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  1. I can't access the library - I get an 'insufficient privileges' message. That's why I asked what it was.
  2. Ha! Brilliant. Thanks very much for not only answering but explaining what Statute Barred is. So these guys are just trying to take advantage of my lack of knowledge? I should expect to receive and ignore more letters? To dx100uk (a fellow pedant ) Thanks, what is an SB letter? can I find it in a sticky somewhere? GoodCitizen
  3. Hi everyone, I have received a letter today from Moorgate saying I owe them for a water bill at a property I moved of 7 years ago! It's a standard demand where they threaten litigation and a CCJ. This is the first I have heard about it. I don't believe I owe this money but have no way of proving it. Something worth noting is that I just moved back into the same area that the old property is in - having been away for 7 years and I have just put myself back on the electoral roll there, so I think they have 'found' me after all this time through that. I have read some of the excellent advice on here and I don't want to call them on the 'phone. But I don't know how to get them to prove it's my bill? Can I write to request dates the bill is for? (then I'll be to see if I occupied this rented property at that time). Thanks for your help guys! GoodCitizen
  4. I appealed with a formal letter stating everything. Found out I was in a CPZ but couldn't find the signs. Waited 56 days and then got all my money back. Camden council failed to respond to my appeal within the agreed time limit so had no choice but to issue a refund.
  5. Shameless bump back to the top. Help me out guys please? Any opinions? before I wade in to this claim? Thanks.
  6. Here are the photos I took, the silver leon is mine and I was in fact parked just a little further up the road, where the white car is, when I got towed. I don't have a doc scanner at the moment, but I have lots of paperwork from the Towing company mainly receipts and representations forms, the PCN which states I was "parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours".
  7. Thanks for the response Bankfodder, but I still don't know whether I was right or wrong to park there.... or whether I should seek a claim from thier website statement. I can't just stomp my feet and claim "unfair" when I don't know the facts. You see, another tenner on top of the £260 I lost yesterday could be throwing good money after bad. Anyone else (please)?
  8. Hi everyone, I parked my car yesterday (Sunday) in Camden and it got towed away. I had to pay £260 for it to be returned. I parked on a single yellow line, where there were loading restrictions: "No loading Monday to Friday 8.30am - 09.30, 5.00 - 6.30pm. I checked the signs before I parked and figured it was ok. I have since "googled" sunday single line parking and am still confused as to whether your allowed to or not. The PCN is for "Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours". The other thing that I have discovered is that Camden council state that: "If you park where you shouldn't on Camden's roads you could still get a parking ticket, but are now far more unlikely to get clamped or towed away. However, in taking a firm but fair approach, we will continue to take strong action against the minority of worst offenders and will clamp vehicles under only the following circumstances: Persistant evaders, with three or more parking tickets... Blue badge fraudsters... People who park on housing estates without a valid permit... (Taken from http://www.camden.gov.uk/ccm/cms-service/stream/asset/?asset_id=947918 ) I do not fall into the categories above. I have kept all the paperwork and have taken photos of where the car was parked and of the sign mentioned above. To add insult to injury, when I went back to the "scene of the crime" to take the photos, a parking enforcement official was there. So I asked him (very politely, I even called him "Sir") why I had been towed from this spot and where was the sign saying I could get towed. He told me to move out of the way while he was working and refused to answer me Thanks in advance for your assistance/opinions.
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