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Everything posted by sparky1966

  1. Hi all Can someone please advise on this This is all new to me as I live in N Ireland but work 1-2 weeks a month in london I am in an apt in london which is rented from a landlord by the company I work for I returned a few days ago to find a letter put under my door from a company Jbw with reference to a liability order Firstly the letter doesn’t have my correct name and neither it should as I don’t rent the place the letter has my first name correct but surname wrong and don’t have a clue as to where they get this in first place except the estate agents that deal with the apt as we have had a few problems in it and I have been sorting these direct with them This letter states that bailiffs will be calling to get this account and monies due and I’m not allowed to pay the council direct Can someone advise me on this my rights if document has wrong name can this help me Up to know I have never received any correspondence on this from anyone and believe me I get some mail as get mail at this address for last 4-5 tenants surely council should have sent the bill direct instead of using a bailiff company Please advise
  2. Hi all Would like to know your opinions after being put off esa and appealing straight away which was Nov 2016 we didn't realise as was explained to us that we could claim jsa benefit we did not claim jsa for 5 weeks eventually we got jsa after a few problems but they will not backdate it to end of esa as they say we were not available for work but won't explain that bit so appealed it refused again but now we going to appeal But on another note we asked for a MR on our esa from November but to date of today this has never been decided we have rang and sent more info but nothing from them November 6th 2016 to now how long is acceptable as they are stopping me going for appeal if I was allowed to appeal there is a chance I could get back the 5 weeks benefit we lost We believe esa has realised we getting jsa and are trying to ignore it Could I get any ideas on this the 5bweeks loss in region of £800
  3. Hi guys Sorry have been down sick and out of action for a wee while I will update after my initial post I contacted CA and done the online calculator and as some stated we were due more We contacted benefit office and yes they said they made a mistake it should have been a joint claim when we applied to sign on we rang them and explained what happened we were told to come in on a date and time and when we did we were given the forms to fill in we never questioned it as you would think they would no their own job We were also told they will not back date claim to 7th November as that is date when esa put us off and we asked for a MR on esa decision they stated in jsa that we could have signed on sooner so if we did they still be out the benefit the whole thing is a [problem] to stop benefit and claw back when they can But now they are sorting it they state but we only have got one payment if you ring they say there is nothing on system because of asking for MR for not backdating on jsa benefit Kicked off esa 7th November asked for a MR on same day we didn't realise we needed to sign on so quick 20th December called esa told there is a backlog and asked how we going to get benefit they tell us to go to jsa sign on the 29th they make mistakes and won't backdate it either we have had £200 since and altogether to date we signed on again last week for the next fortnight but still no monies our claim still be looked at Have heard nothing from ESA since letter stating they will consider our MR don't believe it takes this long Once again guys thanks for all help on here
  4. Hi thanks have tried that it states we as a couple should get 114 a week but don't no if that takes these contributions into account as I have been on esa for 3-4 years We don't no what to do our local cab can't see us to next week You can see we need help as soon as possible
  5. Guys could someone please advise urgently Going to shorten all that has happened Was on esa for last three years. Done the wca and received the normal 0 points asked for a MR straight away that was 7th November 2016 got a letter to say they will look into it so we waited and heard nothing we thought it be a week or two but to date still no word So we rang to see what happening was told there was a backlog as we needed some money we ended up signing on to jsa me and my wife was told to come in on 29th December so we did we filled in the forms with the ones behind the desk We didn't realise we could claim jsa straight after the letter giving 0 points on esa so back claimed this we only found out when we rang to see what going on with the esa MR We have today got a letter saying my wife is entitled to jsa at £73 per week I got a letter to say I'm not entitled to any benefit as I haven't paid enough nic contributions in the year 2007-2008. And we were told we not entitled to claim the bad pay benefit as didn't have a reasonable reason and left it to late we can ask for a MR of this So all we will get now is £73 could my wife not claim for me instead of 2 different claims as when I was on esa I claimed for her Please guys any advice we really starting to struggle and all is getting the better of us no monies from beginning of November
