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  1. Hi, well sent another letter saying seems you decided to stop communicating with me then i am now informing you that once the monies that have been paid back that eqauls the card bill, then i will cancel all direct debits, so basically you can go and whistle. sparky72.
  2. Hi all, really looking for some help here if anyone would like to discuss all advice greatfully received. Okay so after Halifax replying saying they cannot find the reconstituted version of the executed agreement. And that because they are unable to provide the original terms and conditions they will not seek to enforce the agreement ( even though it is only an application) I sent off a letter informing them that the account is now in dispute! They sent the following, “I can confirm that this represents the Banks final response and regrettably having considered all aspect of your complaint there is nothing further I can add. The Halifax will not enter into any further correspondence regarding this matter and as we have been unable to reach a mutual agreement, you could now refer to FOS” My point is now were do I go from here; I am still paying the monthly payments and have never missed any. My theory is that because there is no valid agreement then how can Halifax charge interest on something that has not been implemented correctly in the first place! In the next month I would have paid off the bill completely if it was not for such high interest. So I am thinking once I have paid the payment next month, Halifax would have had the money spent on the card less any interest as there is no agreement! Does anyone have any experience or what route to take next? Sparky72
  3. Hi all, decided to really get stuck into this now, been keeping payments all up to date, so no problems there, managed to get some money back through PPI. But no interest just payments i have made, FSO said no complaint to be held up about interest. So sent a letter off pointing out i only have a application form! and that the prescribed T&C's were not included,also offered a F&F of the total amount less what i have been paying. This morning I received a letter saying they cannot trace the reconstituted version of the executed agreement! See attachment of the lettter received. halifax reply.pdf halifax reply 2.pdf Any ideas which way to turn next? Do i put the account into dispute, will all interest be frozen, payments stop and credit file input be stopped? sparky72.
  4. Hi Kanana, sorry no replies at the moment, but after rumaging through old paperwork found original T&C's and they appear to be different from the one received in SAR. Hopefully someone could possibly give us a few pointers, as im am absolutley up the creek without a paddle. sparky72.
  5. Hi guys, sort of stuck at a cross roads now on what direction to take! Quick recap, 2 halifax visa card taking out 2000 and 2001, both have balances about £7500, one of the cards was with Halifax card protection, done all the sums and applied for this back with compound and statutory interest, received only payments made for every month, no compound interest or statutory interest received whatsoever. Second card had a sentinel card protection what amounted to a set payment every month of £15, Halifax say this was not PPI therefore not entitled to it. Been in touch with FOS and still awaiting their outcome. Basically they owe me about £4000.00 over both card with compound and statutory interest added, but received a cheque for £995.00 If you can take a look at my agreements I received after an SAR request on both cards, I was very surprised to receive these. If anyone can take a look and point me in the right direction. case1.pdf pdf8a.pdf I have been paying these cards now for three years and have never missed a payment at during the life of the cards. Reckoning up this over the last three years payments I have paid in interest £7000.00, and on the other £6000.00. I don’t want to miss any payments and receive defaults on my credit rating as hopefully going for a mortgage early next year. I am thinking of making them an offer of the remaining less what I have paid to see if there is any chance to clear these amicably. The debts would be paid off less all the payments already made. I suppose it all depends on my agreement enforceability. Thanks for taking time read.
  6. Can someone take a look at my previous input, and give us some idea? rather confused now!
  7. Hi all Okay, so now have applied to halifax for signed agreements!!!! Low and behold they found my originals !!!!!!!! and for each card, see following PDF's. If anyone take a look and check the possibility of these being un-enforcable agreements. 1st covering letter pdf1a.pdf 2nd covering letter pdf6a.pdf Agreement pdf8a.pdf agreement case1.pdf [ In these pdf's there are two covering letters and two credit agreements. If someone could take a look and clarify for me i would be grateful. Not sure what route to take next:confused::confused:. Although already have a case into FOS about claiming PPI back and not receiving correct amount:D but have to wait and see because huge amount of complaints at the moment.i wonder why???????????? cheers sparky72.
