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Everything posted by tonyf333

  1. because its been assigned by halifax ? does this make it enforcable? in other words can they take me to court .
  2. realy how have they got it then , or are they just trying there luck.
  3. when they sold the house they did get in touch with us through a letter telling us there was a shortfall but were were out of work at the time so they said for now we will not pursue it . i think we did get another letter a bout a year later but nothing after that ,till now with moorcroft , does the fact that they did get in touch with us change anything .
  4. ive been reading that for mortgage shortfalls can be collectable for 12 years ?
  5. Hi guys just wondering if some one could give me a bit of advise , i had my home repossessed 9 years ago , there was a shortfall when they sold it at auction . They haven`t bothered us for 9 years (halifax) then today i got a letter from the halifax saying they have passed the debt on to moorcroft dept recovery , i don`t really know what to do, we have not acknowledged this debt . and cant afford £20,000. any advise would be help full.
  6. ive e-mailed sra (you can e-mail a complaint on there web site ,they regulate solicitors) telling them everthing, waiting to here from them ,thaks for the info . will let you know if anything happens.
  7. hi i dont know if anyone can help with some advice ,i have a ccj and i am paying it regulary i send a check to bryan carter solicitors as its them that took me to court (capital one card) the court exepted my offer of £5 a month ,and i have not missed a payment ,the last cheque was sent on the 28th feb the court paper work states that my payment should reach bryan carter by the 6th of every month so my payment has till this wednesday to get there . but to my horror i got a message from the office that bryan carter had rung asking me to get in touch and giving my ref number . they have my home adress and phone but have not attempted to reach me in anyway at home , this is obviously an attempt to show me up at work , any suggestions as what action if any i can take ..thanks
  8. thanks for the info and advice its all a help and very appreciated.
  9. if you are going to make yourself bankrupt can they take your car if you need it for work. dont know if im going to do this but just checking things out. the car is paid for and is only worth £2600, but i need to know if they can take it.
  10. ive already got a council house luckly my original morgage was taken over by bank of scotland then they were bought by halifax
  11. yes £2,000 early settlement charge , is it normal for them to leave it 8 month when no payments are being made .not asked for a redemption figure ,they sent a letter saying they would want 89k +charges .
  12. i cant afford to pay the fees to sell it . wish i could
  13. with costs i owe them 90k the house is only valued at 95k
  14. hi to cut a long story short , self employed cant afford morgage payments . so want my lender to repo the property . we have not been able to pay a penny since december last year all ive had is letters saying same in 15 days we are starting legal procedings , the month after the same but they never start legal procedings , ive already got a council house and were all settled . we just need them to do it so we can rebuild our lives . how long do they usually take to do this any advice or insite are welcome.
  15. theinsiderman. been following this and could not believe how quickly you turned to your true rude ,and insulting manner. your not here to help anyone just to see if you can pick any info up on any of us to use against us. i don`t think your a manager just a phone jocky on low wages . just go away and play with your phone.
  16. Hi all, right I sent a cca request to equidebt anyway gave them a month to send a sighed credit agreement none arrived so I sent the second letter to complain , so another month goes by then they send me 2 what they say are sighed credit agreements which I am certain they are not (both have different dates on and different amounts none have how much I have to repay and at what % and the biggest give away is both say EASY TO APPLY.) so I know they are applications for 2 different loans that I was turned down for , I know ive never had a loan from the original lender . Anyway what I need to know is what is my next step as equidebt say they are going to start collecting again on 1st July so threat o grams and phone calls again. Any letters or any suggestions welcome .
  17. just an update , we`ve decided to give the keys back , don`t know if this is the right thing to do but council says we will get the keys to our council home some time next week so will move in, then hand keys back .thanks for advice .
  18. The morgage is £85,000 + ARREARS £3000 house is valued at £97,000. after all the charges for selling it we would probably still owe money out , also i don`t know if they would charge the early repayment charges (they would be high ) so we are resighned to loosing it , luckly we have always stayed on the council rehousing list so when we knew things were going bad i started bidding for houses and we have just been offerd one we like ,so dont know the best thing to do with this . we do know there is no chance of us being able to pay the morgage payments .( we are self employed market traders me and the wife and with no one buying stuff its all gone tits up ) . thanks for the replys it helps to hear from others and listen to advise.
  19. Hi, ive missed about 5 months payments on my fixed rate morgage and owe about £3000 in arears (going up all the time with charges ) i cant afford the morgage any more and can be rehoused with the council ,the mc have not started repo procedures yet but cant be far off . we know we are going to lose it but are unsure what is the best way to go about it hand the keys back are move into the council house and leave them to repo it. any advice is wecome . just a thought after they sell it would we be better off going bankrupt .
  20. Lloyds have done the same to me , even admitted they have no sighed agreement on the phone . they take no notice of cca requests . now they have sent a letter from sechiari, clark & mitchell Lloyds solicitors if i dont pay up in 7 days going to take me to court ..
  21. i will wait to see if they follow it threw and see if i get a court date .
  22. they have told me they dont have a sighed agreement they dont have to keep them , you still have to pay .
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