who was very rude and nasty (made me cry!). I told them I was currently seeking advice from the Consumer Credit Counselling Service. (They still weren't very understanding about my situation!) So I ended up writing a letter to them to stop phone contact (which they have done.) and I also wrote to them stating that I had written to NR about coming to some lower monthly payments (I'm unemployed at the mo ) etc. Today I received a letter from them stating that if they hadn't received a payment or heard from the CCCS by 27th April they would issue a CCJ against me or send baliffs to my home. (Which I find quite amusing as the bailiffs wouldn't be able to take anything as I'm currently residing at my parent's.Ha!). Anyway, what do you think I should do about this? Should I wait until I've received a response from Northern Rock? I sent the letters Recorded Delivery so I know that they got them if they come back with that they haven't received anything. Actually, the letters I sent to Eversheds were dated 17th April and the letter I got today was dated 20th April, so is just scare tactics?? Any advice would be gratefully received. I'm not going to let these idiots beat me
  8. thankyou all so very much for the advice, it really is a big help. I'm going to try and talk to my parent's about it tonight. they have been very good to me and are letting me live back at theirs whilst im job-hunting etc. I just don't want to stress them out. I think what's distressing me the most is the word "solicitors". I have googled them and realise now it's just a scare tactic. Still, it doesn't stop it from being scary Lol. I did say to them if I could afford to pay something I would, but it still wasn't good enough. On the upside I have just received a letter asking me to atten a job interview next week. Every cloud has a silver lining eh?
  9. Thanks for the advice, looks like my last remaining £18 will be reaching £17. Lol. Does anyone think it would be a good idea to ring Northern Rock though?
  10. My Northern Rock loan has got passed on to Eversheds Solicitors (are they really solicitors though) and I am so distressed about the situation!! I don't know who to turn to... I had a letter from Eversheds saying they wanted the full amount of the loan (£7900) by 2nd April. Everytime they rang about it I got a dead-line. Which immediately made me think they're not trustworthy. To confirm this when they rang on Friday it went something like... "Hello is that Carly? [as in me!]" "Who is this?" "Tell me if this is Carly and then I'll tell you who I am" "Urm, I think you must have the wrong number" "are you sure about that?" "Yes" "yeah right" and then they put the phone down. They have just rang me this morning and this time there was actually someone on the end of the line. They explained who they were and asked if I could make a payment. I explained to them that I couldn't and that I was currently in the process of setting up a Debt Management Plan. They kept going on and on saying how they were solicitors but that Northern Rock still own the debt as it's still at a "pre-legal" stage. I ended up crying down the phone at them as I really don't deal well with confrontation/stressful situations. I asked them if they could stop ringing the landline as it's my parent's line, I gave them my mobile number instead but the person I was speaking to said "if we can't get you on your new number we will go back to ringing the old one". They kept on and on at me to make some sort of payment, but I can't. I literally have no money. All I have is the £18 in my purse. I'm currently unemployed and I only started claiming JSA on 18th March, however due to a backlog I still haven't received any money. My question is should I ring Northern Rock about all this seeing as I've been told they still own the debt? I am so worried right now and I can't stop crying. They really have frightened me and I just don't know what to do. Please Help. I'm very distressed & confused!
  11. I hope someone can give me some advice... I have a loan with Northern Rock, but on Friday I got a letter from a company called Eversheds stating that the loan had been passed onto them and that I needed to pay £7900 by 2nd April I have been sick with worry ever since, especially because the letter threatens that debt collectors may come to the house if I don't pay up. It's not even my house, it's my parent's!! I lost my job in November and so my loan payments suffered because of this. I'd been making £30/£50 payments to NR instead and I thought they were aware of my financial situation. I've had no letters or calls from them to say that the debt had been passed on etc. I really don't know what to do. I don't want to deal with the debt collectors. I don't trust them. I had a call this morning and it was automated. "If you are Miss W press 1" which I did and the line went dead. I did 1471, but all I got was a dead line. I had a call again at lunchtime, but there was no-one there when I answered. Should I ring NR about it? I can offer to make them another small payment of £30. But until I'm working again I can't offer much more as I only have my Job Seeker's Allowance of £60.50 pw to live off at the moment. It's so distressing. I don't want to be in this situation. I want to be able to pay my debt. Please help. I'm very worried and the butterflies are so bad in my stomach it actually makes me want to be sick!
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