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  1. Thanks very much for getting back to me. It is confusing and disheartening. I don't have any credit cards, as they were defaulted. These defaults were included in my last score though, before I paid them off and before it went down. The "Credit Search" section of my report was fine, 1 in the last year. I've been in my address about 2 years, but just got on the electoral roll this month. I had hoped that clearing my debts etc would help me repair my credit but instead it has knocked my score down by roughly 20%. Frighteneing.
  2. I recently got my Credit Report online from Equifax. My score was terribly low, which I expected, having ran up and defaulted on several debts, when I was younger. I have, over the last few months, taken steps to rectify my situation. I got my name on the electoral register, sold my car, contacted the companies and settled all the accounts on my file. Now I have ordered an updated Credit Report and my score has dropped by 50 points. I am absolutely distraught about this. I knew I would not be going from poor credit scores to being preapproved for loans, but I genuinely wasn't prepared to see my rating drop. Can anyone help me out here?
  3. To be honest, I wouldn't know how to go about that or word it and I can't afford a solicitor to do it for me. I really thought Equifax would need to see proof from Lowell, not just take their word.
  4. Equifax got back to me and said that as Mobile Phones aren't covered by the CCA and Lowell say the debt is valid, it has to remain on my file, until Lowell remove it. Equifax can't remove it, despite Lowell providing no evidence as to it's validity. I'm genuinely worried now. Does anyone have a decent template I could send Lowell that can't be fobbed off ? They fowarded me a copy of Lowells response which was very dismissive. " This is not covered by the CCA. The defaullt is valid, Thanks. " Thats really annoyed me, just a wee wave away kind of thing. Help folks, I feel like I'm gonna need step by steps here. I'd appreciate any templates, email addresses, addresses etc.
  5. "Most mobile phone contracts are not covered by the Consumer Credit Act but having said that they should certainly substantiate the amount claimed as owing and provide a copy of the contract too." Thanks. If they are not covered then what legal rights do I have with regards to proof of eligibility? If I can't legally demand a copy of the CCA, what can I ask for?
  6. I'm new to this site, but found it through Google when I typed in their name. I'll give people a brief synpopsis of my situation, then await any help or advice. As a younger, less responsible, fella I did quite a bit of travelling and ran up quite a bit of debt on Credit Cards, Mobile phones etc then disappeared and ignored them. I've now grown up a bit and am trying to sort myself out, get my credit repaired etc. I recently ordered my Credit Report from Equifax which had several defaulted debts on it. In the last few weeks I have sold my car and paid all these debts off in full, except one, which I am 100% certain I do not owe. I am taking responsibility for my actions. Interestingly enough, the only company actively chasing me were Lowell ( on behalf of Vodafone, from 2005 ) and this is the only debt on my file I do not acknowledge. I have written to the company, disputing the debt and requesting a copy of the original credit agreement and their entitlement to chase the debt, and including a postal order for £1. The 14 day period for them to provide this has passed. They have now written to me 3 times 1. Offering to settle for a smaller amount. 2. Saying they addressed my request in their previous letter dated 20/2/08 ( I have received no letter dated 20/02/08, I received one on 23/02 which made no mention of my request ) 3. A return to threats of House visits etc. Like I say I have been facing some old skeletons in the last few weeks and sorting myself out, but this one, I KNOW does not belong to me. The company have failed to provide me with any documentation pertaining to this " debt " and my only concern now is, how do I get this removed from my credit file? My Girlfriend and I are hoping to get a mortgage in the next year or so and I need this removed from my credit file. I have contacted Equifax, who say they are contacting Lowell to " analyze their Data ", will this be a similar request to mine for paperwork? I trust that the other companies I have dealt with will remove the debts from CRA files but having perused a few threats here, I have no such faith in Lowell. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I am based in Northern Ireland,( to avoid any confusion re different legal systems etc. ) Sorry if this thread seems a bit jumbled but any help given will be much appreciated.
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