  8. Hi Dotty, thanks for that removed it until i can get new scan up. The answer to your question is no, i received a cheque for 986.00 and that is it. no compound interest added no simple interest whatsoever. this was on a letter received CBR 000000 986.09 APR refund -£22.68 (dont know where this has come from) so they have taken one from another to arrive at this figure Premium refund £963.41, this is the sum on cheque sent to me. So just to sum up Full refund given on premiums paid over last ten years. No compound interest added whatsoever No simple interest added. Now to me, they have refunded my premiums but there is outstanding another £2k owing, now call me stupid but aren't the charges refunded supposed to put you in a position before the illegally taken charges were taken out!!!!! So i have had £986 pound back but the compound interest added to my card is still there from the premium accumilating a bigger debt each month:mad:. I have put this letter together to complain, see what you think please, Dear Mr Woods I refer to your letter dated 2nd April 2010 regarding my reimbursement of a “mis-sold” and illegally added payment protection insurance on both the above Halifax credit cards. I have carefully looked at all the data available to me via a subject access request, and forwarded you previously a spread sheet of all the charges applied unlawfully. Upon receiving your letter about your calculation I am somewhat surprised. Refund of premiums to date =£986.41 this is the total payments you have unlawfully taken from me since 2001. You have not included any compound interest repayment that has increased my overall credit limit over the ten years when the account has not been settled during that particular month. Also I am sure you are aware that statutory 8% simple interest per year, yet your calculations indicate this is £0.00? Let me break it down for you according to my calculation. All from September 2001 Total premium refund due £963.41 received. Calculated to 16th March 2010 Compound interest charged, plus statutory simple 8% =£3068.31 Refund less above £3068.31 - £963.41 = £2104.90.This should come off the debt on the card as it would put me in a position before it was added. If you do not redress this situation then I will have no alternative but to contact the financial ombudsman service. Thanks for taking time to read and help all sparky1972;)
  9. Hi, Halifax have kicked me in the teeth this morning:eek:, received a cheque for just £1k, but calculation from compound interest and statatory interest not included, seems they have just given me back exactly what i have paid them over the years!!!!! see attached letter received this morning any ideas what step to take next cheers sparky72:(
  10. Gary68, this is from my platinum card, with a balance of just under £9k, so its highly unlickly it will pay the debt off. As for other just about to post this one as didn't want two going to them at the same time. Method in the madness. sparky72
  11. Hey all, Received a cheque this morning for all the PPi charges over the last ten years:), but nothing about compound interest or statutory eight percent interest either:-?. seems the cheque has come from a angela taylor, senior manager, customer services. Called the customer relations manager and informed him that received cheque, and what happened to the rest and he told me that the redress team will be in touch, but is this cheque from the redress team????? a little confused now. Does anybody know if this is normal and they will calculate the interests? Hopefully they will forward me the rest soon, fingers crossed. Cheers Sparky72
  12. Hi gary68, thanks for the quick reply, maybe i am jumping the gun, just was a little peeved when i checked online, after having high hopes from letter. pretty sure spreadsheet was correct, these go back to 2001, have a quick look, i used the online calculators supplied via this forum. compound interst calculations.pdf cheers sparky72
  13. Hi all, need some advice here please:confused:. Just received a letter from Halifax about PPi reclaim, sent off spread sheet from total sum with compound interest and statutory interest what amounted to £3k:D, received a letter from a nigel mckinstrey, customer relations manager! This basically says they will contact me with the amount shortly, Now just looked at online banking and found they have credited £986.00 back onto credit card but the balance has not come down. CBR 000000 986.09 APR refund -£22.68 Premium refund £963.41 So I am not sure what to do next, I was expecting £3k refunded according to online calculators! Any advice would be gratefully received.;-) Cheers Sparky72.
  14. Hi Gary68, have done, but removed obviously for posting.
  15. HI, thanks for all your help so far, i am sort of trying to get the balance down in case they have concrete evidence of my CCA's, so done a spreadsheet with the following on: Repayment Date--PPI amount--interest rate--compound interest--charge+Interest--8% stat--Total This has been printed off with the following letter, HBOS PLC Customer Relations PO Box 548 Leeds LS1 1WU Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Halifax credit card The Payment Protection Plan Insurance (Halifax card protection) was attached to the above Halifax account on the xx/xx/xxxx via a telephone conversation, I was not made aware that this was optional and I cannot remember ever agreeing to have it attached to the account, to which I now see as a ticked box on an application form. After viewing the subject to access statements supplied to me on the 27/02/2010 , I believe that I was miss-sold Payment Protection Plan for the reasons stated below, and wish you to investigate my complaint according to your complaint procedures. At the time the ppi was applied to the Halifax card I have never received any policy documents, or a copy of the terms and conditions. Furthermore the policy exclusions were not explained to me either before or at the time the card was issued. I was therefore unable to make an informed decision as to whether this insurance was appropriate for me. Your advisor at the point of sale has obviously failed to apply the appropriate duty of care to me as a customer in this instance. It was not explained to me that the policy premium would be added to the monthly statements and that my debt would increase as the premium would attract monthly compounded interest. As I now know it was not mandatory have cancelled this policy, I am now of the opinion, after researching the miss selling of Payment Protection Insurance (Halifax card protection), that I am entitled to claim back the premiums paid plus the interest applied to those premiums. If my compliant is upheld I will require a refund of all premiums paid on the policy, plus the additional interest charged to me because of the PPP. I will also require the statutory interest at 8% in view of the fact that I have been deprived of the use of this money. (Spread sheet enclosed) Please now investigate my complaint within the eight weeks allowed to you. Please also confirm in writing acknowledgement to this letter. Am i on the right lines here guys, sparky72
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