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Everything posted by muppetspotter

  1. 1245 - still no call. I have just called them and the call cdentre is escalating the case and they will call me back within an hour - I have told them that if I have not heard from them by 1315 I will have no choice but to assume the worst that my NI numbe4r has been stolen and to report the situation to the police.
  2. Having worked for 20 years, in January I fell sick and have spent some time in hospital. I was told to register for ESA which I did, This worked fine until the contractor, Atos Origin lost my ESA50 form (a questionairre you complete which allows Atos to decide if you are fit enough to return to work despite what your consultant or GP might think). My condition is debilitating but with an operation, can be cured - I am on a waiting list. I was contacted by the DWP in May and told that becauseI had not returned my ESA50 I was deemed fit to work and my benefits stopped. I called to appeal this and nothing happened until 4 weeks ago when I got a letter saying they had found my ESA50 and would reinstate payments forth with. They paid me 2 weeks outsanding but since then I have received no payments from them. Last Monday I called them and they acknowledged that the situation was desperate and informed me they would do a same day payment. The only way you can speak to your case officer is to call the main call centre - describe the nature of your call to them and then they email your case officer at the local benefits centre (in my case, 'B') who has a 3 hour window to call you back. If they don'e call you back in 3 hours then you can call the call centre who will then update you as to any changes (the case officer may make a change and deem it unecessary to call you back) - the call centre will then email them and they have 1 hour to call you back as a priority. So, 'B' called me back and told me that they were unable to do this due to an IT problem. Instead they had posted a giro cheque. No cheque on Tues Wed or Thurs - I called the call centre eash day and was told it was in the post - nothing on Friday I called the call centre and elicited by accident that they had posted the cheque to the wrong address - one I have never lived there nor have I ever heard of it. This time 'B' called me back and told me I had to complete, over the phone, by calling the main call centre, a change of address request and complete a form explaining why the cheque had gone missing. I called the call centre who who told me that only 'B' could make any changes to my record and they would get them to call me back - within 3 hours. No call on Friday morning within the KPI of 3 hours by 2.00pm - I called back and was put on a KPI urgent call of 1 hour - 2pm there was nothing form them. I called again and was told they would call me by 1500 and should call the crisis loan people who could get me a cash payment for the weekend. I called the crisis loan people and they told me that because I was on a 1 hour call back from 'B' they would be unable to process a crisis loan for me. 1600 - nothing - I call the call centre again and am told that 'B' would call me back by 1700 (they are legally required to call back within KPI by the way) nothing at 1700 so I call the call centre at 1710 and am told that no one from 'B' will call me now until before 10am on Monday (today) - I ask about a crisis loan and am told that the crisis loans stop being issued at 1630 but they gave me the number of Lothian and Borders police who I could call and would let me take the kids to their canteen to feed them over the weekend. This morning - no call from bathgate before 10.00am - I called the call centre 15 minutes ago and lost my temper - they told me that the 'B' centre had looked at my case updated the system and put a note on that there was no need to call me back - updating the system consisted of confirming that my correct address was the wrong one and closing the case as all paymets up to date. 'B' have now been told to call me back within 1 hour, that was 50 minutes ago. There is a distict possibility that somone has stolen my national insurance numer if so, this needs immediate attention. The system is broken, I have worked all my life, I only need this until the NHS can fix me and the delay is because of a waiting list. What the hell did I pay all those national insurance payments for? I have 2 small kids to feed, one of which has Coeliac's Disease and therefore cannot eat food with gluten (ie cheap food). She is 2 and has been eating potatoes for a week. I swear, you couldn't make this up .....
  3. I've been in a similar situation - the problem is that if you are on JSA, have to go on to ESA and then back to JSA it is a nightmare so complex that even the DSS employees are confused by it. The whole system is tilted towards long term benefits and JSA cannot cope with those ill for 1-6 months - temorarily....your situaiton doesn't surprise me - I'm not recommending that you do this but consider sending in a letter informing them that you are surprised that they have continued to pay you housing benefit whilst you were sick as you clearly informed the JSA at the time of the ESA that you were moving onto ESA and in with your folks. You had assumed, quite reasonably, that as the JSA tell the council about housing benefit claims that they would inform them when the claim was no longer needed. Stress your illness and that you were not functioning fully or reasonably and that the situaiton was an entirely reasonable mistake to make. Hell, even they struggle with understanding the system! Makes my blood boil the whole system is designed to help those who are experts at playing it whereas it is rife with traps and over complex systems to catch out the genuine claimants.....wish I had't bothered paying NI for 25 years!
