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Everything posted by therealgeorgebush

  1. Ok, so first shot across the bow... I phoned the trader just to give him the opportunity, and in the hope that he might, decide to fix it without fuss. his response was that I should contact the warranty company. I explained that I didn't want to do that and, as is my legal right, I was approaching him first. His response was quite aggressive and he said that the warranty is the only route open to me and if I choose the legal route I will be "waiting a very long time" for resolution. Can anybody suggest some sample text that I can use when I email the trader please so i have my request in writing. I have also requested the form for the s75 claim form my CC company. I understand I can run the two requests along side each other but the s75 might bear fruit easier, is that the case? Thanks again.
  2. Hi all I bought a used car from a motor trader about 7 weeks ago and paid £4500 for it, so not a newer one by any means. 75,000 miles so i'd expected a bit more than 7 weeks before a fault surfaced., and the car became undriveable. I paid a £1000 on a Credit card (direct to the trader and not through a third party payment provider like Sum-Up) and the balance by bank transfer. The trader provided me with a third party warranty, but this is pretty flimsy and the company who provide is have pretty poor reviews online; I don't really expect much more from third party warranties. The fault is in the diesel fuel system and my mechanic's initial thoughts are a failed fuel injector although he will be investigating further to provide a definitive answer. In any case this is sounding like a good few hundred pounds worth of work however it is dressed up. So I have a couple of questions. Presumably I am better off approaching the trader directly under my Consumer Rights, but I just wondered about opinions on whether a failed injector at 75k miles would be considered normal wear and tear or is it reasonable to expect a liitle longer than seven weeks before being off the road, even on a car of this price. Secondly is the protection under S75 CCA more flexible or is the protection based upon the same conditions as the Consumer Rights Act? That is if I make a s75 claim, am I simply asking the CC lender to recognise my Consumer Rights Act rights? Finally, if I do make one of these claims, either way, I am stuck with a car that doesn't run, yet still needs to be taxed and insured to be on the road (I don't have a private parking space or driveway). What sort of timescales might I expect? Hopefully you get the gist of my queries and can advise accordingly. Thanks, once again, in advance GB
  3. I bought a hot tub from B&Q (bought online) which was delivered a couple of weeks later in May 2021. The cost was circa £650 and it was to be self installed, which I did correctly. All was fine until a couple of weeks ago when it stopped heating water, there was no other fault. I contacted B&Q, who gave me the number of the manufacturer and said they dealt with warranty repairs directly and as the product has an automatic warranty this should be covered. This seemd logical so I called the manufacturer and they were very helpful, arranging for collection of the faulty unit very quickly. The unit was returned late last week, following an email stating that the warranty repair had been carried out successfully. However, when I have set the system up again it is apparent that the fault has not been repaired, in fact i would be surprised if the unit has actually been taken out of the box in which I sent it in. I have since looked on owners' forums and this situation with this particular company is not uncommon and they seem to become quite difficult when an attempt is made to follow up. I am going to follow up with the amnufacturer this morning and may, of course, be pleasantly surprised, but I would appreciate any advice should I not get a positive result. Also, have I now lost my right to go back to the original seller because I have alldgedly had a repair carried out under "warranty"? Thanks for your help George
  4. Sorry, I should have been a bit clearer. The self employment will be a taxi driver, so when I am not working i will not be earning, that's why I would like to bank some holiday pay. But that leads me on to a further question. Obviously not all the money I take is profit. Do I estimate expenses for the monthly figure, based upon pro-rata for things like insurance that I will be payng annually. and vehicle depreciation, loan interest etc? Thanks again
  5. How do holiday periods work when self-employed and claiming UC? I'm not yet self employed but I understand that when I am I will complete and income and expenditure statement for each period rather than my entitlement being based upon my current annual salary. What I would like to do is to put money asid for "holiday" pay and then declare that as income in the period I am off. While this seems sensible, I worrythat I may be breaking rules. or is there any way that the total entitlement is adjusted over a longer period based upon an average income? Any advice is much appreciated. George
  6. Hi I'm just looking for a bit of guidance and highlight to possible pittfalls please My situation is that my partner (the mother of our kids but not married) and I have seperated and I will be moving out of the family home in due course. For practical reasons, the children (10 and 12) will also be living with me. I have legal parental responsibility for both and have always been the main carer and had the child benefit paid to me. My ex will not be making any claim for benefits and will remain in the mortgaged family home which she is the sole owner of and solely named on the mortgage. I have no legal right nor liability in relation to this property nor do I wish to contest this. I have never claimed benefits, other than child benefit in the past. I am working but have checked the turn2us benefit calculator and it appears that I am entitled to some financial assistance in the form of Universal Credit. it looks like it's a bit of a "chicken and egg" situation though as i will have to move out with the children before making this claim, but I think I can just about manage the up-front expenses. I would be pretty snookered though if my benefit application was rejeceted after I had signed a tenancy agreement. My question is what should I expect in trems of attitude toward this unuasual situation when making such a cliam, that is a father leaving with the children rather than the mother? Also will it make any difference that my ex partner is financially indpendent in terms of still being able to afford to stay in the family home and cover the bills? The issue of child maintenance is not in dispute between us. Thanks for any advice GB
  7. Thanks again. No, I have not been contacted by anybody. I saw it on my credit file and just wondered what impact it would have, or if there is any known strategy to get it removed. The dates are a year out, does that make any difference?
  8. Thanks for the reply but I'm still a bit unclear. Do you mean that it will not affect future credit applications? Here is the info on my equifax report: 6 late payments September 2006 to February 2007. (Incidentally this is inaccurate by a year, the first missed payment was September 2007) It then shows a 'U' in a grey box representing 'not updated ' for every month upto September 2010 then nothing after that. It also states: 'Default / Deliquent balance £***.** 'Start date xx/05/2007 (Again inaccurate) 'Date last deliquent' BLANK 'Default date' BLANK 'Date updated ' XX/08/2010 So what will this likely mean to potential future creditors? Will the six missed payments be visible to creditors? bearing in mind that they are now over six years ago. Thanks again George (Please do not make moral judgments, I would not about you and my circumstances are quite unique, and very personal)
  9. Hi, I have found some info on this question but can't really find a definitive answer. My situation is this:- I have a delinquent account showing on my credit file (both Equifax and Experian) from a Halifax personal unsecured loan I took out in 2007. I am reasonably satisfied that this loan is now statute barred as I have had no contact with them since late 2007. (I have not made any payments or acknowledged the debt since that time). However Halifax did have never registered a default with the CRAs and the account is showing as delinquent with the last update being August 2010. Both Experian and Equifax tell me that this will remain on my file until six years after they eventually decide to serve a default notice. I know that there is some vague guidance to lenders from the ICO regarding when defaults should be registered, but I wonder how much weight this carries. I would obviously like any default backdated to a reasonable date. If anyone has successfully challenged this sort of situation I would be grateful for your advice or possibly the letters used. Thanks George (Please do not make moral judgments, I would not about you and my circumstances are quite unique, and very personal)
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