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Everything posted by traz39

  1. i got phone call yesterday to see if i wanted to pay more per month to cut down the interest they are only thinking of me:D:D:D
  2. welcome elite brokers whos them have i missed something
  3. i had a first loan with ppi then they settled that one and i took out a 2nd loan without the ppi if i remember right 668 was the rebate for early settlement on the ppi
  4. sorry might be being stupid but i dont get what u saying:confused:how do i know if its right
  5. its only 2 weeks since i had letter from fos so might have to wait a bit longer but was the same put me back to where i would have been before i had ppi i do not have that loan anymore i took our another one but didnt have ppi was paying it for about a year but im sure it was well over 100 per month plus 8% plus 200 compensation
  6. thats what they have been told by fos to do with mine but not had anything yet how long u wait for cheque
  7. good news then what we have been after :D:D:D:D:D:D
  8. i spoke to someone in ppi department and they said they wil send me a cheque has loan is now finished but i did take out another loan but did not have ppi
  9. not got money yet dont know how to work it out they have to put me in same situation if i had not took ppi
  10. eboy i got 200 added to mine for distress payment
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