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s busby

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  1. Hi HB Just a short back ground first. I have been with the company for 3 years. I was made team leader of despatch in Jan this year. I have been doing my best for the past 20 weeks now. I have made some blunders yes, but I have had no training what so ever. I was told that me and my two staff would be getting training 4 weeks ago. I did not hapen. I was then told I would be shadowed last week that never happend. On Friday I was given a letter regarding a preliminary disciplinary hearing. 1/ The Company is a mid sized company. 2/ No company hand book it is kept on computer in the HR dept. 3/ Stage 3 is the last warning before the sack. 4/ I was not given chance the boss was more interested in me leaving of my own accord, he even offerd me more notice pay just to get me to go. 5/ Yes it was stress I had not slept since Friday as you can guess I was shatterd. I am now off work for two weeks with stress and miled dep. Stu
  2. Hi All Can any one help me. I was given a preliminary disciplinary hearing letter on Friday last. I attended the meeting and was told that I was going to be given a stage 3 warning. I was not given any chance to put my case. I told my boss that I was going to see my GP, I was then told by my boss that if the job was getting to much the I should leave. What can I do. Stu
  3. Hi All Can any one help me. I was given a preliminary disciplinary hearing letter on Friday last. I attended the meeting and was told that I was going to be given a stage 3 warning. I was not given any chance to put my case. I told my boss that I was going to see my GP, I was then told by my boss that if the job was getting to much the I should leave. What can I do. Stu
  4. No luck yet. Every one I speak to is telling me that because I am a bankrupt they want mony up front. Stuart
  5. Thank you all for your very kind words. You will never know how close I came to finishing it all. The only trouble is that all my insurance would have gone to the trustees and not my wife. It is very hart warming to know that there are people out there with beeting hearts. Thank you Stuart
  6. Hi All Well I have tried 6 law bods about paying on account. Because I have been bankrupt it is cash up front or nothing. Thanks for all your help but this is about all I can take. By By All Stuart
  7. Hi Gizmo Not thought about that one, I will get onto that in the morning. Do you know of any web sites that may have a test case no it ? so I could have a look and see how outher people have got on in the same situation as me. Stuart
  8. Hi Gizmo As I have no money I can not. Beeing a Bankrupt I can not get a loan to pay for specialist advice. As you can see catch 22. Stuart
  9. Sorry 2003/4 and 2004/5 Tax Returns Stuart
  10. Yes 2004/2005 tax returns. The two tax returns in question were then Re sent in June 2006. In Feb 2009 the trustees then told me that the HMRC had cancled my debt and had sent to them a £10 k Tax refund. Regards Stuart
  11. Thank you for your reply. In my position (No Funds) you do not get any free help. The only help I get is from people like you. To get leigal help it would cost me Min £225.00 per hour. Just to have a look at the paper work would cost me Min £1500.00. As you can see loads of money. I am reaching the point of no return and am at my wits end. When you get your ass kicked like this it just knocks the wind out of you. Sorry pooring my hart out now. Regards Stuart
  12. I have no idea what the charges are as yet. The trustees are about to pay out next week. I will find ouut what the charges are when and if the trustees send me a set of accounts. You are thinking along the same line as me. If the people who made me bankrupt pull out then the bankruptcy should be void. It is a shame but I can not get any leigal aide, if I was a killer or a crook mony would be no object, but because I have been honest it looks like I am going to get a good old kicking. Stu
  13. Hi Gold lady The OR appoineted trustees. The trustees are now telling me that there will not be enough mony in the pot to cover my debt because of all the charges that have been added. Stu
  14. Hi Please can some one help me Let me give you a little back ground into what went on. I was sent a estimated tax bill because I had not sent in a tax return, as far as I knew when I stooped trading, I would stop sending Returns in to HMRC. So I sent two tax returns in, I was then told by HMRC that the returns were still outstanding, and that I would be made Bankrupt if I did not send in my tax returns. I filled them in again and took them to Walsall Tax Office and handed them over, I asked for a receipt and was promptly told that HMRC DO NOT GIVE RECEIPTS for tax returns. Later that year I was made redundant from my job. I went to CAB for advice on debt,s that I had, I explained every thing to them and was advised to let HMRC make me bankrupt and to include my other debts, this way it would not cost me any money. So I let every thing take it's course. After one year I was discharged. Approx 4/5 weeks after discharge I found out that I had been left £32 k by my farther who had passed away 8 weeks before my bankruptcy. I phoned the OR and informed them straight away. Nearly one year on I was contacted by the trustee,s and told to re submit my tax returns, I have now found out that not only did HMRC canceled my debt but gave £10 k tax refund. Now what I need to know is if there is any way I can get this whole mess sorted out and reversed, in light of HMRC,s reversal. I have been up front and straight with OR from the start. Can you please help me if poss. What I really need to know is what to say to the OR. Also if any one else has been in the same boat as me and what the out come was. If there is the slightest glimmer of hope I would be extremely grate full for any guidance you could give me. The total amount of my debt is only £18420.00. Kind Regards Stuart J Busby
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