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Everything posted by vespapx125

  1. Cheers I'm now discharged - October 2010 - the DCA's have gave up - I now have to phone them to have fun (latest is the fact they have not updated my credit file - letter time) I've learnt to live on cash, save up for stuff and have no access to credit - thats a very good thing - I've never had so much money - not being glib here but I didn't appreciate just how much I was paying out - my problem was once tied into a hp contract they wouldn't discuss repayment reductions - had to skin myself to try and meet them - the car/phone went back and relieved a massive pressure Not one person I've met knew (that's how many locals read the court notices in the local papers, don't worry about that) the ones I told didn't care, in fact a few offered to help me out - too late (luckilly) Until the creditors stick 'satisfied' or part satisfied I can't rebuild my credit I need to go for now but good luck
  2. It really doesn't read well - wonder why midwifery is under the BR rules equivellent of a Company Director - seems a bit harsh does that - for those who have no idea what we are on about I shall endevour to copy and paste: Midwifery Rules Disqualification from appointment as a member 5. A person is disqualified from appointment as a member of the Council if that person— (a) has at any time been convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or deception in the United Kingdom and the conviction is not a spent conviction; (b) has at any time been convicted of an offence in the United Kingdom, and— (i) the final outcome of the proceedings was a sentence of imprisonment or detention, and (ii) the conviction is not a spent conviction; © has at any time been removed— (i) from the office of charity trustee or trustee for a charity by an order made by the Charity Commissioners, the Charity Commission or the High Court on the grounds of any misconduct or mismanagement in the administration of the charity— (aa) for which the person was responsible or to which the person was privy, or (bb) which the person by their conduct contributed to or facilitated, or (ii) under— (aa) section 7 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990(5) (powers of Court of Session to deal with management of charities), or (bb) section 34(5)(e) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005(6) (powers of the Court of Session), from being concerned with the management or control of any body; (d) has at any time been removed from office as the chair, member, convenor or director of any public body on the grounds, in terms, that it was not in the interests of, or conducive to the good management of, that body that the person should continue to hold that office; (e) at any time has been adjudged bankrupt or sequestration of the person’s estate has been awarded, and— (i) the person has not been discharged, or (ii) the person is the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or an interim bankruptcy restrictions order under Schedule 4A to the Insolvency Act 1986(7) (bankruptcy restrictions order and undertaking); (f) has at any time made a composition or arrangement with, or granted a trust deed for, the person’s creditors and the person has not been discharged in respect of it; (g) is subject to— (i) a disqualification order or disqualification undertaking under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986(8), (ii) a disqualification order under Part II of the Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1986(9), (iii) a disqualification undertaking under the Company Directors Disqualification (Northern Ireland) Order 2002(10), or (iv) an order made under section 429(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986 (disabilities on revocation of a county court administration order); (h) has been included by— (i) the Independent Barring Board in a barred list (within the meaning of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006(11) or the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (Northern Ireland) Order 2007(12)), or (ii) the Scottish Ministers in the children’s list or the adults’ list (within the meaning of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007(13)); (i) has at any time been subject to any investigation or proceedings concerning the person’s fitness to practise by any licensing body, the final outcome of which was— (i) the person’s erasure from a register held by the licensing body or a decision that had the effect of preventing the person from practising the profession licensed or regulated by the licensing body, (ii) the person’s suspension from a register held