  6. Hi all Can I ask what is a reasonable waiting time for a reconsideration on esa as per other posts I had the wca, received letter 5 days later got 0 points phoned straight away for the reconsideration got a letter back stating it had Ben accepted from the 7th November so have waited have rang a few times been told I would just have to wait as they had a backlog So to date nothing and this is the 11th January We received no monies so decided to ring benefits and had to sign on to jsa explained I was not fit but was told if I didn't do it I get no benefit and as of yet we signed on the 29th December we haven't got anything from it either we use to get help with mortgage on our interest mortgage but have got nothing from anyone we don't no what to do next as no one wants to no
  7. Guys Can I seek your advice here Quick breakdown - I was claiming esa for myself and partner in November had a wca and yes couple days latter got letter putting me off asked for the MR been told this will take a while it's 35 days at present (working days)we are waiting Have had no benefits from October end my wife has phoned to sign on appointment in 2 days she has told them on phone the situation they have stated if I am not able to work we may get nothing she was told I have to go to appointment too Can any advise what we may be entitled to before we get there on esa we were getting small help with mortgage too Thanks guys for any help
  8. Hi all Phoned for update got some very unhelpful person was told there was at least a 30 working day wait before I may hear from them but on my calculation on the 23rd Dec is 35 days now But was also told they have a backlog, surprise surprise I wonder why I still can't work out how they can review your wca in 5 days and put you off and benefit stopped before you get letter but take so long to review but that's the politicians we all voted for cowards I have just decided to sign on benefits as have had no monies from October can anyone advise the best way on this I have an appointment in couple days well my wife has but I have been told I have to be present too and that as I'm not fit for work we may get nothing
  9. Guys can anyone help me here I'm waiting for reconsideration from 7th November all I had so was a letter to say i have asked for this back in November this can't be right I am in N, ireland too if this means anything
  10. Just an update guys on this We phoned for the reconsideration on the 7th nov and also asked for a full wca report to be sent a week later still no report so phoned again to be told that it had not been requested as not on system but got a cop in a couple days later And i will be honest it blew my mind what i read in it i have never seen so many lies i honestly did not believe they could ask you a question and put a completely different answer to what was said One answer was that i walked from reception to his office with no problems how did he want me to get into it and im so glad i brought someone with me another point was i handed over all paperwork (ie) doctors note, prescriptions but i never handled one piece of paper my partner had all and done all that, he asked a question do you watch tv i said i didnt he put down i could sit and watch football on tv with no problems And still waiting on reconsideration decision soon be a month how does it take 5 days to put you off after wca but a month to look at a reconsideration
  11. Can anyone answer my question About to be kicked of esa failed medical but by time they do reconsideration we will have no benefits I myself get esa and get allowance for my wife if we go and sign on for jsa will my wife be able to do the claim and claim for me as we did this before but they wouldn't allow it stated it had to be me but im not fit to work and if i go into to do it they will say you should be on esa so wont get that as they put me off and until i get to tribunal which will probably be a few months away Could someone give me some guidance please
  12. Hi all just to give an update had my medical on the31st october at the end of medical which was only a few questions i was told it would take two weeks for my assessment to be decided by esa dept low and behold i got my letter today 9th letter dated 7th and i got 0 points and have been put off benefit from the 6thso they didnt waste any time on me They have tried to put me off for last year or two but i have beat them at tribunal so im starting to feel the are harassing me Ok next bit read over the letter sent putting me off and if im honest i never thought that when reading stories on hear that they they would lie so much but after reading my own it doesn't read like anything i was asked at medical i had my wife with me and one item on letter was that i handed over paperwork with no problem with no restriction to upper limbs but i didnt carry a thing or take anything from him another one do you watch telly i said no but on letter it says will sit and watch a football match Another one could walk to interview room with no problem was i suppose to sit in reception I did record the start of the meeting on phone i didnt have phone my wife did but it stopped after 15 minutes so didnt get all And also the guy that done medical i had to ask what he did as he only told us his first name and he was a physio so he well qualified never spoke on what we were doing there just straight in with questions I find now i have to ask for a reconsideration i bet this take longer than it did to put me off and then i will appeal again Would it make any sense to say i recorded interview at this stage even though i dont have whole interview you can clearly here my w if handing over paperwork and explaining what's on them so would catch them out on there lies
