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  1. Hi Grateful for any advice on this- haven't yet had a letter from Southeastern trains but I want to be prepared. I bought a peak ticket in the morning - return to London terminals- from Eltham (zone 4). On my return I got on a train to Woolwich Arsenal (also zone 4) as the Eltham train had gone. Prevously I had asked when buying a ticket if I could do this- and been told it was ok as its 'in the same zone' I have done this LOADS of times in since and never given it a second thought. However- I obviously cant prove I was given this advice! Anyway, on this day there were ticket inspectors waiting at Woolwich and when I showed my ticket, expecting to be let through as I normally am, they said it wasn’t valid. Cue big argument (fortunately not sweary!). I refused to pay the fine as I have always been able to travel this way in the past and never been told that I was, in fact, acting illegally. I told the ticket inspector that I thought my ticket was valid for the journey. I gave my details, was cautioned and asked lots of questions. When I asked to read through what he had written down it was inaccurate and I refused to sign. He then said I could go (although he refused to open the gate saying I could climb under the barrier or crawl under- my choice! Had to get someone else to let me out…nice.) I have no idea what to expect now. The station I arrived at was 2 stops past Blackheath- the ticket was entirely valid to this point)- Eltham is 2 stops past on the other line. Can anyone advise me of what might happen next and whether I have a valid case fo contesting this? I wasnt given anything to take away with me- he just took my ticket. Many thanks glitterkitty
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