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  1. I brought a house during the better years, i had some difficulty during the credit crunch and couldnt pay the mortgage so moved out and rented the property. Turned out i rented to people who didnt want to pay me the rent or any bills. I fought tooth and nail to pay the mortgage working my full time day job and taking up a job in mcdonalds in the evening and security guard at night. Iv just managed to get rid of them, and turns out they didnt pay the council tax. The council came after me so i provided them all the agreements but they would not listen. They put a charging order on the property and today told me they were selling the house. I recieved no paperwork from them - despite my requests, nothing, and today when i was told they were putting the house up for sale i begged a friend to pay the debt 5k or so on his credit card which he did. But now i have started to wonder how 1) They can say they have an order to sell the house without my knowledge - several court orders were obtained against me according to the council 2) Why i am liable for the council tax even though i never lived there. I have requested all of the paperwork from the council but have not recieved it yet. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. Alisono What BMW have done to you is outrageous. You must seek justice, have you sent off to them for a full Subject Access Request? Their legal team is very ruthless and highly aggresive despite being a bunch of half witts. Who is representing you in court?
  3. No I havent approached the police, but I will most likely this week. In addition, BMW reposessed the vehicle even though I was willing to make payments in advance to the end of the contract and they did this illegally without issueing me with a default notice either. I actually have a solicitor fighting the case now as the default is heavily affecting my business. I will never buy BMW again
  4. I found out they forged my signiature on agreements for GAP Insurance and Tyre Protection insurance. They cancelled the policies when I said I hadnt asked for them but they didnt refund me any money as they said all the policies they issues are non refundable. What a load of rubbish. I told them the agreement was in dispute to which they did not agree, and messed up my credit file, then unlawfully reposessed the vehicle with no default notice. When they tried to take the car, I offered to make all payments to the end of the contract but they didnt accept and took the car anyway. Now they are after 4k, as they sold the car for next to nothing. When I took out the agreement they told me the car would have a ton of equity in it at the end of the contract, this was before the end of the contract and they sold it for even less. They have even put a default on my name. ******s
  5. Guys After 3 months I have finally recieved back the agreement from Barclays Select...I am not sure if this is unenforeable, but for the last 3 months I havent paid them out of protest that they did not send my CCA, they have still reported this on my credit file. Could you please look through this and add comments? Thanks
  6. Have you checked your credit rating sunshine? if its still there and the fact your not making payments on it is adversly affecting your credit rating I would push the issue.
  7. Really? So they are still keeping an account open with a debt...very interesting..
  8. Hi Sunshine I am planning to do the same, but am having trouble with the letter, could you advise us on what you put on your letter exactly or mind posting it as a template? B.
  9. Dear Fellow Victims Afew months ago I was snapped by a random photographer belonging to UKPC going into my office car park. Initially they wrote to me with a £95 fine stating that I had entered their land, when looking at the picture I hadnt entered their land, but merely stopped infront of it to allow another car to pass me before I entered my car park, I gave them photographic evidence to show that I had not put my car on their land. I wrote to them several times but they ignored my letters and passed on my case to the UK Search Limited a bailiff company. I wrote them stating the same but they ignore me, my last letter to them was the xxth of May, they failed to reply to the letter instead have people from the call centre phone my mobile constantly and write letters to me saying that a bailiff will be coming over. I wasted so much time writing to them, taking pictures and being on the phone, my company (whose office I was going to) sent them an invoice for the time they wasted of mine. 2 months after the letter, they have ignored the letter completely and said they arent going to enter into a paper war (which they already have by constantly sending me final demands and threats of a bailiff) by responding to my letters. Yesterday on the phone I catagorically told them they could not accept an instruction from UKPS when the ticket was in question, they didnt want to know, they told me my picture was grainy and black and white so I sent them another colour picture, to which I have recieved no response. They also told me half way through the phone call that the call was being recorded on their end...they arent allowed to do this are they? Im not going to be bullied into paying this fine. My company will rigourously be pursuing their invoice to UK Search Limited now, because of how much time of mine they have wasted. However what should I do now? as they wont drop this.... Advise appreciated.
  10. Awaiting his reply....I will as soon as I can post up all the nasties I have recieved from barclays Thanks for your help so far slick
  11. Hi Yes I did write to Mr. Varley, just got back the same old crap acknowledgment as when I wrote the complaints department
  12. 1. Is this about the Barclayselect Loan. - Loan, Overdraft and Select facility all called in now 2. Have you kept up repayments on it so far. - No payments were ever missed, never was any limit exceeded. 3. Have B's sent a termination notice or anything else apart from this letter. - Termination notices and letter to state select limit is cancelled 4. Can you post a copy of the letter. - Will do asap...
  13. I have an identical agreement to Sunshines ( http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/187149-barclays-select-agreement-ppi-2.html#post2055087 )and a week or so after requesting the agreement I have just got a letter telling me that the account is being shut down and that all monies must be repaid immediately....the letter is dated the 9th of July and says the account was shut down on the 7th of July... Can anyone help? What should I do? Shoould I write back saying the agreement is unenforceable?
  14. St Andrews are real crooks, they cancelled a fully paid policy I had just because I said I hadnt asked for it....FSA has been investigating since March but no one has got back to me yet...
  15. I have read on another post that I should take the party who put the CIFAS information on the file to court "Take it straight to the courts, bring a claim in the county against them for violation of principles 4 and 6 of the Data Protection Act. Claim compensation and distress damages + interest under section 13 of the Data Protection Act." Can anyone advise how I do this, again to sumamrise the position: 1) I sent HBOS an SAR - they said they had no data to give me despite putting a cat 4 cifas on my name - I wrote back stating that considering they have registered a CAT 4 CIFAS in my name they should comply with this 2) I raised an official complaint to HBOS giving them 28 days to investigate the matter - No response has been given and their deadline has lapsed more then 4 weeks ago I am unable to do anything with the CIFAS problem on my file so really need to sort this out, any help would be much appreciated.[/font]
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