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Everything posted by LumpyJumper

  1. I am so Angry and embarrassed. I am being chased for an amount by Meritforce which I paid sometime ago to the original creditor. After lots of phone calls from them and a threat of home visits I have written to them requested that they stop calling me and stating that they are not to visit my property. They have replied and acknowledged my letter saying that I need to contact them by phone to discuss this issue further. Then today I got a message from our receptionist who said that she had a message on the voicemail sent after the office closed which had been sent by text with a number and a reference on it and she had to call the company to find out who the message was for! It was from Meritforce! I was so embarrassed. Does anyone have any ideas on how I should reply to Meritforce to tell them again not to call me at work or home and that I will only deal with them in writing! Not sure what to say about the SMS message left on the company voicemail - surely this is breaking some data protection rules?
  2. Thank you ever so much for your reply. Am I able to apply for a set aside this late? Do you know what will happen to the attachment of earnings that the loan company are applying for in the meantime? When applying for the set aside is there a special form I should use? I have the original one - should I use this even though I am past the original deadline or should I use a different one. I do not have copies of my tickets as threw the airline stubby bits away when I got through customs but I do have an email copy of my intineray including dates and flight numbers and time etc from the travel agent - would this suffice? Sorry for so many questions but I really appreciate the support. The payday loan company really are dispicable especially refusing a perfectly good repayment offer - I will also tell the court about the way they contacted my employer I know that nothing can be done about this but maybe they will take it into account?
  3. On doing some reading it is unlikely that the court would have contacted my employer so it must have been the loan company! Have they breached Data Protection? Is there anything I can do about ANY of this?? I am so worried can't think about anything else. Can anyone out there advise?
  4. Hi There Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I did not follow your advice and dipute the CCJ straight away (family death took my attention away) and instead thinking it would be the easy option I contacted the Payday company and offered to pay half of the £400 before the end of April and the other half before the end of May. - I was going to borrow it from my parents and try and get the CCJ taken off when it was paid. The payday company emailed me to say they would not accept this and that they are applying for an attachment of earnings straight away and sure enough this afternoon our Accounts department DIRECTOR came to speak to me to say he had heard from the court who were checking that I worked here and that they had the correct address and he is expecting papers to come through tomorrow and did I know what this was about! I was terrified and said I knew nothing (as no one had yet approached me from the court about this I only had the payday company threat) I am SICK with worry - as this is not something I would want my employer to even know about!!! I feel I have made a VERY reasonable offer of payment and dont know what to do now. I have young children to bring up and on paper I really dont think that any court would be able to get more than £50 a month from me! Can ANYONE help me - I feel so so sick and desperate and am terrified of losing my job now - I work for a small company run by strict catholics and debt or non payment is really badly loooked on! Please help me
  5. Hi I am posting here rather than the payday loan forum as not many people seem to visit it - I have also seen dealings with this company posted on the PayDay pages but no advice. In Jan I took out a Payday loan (I know, I know) it was in desperation as I was going away on a business trip and needed an advance. While away my wages were paid into my current account and the payday loan should have been repayed but my account was stopped because of suspected fraud (I had used my card in a foreign country!) I did not recieve any calls on my mobile from the loan company concerned. Although they say they did call me and leave messages !!?? When I returned I found court CCJ papers requesting I return the papers in the next 14 days. The 14 days were up about 5 days ago when I got back. I have contacted the loan company and they say they called me and sent me 2 letters inc. a default notice but I have not recieved any of them. I am in a position where I can repay the loan over the next few weeks but I am hopping mad over the principle and the fact that I now have a CCJ. Is there anything I can do? Can I fight this? Can companies really CCJ within weeks of a default? ANy help you can give me is appreciated.
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