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  1. Hi Thanks for your advice. I have had 1 ticket on my car for being in a disabled bay for 4 mins, and when I phoned them they said they would wave it. Lies. The other 2 were for apparently parking outside of a bay in the red zone, whatever that is, but it definately wasnt me. I have not been able to find any clamping notices anywhere in the shopping centre I have attached some pictures below.
  2. Hi have you also had problems with these dodgy dealers.
  3. I have spoken to the Trading Standards and they were very interested but said If I need to find out who enforces the Law for this to be illegal. Quite a few people have told me what they did was illegal, but how can this be proved? If I can find this out they are looking forward to taking this on. I have also spoken to the SIA but they weren't interested as he's got a licence. They suggested I contact the clamper direct and discuss my concerns with him!!!!!!! I have had photographs taken of where I was parked, the small white pieces of paper stuck to posts with £100 notices of fines on them. I have also seen some signs regarding parking tickets now, but none were legable from the position where my car was parked. We looked everywhere around the car park, but could not find a clamping notice. According th the British Parking Aaaociation receipts should include operating company name, address, telephone number (land line); date and time of clamping, date and time of payment, a serial/reference number. None of these are on my receipt. It also states a Vat number should be on there as well. I rang the shopping centre again today to speak to the manager, I was told he will not speak to me without giving him my name, so I did, he then came back on the phone and told me he would not speak to me unless I gave him my phone number, which I didn't. I asked what was the name of the centre manager, he hesitated and then told me. I replied this was not the name of the person I spoke to on Monday. His name was Nick and he told me he was the manager. He then informed me I had been speaking to the duty manager of security. What a joke and a liar. I am going to see the manager tomorrow to get the CCTV footage. The Trading Standards have told me I am entitled to it under the Freedom of Information Act, so lets wait and see. I hope someone has an answer to my question above. Thank you
  4. Hi Bernie. Could you have a look at my thread please it's called PPC ROBBERS. Its the first time i've been on a forum and I've had some good advice from a couple of people but don't really know what to do to try and get my money back. Thank you
  5. How do I delete my message, I've put it on the wrong one. Thanks
  6. Thank you for all of your replies. In response to many of your points, firstly I must point out I was not parked in a disabled bay when they clamped me. I was in a normal bay at Castlepoint shopping centre Bournemouth. When I got a lift back to the shopping centre it was by someone who had cut a clamp off a few weeks earlier from the same centre. He was going to cut mine off for me but his car must have flagged up on the number plate vehicle registration recognition camera because by the time I got to the car as i've already mentioned had 7 men surrounding it. 1 clamper, 3 (i think) from Devere Parking Services ( the one's who put the apparent tickets on the car) and 3 security men from the shops. When I got to my car I opened the door and sat in the vehicle, from what I remember 5 of these me were stood at the front and side of my car just staring at me. The two at the front were just sniggering. Quite pathetic for grown men. All of this will be on the shopping centre's CCTV footage which I have asked the centre to keep as I intend to seek legal advice. I have also asked the centre to obtain the photograpic evidence that Devere Parking have for me, as I feel intimidated by them and am uneasy about giving them my address. After all it is the shopping centre who employ them to put the tickets on the cars. (they get a cut of the money, I've checked that out) They declined my request and said I can only get this from Devere and will have to submit my name and address to get the photos. Devere Parking do not hold a clamping licence so they have brought in a third party to do the clamping for them. The clamper told me he takes the money, £75 is for him and he then passes the £300 over to Devere as they do not have payment facilities to take it themselves. I have now found the address of Devere parking on the receipt I got from the clamper. There is no company registration number and no Vat number on this receipt, just a mobile mumber. There is a SAI number for the clamper, I have checked this out and he is licenced, but no address or contact number. I did not see the tow truck, but the clamper told me it was on site, It's a big car park, and at the time I believed what he told me. He also told me the police were on their way as I had told him I was going to stay in my car as they could not remove my car with me sat in it. This is when I caved in, by then I had had enough. I was quite shaken up by this experience, felt like I had been robbed and most definately felt intimidated, and this is even though I genuinely know nothing about two of the tickets they have robbed me for. One final point. Am I able to get a record from a mobile phone company regarding the a conversation I had with someone from Devere on their 'company' mobile phone who categorically stated the ticket for parking in the disabled bay for 4 minutes would be waved. Once again he has been found out to be a cheat and a liar. I still have not seen the photographic evidence for any of these so called tickets Any further help would be gratefully appreciated. Thank you