  13. Hi all cut a long story short Had a medical couple years ago,2.5 years later they decide im fit for work i appeal it on basis that medical not up to date they appeared at medical tribunal and stated they didn't no why we were there didn't supply all relevant paperwork to me before tribunal which was picked up by head of tribunal eventually they gave up and i won Next couple weeks later got a letter to say i was in a group and would be contacted for an interview then got a new esa 50 questionnaire sent to me given me a month to send back so did and now yesterday got a letter for me to appear at a medical next friday I would like to no can they make me appear as quick its only giving me 5-6 days i am in n, ireland too if that is of any difference to it
  14. Hi all sorry for the post Can I seek advice on my ESA, recently was sent a letter that I scored 0 points at my medical back in 2014 have sent in a gl24 and got a reply back to say they will be in touch when they have made a decision. The next day I get a letter telling me my sick note I sent in in 2013 to the date of letter that they stopped my ESA was up and to carry on with ESA I need to send in a new sick note or doctors letter Does this mean they have considered my gl24 or what would the situation be and my next step
  15. Hi all can I ask for some more advice and to state here in n, Ireland is pretty much the same as rest of uk We tried to talk to ones at Asos even my local MLA did but to no avail, so we sent in the gl24 form for appeal. We received a letter today to state they have this form and a note on it about us not providing our phone number so they could not ring us I would prefer it in writing anyway but I'm 100 % sure our phone number on it it then just says they will be in touch I won't hold out any hope, but can I ask how long does it normally take for a decision and if this doesn't work what should next step be It it still possible to send a SAR to them for all info on us I'm just trying to be ahead as I no this is going to get tough from here on and at present we are getting no benefits or help towards mortgage Any help greatly appreciated And would like to say this site is a godsend I will be making a contribution towards it very soon
  16. Hi all Just to clarify this was after a medical at the assessment centre they use near to me I have been on ESA a few years and previously scored 0 points but went to appeal and won So this was another medical down the line from that one in sept 2014 and. The result of that in 2016 is 0 points So can I get this right that regardless of when you do medical they can put you of ESA if this was the case they would never need to do follow up medical
  17. Hi guys just to ask as well have I put post I right section Any advice greatly appreciated
  18. Hi guys hopefully someone will be able to advise Any way I am on ESA have been for a while and will say I'm from N, Ireland too so don't no if this is any different My problem is I did a assessment back in Nov 2014 and today yes today 14 months later have got a letter to state I got 0 points on that assessment although nothing had changed and in this 14 months I have had another operation to rectify a problem in my hand to which has not been very successful Can I ask can this be right the letter stated it was end the day before Any help or info greatly appreciated
  19. Hi guys Can anyone give me info on this. I was asked to atten a medical I have been on esa a while now so I'm taking it this is a review The date I was given wasn't any good to me as had a hospital appointment the same day. I phoned and got this cancelled I recieved a new appointment a couple of weeks later all geared up for this to be phoned an hour before to have it cancelled. I recieved another appointment 3 weeks later I attended the medical centre to be told doctor hadn't turned up and I could cancel or wait 3hrs for him to show. As someone brought me there I couldn't make them wait I have just recieved another appointment this time asking me to travel 55 mile to another centre which I find unacceptable the first centre is only 10 mile away and easy enough to get to They have also asked me to be there at 9am which I will have to leave at 6am as I live out in country our buses don't come regularly and by bus it will take 2.5 hrs with 3 bus changes Could I ask anyone for advice on this
  20. Have today received a letter asking me to attend a medical on 19th august letter was done on the 6th into much time to prepare Can anyone tell me are they able to record in N, Ireland as I would like it done, after last time I was there the girl got up and walked out telling me I was not helpful enough with my answers
  21. To be honest it doesn't say compliance officer just gives the number of our nearest dhss office but they have stated I must be there for next visit Is this normal to give surprise visit no contact at all on two occasions
  22. Just an update on this I received a letter today telling me that the person that called was from the benefits office it states they called to discuss my ESA claim to make sure I am getting the right amount ( do they think I believe that ) I'd say they calling to check up on me, has anyone else had thus experience I wouldn't mind they state I must produce 2 forms of identification when they call next week
  23. Hi no nothing at all on 2nd visit she stated to wife she wanted to chat me on my ESA but have never had a phone call, letter from anyone and before she left she said she would call again next week
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