by the licensing body, and that suspension has not been terminated, or (iii) a decision that had the effect of only allowing the person to practise that profession subject to conditions, and those conditions have not been lifted; (j) has at any time been subject to any investigation or proceedings concerning the person’s fitness to practise by the Council, or by any body that regulated registered nurses or registered midwives before the Council, in the course of which or where the final outcome has been that— (i) the person has been removed from or struck off the register (for a reason connected to the person’s fitness to practise), (ii) the person’s registration in the register has been suspended (including by an interim suspension order) and that suspension has not been terminated, (iii) the person’s registration in the register has been made conditional upon their compliance with any requirement (including an interim conditions of practice order) and that requirement has not been lifted, or (iv) the person’s registration in the register has been annotated by virtue of a caution order and that order is still in force; (k) has at any time been subject to any investigation or proceedings relating to an allegation that the person’s entry in the register was fraudulently procured, the final outcome of which was the removal of the person’s entry in the register; (l) is or has at any time been subject to any investigation or proceedings concerning the person’s fitness to practise by— (i) any licensing body, or (ii) the Council, and the Privy Council is satisfied that the person’s membership of the Council would be liable to undermine public confidence in the regulation of the nursing and midwifery professions; or (m) has at any time been convicted of an offence elsewhere than in the United Kingdom and the Privy Council is satisfied that the person’s membership of the Council would be liable to undermine public confidence in the regulation of the nursing and midwifery professions. I would seriously consider an alternative to BR reading this, I am no expert but I am sure there may well be others on here who may be able to read this in a more legal way - it just sounds very Draconian for a profession that has very little, if any, financial dealings I was a registered FDAP professional (Federation of Drug and Alcohol Practitioners) and I don't think we had these rules (I hope not anyway) but I've lapsed membership since coming into the public sector so will need to read the rules again if I decide to re-register Get yourself unionized and make enquiries with whoever you pay your subs to (as I said, I'm Unison) as I know there are some unions that offer free legal advice and low interest unsecured loans, whilst this is another debt perhaps debt consolidation to pay off majority of creditors may be a way forward (watch out for the high interest sharks who advertise on the telly), IVA or Debt Management Plan (Phone CCCS - Google them - Consumer Credit Counselling Service) they may be able to sort a payment plan out - failing that they are excellent resource for advice You can get a 60min free legal consultation at most solicitors - call some local ones - call your local Official Reciever's office - or the Consumer Helpline (the Government one - don't phone at 1755 as they want to burger off home and are not interested) Hope some of this helps - keep us informed will you? Gaz
  3. I'm a Tier 3 Drug Worker for the NHS - Surgery and Community based - had no problems - I think it's if you are involved in financial management (bank manager - loan consultant etc) but as silly said, just check the website - I'm Unison but not registered nurse (though thinking of doing my Psychatric Nursing Degree at end of IVA - Nurse Prescriber - next career development move - already got RCGP Part 1 Prescribing CD) I think, if I remember right, criminal convictions and incompetency are the only two areas they can hold you to account on - being sh*t with money isn't a crime (well, not any more) and when I went BR they never contacted my employer anyway, just wanted my wage slips (Moonbeaver Solicitors) to ensure I earned what I said and to check if the nil tax code was included yet (don't ask, I have no idea about that, it lasts until the end of the financial year or until you move jobs - I moved jobs 5 weeks after BR so nil tax code was defunct) Hope you get it sorted, as silly said - RCN/UNISON etc normally have advisors and perhaps a fund that you could apply to - not sure Cheers Gaz