  7. Hi I wonder If anyone has some advice for me please. I received a ticket from a ppc and didn't pay it. I was parked for 4 minutes in a disabled bay in a shopping centre, when I returned a notice was on my car for £100. This week I went to the shopping centre and returned to my car, parked in a normal bay approx 20 mins later to find my car had been clamped. The clamper demanded £375 from me, stating I had 3 outstanding tickets against my vehicle so he wanted 3 x £100 for tickets and £75 to remove the clamp. I told him I had no recollection of 2 of the tickets, which were for apparently parking outside of a bay 15 and 17 months ago, and it wasnt me driving the car, and the ticket I had received for being in the disabled bay was waved as I had phoned them up to explain I had rushed in and out of the shop to pick up medicine. As much as I ranted and raved telling them the two tickets were nothing to do with me, they were obviously not bothered and were simply intent on extorting the money out of me. By now there were two people by my car, the clamper and some little weezle from the ppc. The ppc person told me I could see the photographic evidence within one hour once I had paid the £375. I walked home to get the money and was given a lift back. When I arrived there were seven men stood guard around my car, this was very intimidating. Seven men, one woman. The one who kept sniggering when demanding the money really wound me up, He kept saying, pay the money and you can have the photographs in an hour, so I got my mobile phone out and took a picture of him. It was quite funny to see him intimidated and run off like a frightened little boy. I told the others to f off and one by one they did. I then had no option, but to pay to get my car released as the tow truck was sat there waiting. I still have not received these photos as the ppc who run their business through a hotmail account, a mobile phone number, no company address or website, have insisted I give them my name and address, they will not release the photos without it. I have already felt humiliated and intimidated by seven men and now they want me to tell them where I live. I am going to go and see a solicitor, but wondered if anybody else has ever had anything like this happen to them before
  8. Hi I wonder If anyone has some advice for me please. I received a ticket from a ppc and didn't pay it. I was parked for 4 minutes in a disabled bay in a shopping centre, when I returned a notice was on my car for £100. This week I went to the shopping centre and returned to my car, parked in a normal bay approx 20 mins later to find my car had been clamped. The clamper demanded £375 from me, stating I had 3 outstanding tickets against my vehicle so he wanted 3 x £100 for tickets and £75 to remove the clamp. I told him I had no recollection of 2 of the tickets, which were for apparently parking outside of a bay 15 and 17 months ago, and it wasnt me driving the car, and the ticket I had received for being in the disabled bay was waved as I had phoned them up to explain I had rushed in and out of the shop to pick up medicine. As much as I ranted and raved telling them the two tickets were nothing to do with me, they were obviously not bothered and were simply intent on extorting the money out of me. By now there were two people by my car, the clamper and some little weezle from the ppc. The ppc person told me I could see the photographic evidence within one hour once I had paid the £375. I walked home to get the money and was given a lift back. When I arrived there were seven men stood guard around my car, this was very intimidating. Seven men, one woman. The one who kept sniggering when demanding the money really wound me up, He kept saying, pay the money and you can have the photographs in an hour, so I got my mobile phone out and took a picture of him. It was quite funny to see him intimidated and run off like a frightened little boy. I told the others to f off and one by one they did. I then had no option, but to pay to get my car released as the tow truck was sat there waiting. I still have not received these photos as the ppc who run their business through a hotmail account, a mobile phone number, no company address or website, have insisted I give them my name and address, they will not release the photos without it. I have already felt humiliated and intimidated by seven men and now they want me to tell them where I live. I am going to go and see a solicitor, but wondered if anybody else has ever had anything like this happen to them before.
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