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  1. Thanks. Still gonna try to get to the bottom of this though.
  2. I've got no idea - this is why I'm confused. I don't think an overseas company has jurisdiction to enforce any legal proceedings and since there is no other company I can see at Companies House, nor any NOA, then I don't see any valid legality for enforcement.
  3. Can anyone help please as I'm a bit confused. According to Companies House, Phoenix Recoveries (UK) Limited (at their own request) dissolved on 21.12.10. I wrote to Sarl-Marlin two years ago at their Luxemburg office (see below) and duly got my letter returned as undeliverable as they did not exist at that address. I still get correspondence from Mortimer Clarke regarding a Charging Order which on their correspondence in accordance with the Court papers names Phoenix Recoveries (UK) Ltd - Sarl-Marlin as the creditor. Since Phoenix are dissolved and I think (need confirmation please) that being foreign based, Sarl-Marlin have no jurisdiction, can i do anything to remove this Charge? Companies House general advice was that any assets Phoenix had, they would have disposed of before requesting to be dissolved. I have rang the Treasury Solicitor and emailed them to see if they have any interest in Phoenix but may have to wait some weeks before they respond - they wouldn't comment on the phone. In my case, looking through my papers now I'm a little less stressed, firstly I cannot find any Notice of Assignment. It appears initially I was contacted by Marlin Financial Services and I also received correspondence from Phoenix but the letterhead was weird and non-standard. Once they pursued me through the Courts, Mortimer Clark were acting of behalf of their clients namely, Phoenix Recoveries (UK) Sarl Marlin. I wrote to both Marlin Financial Services in West Sussex and also to Phoenix Recoveries (UK) Sarl Marlin at 25B Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxemburg as this was the address on their court papers claim form. I duly got my letter to the latter returned some weeks later by Royal Mail. Inside was my original letter and envelope with a pink sticker saying 'Retour' and the box that was ticked was 'Parti' which I understand to mean that company was not there as they had left? I brought this up in court but never managed to get an answer. I just wish then that I know what I do now. Also if it helps, when you look up Phoenix at Companies House, it states 'There are No Overseas Details associated with this company'? This is also the case with Asset Recovervies, Mortimer Clark and Marlin Financial Services. I am going to ring the court tomorrow to find out what, if anything, I can do and will update on how I get on. I feel we all have a right to know who is dealing with our debts and that they are doing so lawfully and so far none of this makes any sense to me.
  4. In my case, looking through my papers now I'm a little less stressed, firstly I cannot find any Notice of Assignment. It appears initially I was contacted by Marlin Financial Services and I also received correspondence from Phoenix but the letterhead was weird and non-standard. Once they pursued me through the Courts, Mortimer Clark were acting of behalf of their clients namely, Phoenix Recoveries (UK) Sarl Marlin. I wrote to both Marlin Financial Services in West Sussex and also to Phoenix Recoveries (UK) Sarl Marlin at 25B Boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxemburg as this was the address on their court papers claim form. I duly got my letter to the latter returned some weeks later by Royal Mail. Inside was my original letter and envelope with a pink sticker saying 'Retour' and the box that was ticked was 'Parti' which I understand to mean that company was not there as they had left? I brought this up in court but never managed to get an answer. I just wish then that I know what I do now. Also if it helps, when you look up Phoenix at Companies House, it states 'There are No Overseas Details associated with this company'? This is also the case with Asset Recovervies. I am going to ring the court tomorrow to find out what, if anything, I can do and will let you know how I get on. I feel we all have a right to know who is dealing with our debts and that they are doing so lawfully and so far none of this makes any sense to me.
  5. I tried to post a reply yesterday but I don't think it worked. According to Companies House, Phoenix Recoveries (UK) Ltd dissolved themselves on 21 December 2010 so if they don't exist, how can Asset Recoveries act for them?
  6. Coledog thanks for that - sorry to be such a dunce but when I go to the Main Forum, I can't see 'Start Thread'. Please could you let me know how to do this - many thanks.
  7. Can anyone help please as I'm a bit confused. According to Companies House, Phoenix Recoveries (UK) Limited (at their own request) dissolved on 21.12.10. I wrote to Sarl-Marlin two years ago at their Luxemburg office and duly got my letter returned as undeliverable as they did not exist at that address. I still get correspondence from Mortimer Clarke regarding a Charging Order which on their correspondence in accordance with the Court papers names Phoenix Recoveries (UK) Ltd - Sarl-Marlin as the creditor. Since Phoenix are dissolved and I think (need confirmation please) that being foreign based, Sarl-Marlin have no jurisdiction, can i do anything to remove this Charge? Companies House general advice was that any assets Phoenix had, they would have disposed of before requesting to be dissolved. I have rang the Treasury Solicitor and left a message as CH said if there were any assets left, they would be the people to deal with them.
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