  4. I think I stated that this was not for everyone and whilst I am happy (now) in my bankruptcy I did mention that I was unsure if I would have taken this route if I had more to lose... I don't think I was cavalier with money, 2 divorces means 2x starting again (furniture, white goods etc, deposits for flats etc) and that was my downfall - just get sorted and meet, marry and divorce another headcase -start again My ex's ended up with all my assets so when it came to the crunch and the big bad wolfs were banging on the door there was nowt left for them to take - I agree, easy for me, less easy for some others But, for me, getting the hounds called off meant more than getting out of debt
  5. Hi, been a while but thought I'd drop in and let you know how things went at mt BR hearing- Filled the SOA in wrong - woman at court helped me correct it - very helpful OR phone interview lasted about 45 minutes - very pleasant and helpful - told me after my essential living allowances would take 50% they have £230 and I have same left - result Got a new job, extra £8500 year, about £450 month extra, called OR, informed him, not bothered, told me just to keep paying £230 - better result - OR said he spends all day every day chasing people hiding assets, I didn't hide anything, was dead honest (well, as honest as one can be, obviously if the accepted rate, for example, is 40p per mile and your car costs you 30p a mile, you take the recommended allowance and don't put up a hullabaloo that you should only get 30p, you know what I mean, did the SOA based on current guidance) and the guy said as I had not tried to hide anything (didn't actually have anything!!!!), had not tried to skank the OR by claiming mad amounts and I didn't have any dodgy 'just sold to my 14 year old son - one 5 bedroomed house' he'd leave the IVA as is Got letter last Tuesday to tell me they (OR) considering early discharge - bigger result I cannot speak for everyone but getting those call centres off my back, stopping the threatening letters and, almost secondary, massivly reducing my debt was well worth the £500 - remember, I had nowt - no house, no car (was on HP and went back) no savings etc... so I had nowt to lose really... I empathise with anyone with a lot of assets - family home etc and I doubt you will have the same reaction to BR as me, but if you tough it out you may feel the benefits far sooner than you can imagine - not a nice thing to lose your home, however, you may be able to privately rent or go housing association and clear that massive debt - I don't know, never been in that situation - just trying to point out that whilst I feel I benefited from BR it may not suit everyone I was a member of another forum where I posted a similar (but less tactful) post about how I felt - I feel great, a massive weight has been removed from my shoulders - the BR process may seem daunting but the staff I encountered were great and helpful (more importantly - non-judgemental) - I feel FREE!!! and for the first time in 4 years I am looking forwards to Christmas (a cash one this year - no credit cards) and, most importantly I HAVE LEARNT MY LESSON!!!!! but I was absolutely crucified for saying this (as I said, I was less tactful - woohoo, all the bailiffs can kiss my @rse - SOA to the max - but I was just expressing how I now feel) I am NOT ASHAMED to be a BR - not a badge I wear prominently, but not one I hide either - I messed up - don't we all at some stage.. I'm rambling now - I found the experience humiliating at first, relief after the first couple of weeks and empowering now - I am not being harrassed, threatened or lied to by Debt Recovery Agencies and, when they do contact me I tell them to contact the OR then put the phone down... However - a bit of advice sought now.... Hutchinson 3G have refused to register with the OR as an interested creditor, keep sending me bills and threatening legal action - I sent them OR and BR details but, as yet, they haven't contacted the OR - what happens if they don't, can I produce my BR document at a court hearing (if it gets that far) and tell the judge I told them to contact OR? What would happen when I am discharged - could they try and take me to court or am I right in thinking debts before my BR date are inclusive (except usual - council tax and student loan?) in my BR? Any advice welcome
  6. I'm sound m8 - no beneficial interest in house, get to keep my Vespa and have an IPO of £230 month, which is excellent as just one of my loans was £250 month, my other one was £175, my car was £150, and my 2 credit cards was £120 so quids in.... Add to that a new job I got on Tuesday for an extra £6500 a year and I'm buzzing - OR was really nice and helpful, interview lasted about 50 minutes or so and was nowhere as bad as I feared
