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  1. LMAO Thanks for that put a smile on me mush now well heres the update.... money appeared in my account yesterday right down to the last penny... outside of the 14 day time frame tho, which is naughty....but I'm happy I have it at last I first started this in December 06. So I take I should be happy and tell the court now they've settled. Just wondering as they paid up after they said they would. Ill send you a PM gooders I wanna know more about your case 5mins x
  2. Thank you for your reply gooders I shall do as you say and leave an update as and when I have one. I thought I better double check on here as I dont want to do anything wrong and jepordise the situation. ho hummmm ho hummm....
  3. Update! received the letter from the court that they intend on defending the whole claim do they not check records or anything???? Anyway, not sure what I should do now write to the solicitor or what I'm all confuddled now (which believe me isn't hard lol)
  4. Nope not heard from their lawyers.... will give an update if I do tho. Don't worry I have no intention of stopping the process and more fool them if they don't pay, with more interest on top they loose out eh? btw filthy luca - I like it!!!!!
  5. Hello Gooders thank you for you reply. Yes I do have a contact name and number, but I sent the acceptance form back directly to her via recorded delivery. So they cant say they didn't receive it I also photocopied it before |I sent it off I don't really want to speak to her again because she was quite surely with me last time, so ill bump a letter in the post via recorded delivery again and kick her up the bum that way. If I still receive no response shall I just sit and wait in small claims. At the moment I am waiting for them to reply to the court to acknowledge the claim. wont it be funny if they defend lol Again any help on what to write to them or what to do next would be very helpful Claire x
  6. Help Please!!!! :-? I was sent the acceptance form and I signed it and sent it off with a letter saying that once I have received the money in my account within 14 days I will then notify the court to withdraw action. The thing is the 14 days are nearly up and no sign of the money so what do I do? Any help or advice greatly appreciated. Many thanks Claire x
  7. Spooky just had a phone call from the customer relations lady, she offered me the full amount so now waiting on a new acceptance form Ive just written a letter backing up the phone conversation and saying that once I have sent the acceptance form back I will cease proceeding in court once I have received cleared funds into my account. Just gotta wait now. Thank you for your help guys, I'm a bit miffed It seems to be all over before I got posting lol
  8. Thank you both for your replies Jonni what should I do then as the N1 is in? ignore the offer or send a letter back saying "no thanks" im all confused now lol and trust me that doesnt take much!
  9. Hi everyone, first time poster but I have been lurking a while. I have a query which I hope someone on here might be able to help me with. Right, I have asked the Halifax to pay me back £179.49 including interest, they failed to respond to any letters so last week keeping to time lines set in my letters (thanks for the templates btw) I handed in my N1 to the local county court. Now this morning I have received a letter offering me £155 as goodwill. Now my question is, do I have the right to refuse this offer and ask for the full amount including interest or would I be better off accepting this payment. I would rather have the full amount of £179 than the amount they are offering. Also if I am within my rights to refuse is there a template refusal letter anywehere that I can use? I hope this post makes sense. many thanks in advance and in much anticipation Claire x
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