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Everything posted by civvy

  1. Our son is also being harassed by the thugs Trevor Munn/ARC, has threatened to call the Police and report them for harassment if they don't stop. Again L.A. Fitness and their 'rolling contract' nonsense. A year's contract is just that - for one year, son cancelled verbally. L.A. say they have no record - tough, if they are so incompetent. Threatening action in Northampton C.C. - I think they hope that you won't turn up so they can win by default, no chance, we've told them we are looking forward to seeing them, and that we have researched them on the internet and think that a District Judge will find their publicity riveting. I am pretty sure this is Unfair contracts territory, anyway we've basically told them to get stuffed. They are a bunch of chancers who think they can bully people, I think everyone who has experience of these twerps should tell them where to get off. Us? We are so looking forward to a day out in Northampton. Will keep you posted.
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