  7. Cheers mate, I've cobbed it all together as suggested - I only singled out the stuff that didn't fit the combined questions (haircuts, holiday, birthday) what's the worst he can do except lower or disallow? Anyway - submitted and printing now - the £175 will need to be excess once all is done and dusted but I am led to believe it is a reflection of your outgoing at the date of the hearing (in 8 hours now) so I'll alter it once they have taken it back... I'll discuss with the OR when he grills me... Is it the £500 tomorrow or just the deposit? Cheers Gaz Walker
  8. I've been sat 'tweeking' the SOA at the moment (as you do before you head to court) and I'll list it below if it's OK... Domestic Bills - Monthly (My name is only on Council Tax and Water Rates) split 50/50 with girlfriend... (her house, cash purchase, I didn't contribute - this isn't out of greed but she was ensuring when I moved in I would NEVER be able to claim a share should we split up, I've NEVER been allowed to contribute to decorating, the extension, any work, the purchase etc, bl@@dy lucky I didn't on reflection - we had a sort of verbal trust contract to this effect so no Beneficial Interest) Rent - £0 Mortgage - £0 Board - £0 Gas - £96 (The boiler was broken and last bill was £1100, Brit Gas refuse to accept any responsability even though they have been paid an extra fee to ensure they check boiler/pipes/radiators) Electric - £36 Water - £16 Council Tax - £66 Telephone (Landline) £50 inclusive (Sky Talk, Broadband Etc) Building and Contents Insurance - £39 TV Licence - £6 Total £309 month Transport & Work Expenses HP Car Payments (Disputed) £175 Petrol for work and domestic - £190 AA - £8 Service - 10 MOT - £5 Repairs - £10 Parking (Domestic) - £20 Insurance Installments £40 (Due to be restarted end of May with a new car) Food at work - £45 (£3 a day - chicken usually, not allowed bread, pasta etc) Total - £503 Personal Expenses Food - £160 (I'm 21 stone, was 24 and on a rather drastic reduced carb diet - all fresh meat and fish etc) Dog Food - 25 (my dog, sole responsability) Saving for vet visits - £10 Toiletries (razors, soap etc) - £10 Holiday (5 grown up kids and 2 grandkids) - £40 Birthdays - £15 Christmas - £15 Haircut - £10 Clothes - £50 Medical/Dentist - £25 (teeth missing, asthmatic etc) Cleaning products - £15 (washing powder, fabric conditioner etc - I have a dress code at work) Total - £375 Grand total - £1187 Deducted from wage leaves - £54
  9. Can I ask a daft question? I am in dispute with Ford credit - the car mashed the gearbox a week ago (also mashed the clutch, starter, aircon, diesel injectors a year ago) basically I have told them I am not paying for a car, less than 5 years old/60000 miles that has so many mechanical faults... should I include the £175 payment I make (HP) tomorrow as (technically) it hasn't been sorted out yet.. I also pay my insurance monthly, £40 is the usual, however, I have just cancelled the policy due to the car being cream crackered but plan to get a £300 scrapper on the 27th May, should I still include this payment as it is the only way I will be able to afford the payments My telephone includes the Sky package - sky talk, sky broadband and sky package - about £50 a month, I can't divvy it down as it comes as one package - any ideas (I have just put down £50 for telephone) My OH is disabled (spinal injury) I have a mobile incase she gets stuck (bath, outdoors, her mobility scooter is not the most reliable) would it be acceptable do you think (£40 a month with 3, if not, how do I get out of the 18 month contract) Does anyone know (roughly) what the upper and lower excess percentage is (I know over £100 is 50% but I'm sure it's sort of banded i.e. £100 - £299 etc) Cheers
  10. Bankruptcy tomorrow - Nottingham.... If I post my last attempt at my SOA will anyone give us a bit of advice? Cheers Gaz
  11. The money has been paid, I'm just worried that he might think I have been lording it up as I need to explain where £100 a week of may wages went from October 2008 to March 2009.. That's where.. Ohhh well....
  12. I am a pragmatist, I contact the police and become a social pariah, even lower down the scale than a nonce - as I said, the one thing you don't do where I live is grass - very unhealthy - better to chin him than grass him, less comeback and you can be forgiven for fighting back - as I said, the initial problem was that the debt run up by my son was, in street terms, a 'legitimate' debt and had to be paid.... You don't borrow of ****, you definately don't borrow off **** and not pay them back, legs get broken, houses burned down and you STILL owe the debt... He has learnt his lesson the hard way...
  13. Cheers... worried they would try and make me name the scabby b@st@rd of a loan shark, one thing you don't do where I live is grass.. regardless
  14. I was thinking of that, was on about mentioning seeing it on Watchdog a couple of months ago - as stated in letter was told was part of credit card process so never intended to ask where the charges came from but that they were sold to someone who was not eligible to claim in the first place (fixed term contract) as I was asked my employment status and told her I was not a perminant worker - she said nowt.... Gaz
  15. My son ended up £2500 in debt to a street loan shark, he was "double bubbling" the missed payments and had already given my lad a couple of hidings - the guy wanted £100 a week, my son (who is 19) couldn't pay as he only earns £120 working in a bar - got that bad that shark and 2 cronies arrived at his mum's (my ex) with a petrol can and threatened to burn the house down Ex on the dole - she couldn't pay so I ended up 'inheriting' the debt from my son - paid £100 a week for 25 weeks from my wages - cash until cleared his debt... If the OR asks how I squandered my wages I plan to tell him/her about this, will I need to take my son or will a letter do - obviously we are not going to name the loan shark as the house would be charred beyond recognition, there was no direct debit and the coppers were not involved... At the time my 'assets' could not get involved as this debt was seen as a legitimate debt and the fact both assets were 'still away', if you know what I mean.... Having been a wee bit of a torag in my younger years I had acrued some 'favours' when I was a doorman - to cut a long story short - yer man decided an 'incovienience fee' of £1000 would also be charged at £100 a week - didn't pay, me assets got released and yer man, after a personal re-negotiation decided the fee was unwarrented and called it quits - he no longer lends money by the way.... How do I broach this subject with the OR - wait until they ask or mention it from start? Can I refuse to name this social parasite as it will cause more aggro than a little if the coppers get involved? All suggestions greatly appreciated - my court hearing is May 6th
  16. Asked HSBC for confirmation that PPI had been completed correctly (it hadn't, as a worker on a fixed term 18 month contract I would not have been able to claim) as I wished to reclaim my payments - recieved first letter dated Jan and wrote back, recieved 2nd letter dated March 2009 - have written a letter (not posted yet) was wondering if any comments, bits to add, take out etc... For me, the most interesting parts in their letters is the admission they cannot find the paperwork - surely if I demamnded a true signed copy of my CCA they couldn't provide it anyway as the PPI bit was attached? And the fact "the bank would not etc..." yes they would and got fined £1mil - and a contributing factor to the fine? Not keeping records of PPI applications.... What do people think? PS Sorry about the documents - they open at 150% and are not the best scans I've ever done... Cheers anyways Gaz W PPI Refusal both letters001.pdf PPI refusal reply001.pdf
  17. Ha ha.... installed instant recall on my mobile, it automatically records all conversations whilst quietly beeping to let them know the software is running - got a call at 1130 - "eez that Gearry Rubert Valkeer" "ahh, good morning to you my fine Philipino friend, tis I, the very same named Gary Walker" "I am calling from HSBC bank" "Oh, are you really, do you work for the bank"? "Yees, I work for the bank" "What's your name again" "My name ees Luceeeee" "Lucy..... What" "Luceeee ********" (I couldn't make it out) "Lucy, so, you work for HSBC, how long have you been an employee of theirs?" "I weesh to talk to Meester Gearry Wakur" "Speaking, sorry, so, can you confirm for me, before I give you my details that you are an employee of HSBC?" "Yees, I am employee of HSBC bank" "So, Lucy, your not an employee of One Global Contact Services then?" "I am employee of HSBC bank, but I work for One Global" "So, you work for One Global and NOT HSBC bank?" "I work for both" "I forgot to mention, I am recording this conversation as I have an ongoing complaint about deception by your company and harassment by both One Global and HSBC, would you like to continue our conversation?" "Yeeeees, please hold one moment" Rung off - from 7 calls on a Saturday to just that one... Amazing - have her admitting to work for HSBC and then admitting to work for One Global (not, to my knowledge a subsiduary of HSBC) - Deception proven Software comes with printable log going back 120 days - 460 calls from their number logged in 12 weeks... Harassment proven Found letter and receipt for registered letter informing them in August to cease and desist harassing calls - proof of warning proven....
  18. We have alway's been 'financially independent' and have had nothing in joint names ever - only the biils that require to know who lives in house have my name on - council tax - the electric, gas etc are all in her name - I only contribute £100 a week towards my living costs and buy my own snap etc
  19. lol...... no seriously though, I have nowt I even did my SOA and it worked out I'd only have about £90 a month left (so hope to avoid the 3 year payback and get discharged in 12 months).... Though I suspect I might be stretching the SOA a bit, but one but try....
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