  4. What has happened to me this week has shaken my belief systems so mch that I am on the verge of becoming a bolshevik. In October last year I finished my last contract, because we had some cash in the bank and there is usually a 3 month hiatus I decided not to register as unemployed as we were able to support ourselves - mistake number 1. By January I was seriously ill and in hospital for most of January, upon discharge I applied for incapacity benefit and after a week was denied because I had not made enough National Insurance Contributions, and therefore had to claim Employment and Support Allowance number 1 I was suprised as I have always been diligent about paying NI and I have a statement proving I am up to date - according to the DSS person I spoke to at the time, all claims for NI based sick assistance are being turned down as the revenue updated their systems 2 years ago but did not interface them with the DSS therefore when the DSS ask the reveue if you are up to date with NI you are automatically rejected as any payments since 2009 are not listed!!!!! So number 2 My first claim doe ESA went missing at their end the second claim went in and it took then 8 weeks to process it - 8 weeks of no support/housing benefit etc and the council chasing us for council tax as well! number 3 At the end of March I get a call whilst in hospital asking where my ESA50 returned form is? 'What ESA50?' I asked...so they sent me out another one in the post. I am discharged from hospital in early May and complete and return the form to them by the 10th May. Number 4 2 weeks ago I was surprised to find no esa payment in my bank, I chased them and they informed me there had been an error and an emergency payment would be sent out - a message later that day - unable to send an emergency payment so they had sent a cheque....it arrived and I took it to the post office to be told it had been cancelled. Returned home, called the DSS again they told me that they had cancelled the cheque and done a 4 day transfer instead - couldn't tell me why. 4 days later - still no cash so I call them to be told that : "AS I HAD NOT RETURNED MY ESA50 TO THEM BY 29TH APRIL A DECISION MAKER HAS DECIDED THAT I AM FIT FOR WORK FROM THAT DATAS THEREFORE MY ESA CLAIM HAS BEEN CANCELLED FROM THAT DATE AND I AM TO REPAY MONIES PAID SINCE APRIL 29TH" I called them up - hold on says I' this was a/not initially sent out to me and b/ sent to my home address when I was in Hospital and I filled it out as soon as I was able AND informed them of this I had also sent it in recorded delivery so had proof of returned postage. I was bluntly told that the only recourse was to appeal in writing completing an additional ESA50 form and in the meantime, I had to register for either Job Seekers Allowance or another ESA Claim. Now, I have never claimed benefit in my life before, this is the only time I have needed it and I will have to go back to hospital next month for another operation after which I should be fit again within 8 weeks or so. I need assisstance between then and now. 3 seperate consultants with 100 years experience between them have registered me unfit to work BUT Atos, a company charging the state millions for this slipshod service, has decided that I am a skiver and have to go back to work My appeal letter goes like this: I am writing to appeal this decsion onsultant x has signed me off until August 20011 as have Drs Y and Z. I returned the form, on time and in good faith and also recorded the postage of that form. Yet I now have to write to you explaining why you do not have that form in your posession: Dear sir/Madam, Despite the fact that I have done everything you have asked of me before the date due and have returned my completed ESA50 form to you by recorded delivery first class mail which was signed for by one of your colleagues, I am writing to explain why you have not received this correspondance. Yet, I can't explain that because the correspondance was returned to you and you have lost it. It seems to me deeply unfair that, on top of a painful condition and at a time of great financial stress you have decided to suspend my esa benefit, housing benefit etc due to your department's own errors and would urge you to please reconsider this decision." cc - my MP and MSP I am not hopefull so I called Job Seekers Allowance and registered with them despite being too untfit to attend interveiws I have no choice in this matter. The JSA lady was very helpful and told me that yesterday she had had a chap on the phone who was so disabled he had to use a robot phone to sythesise his voice and he is only able to attend his job centre in a special vehicle that can carry his BREATHING MACHINE with him. He was judged fit to work due to Atos losing an ESA50 form despite the fact that he is in a desperate state and badly needs the support of the so called civilised society we live in. You see, in order to satsfy a few reactionaries those who really need this help like that chap and those who have faithfully paid there NI for 20 odd years but need some help for a few months to get through an illness like me are suffering at the heavy hands of an organisation that treats everyone as a criminal. Once out of this situation and back on my feet with my business rebuilt I will volunteer a tthe citizens advice beureau - if someone fortunate like me can inadvertantly fall foul of this absurd system then god help those who are vunerable. My advice - don't whatever you do get ill and get provate health insurance as if the NHS waiting list I am on was 1 month rather than 10 months long I would have been back on my feet months ago. To make myself feel better I informed the Downing Street Website that they had lost a life long Tory voter.
  5. right, just had a chat with my godfather who is a senior court of session judge in the high court in Scotland, he said - don't ignore this but bombard them with letters, cc them to the court and copy them all - they are out of order on several points and threaten them with significant expenses should you win. They won't have the ability to cope with the flood of letters and will back down and if they do't then hey - a trip to London for you and the wife paid for by the DVLA
  6. question of jurisdiction surely not of transfer. This is a summons - under English law a summons can be posted through the regular post. Under Scots law a summons that is not formally serve by a court officer is not a summons and has no legal status - under scots law I can ignore this. I've just spoken to the court in Essex who told me that I could defend in writing but the 'excuse' that 'posted it but they didn't get it' would likely be thrown out by the magistrate - I told them that if that was the case then I would certainly be attending the court as the DVLA are required to prove that I did not post it not the other way around! Christ on a bike!
  7. yeah, thanks I have read it but the issue is not that I know that I would win but that I have to travel 400 miles there and back to do so - is there anyway I can deal with this remotely? cheers
  8. Hello all, I need some advice pls about the following: This morning I got a summons from Havering Magistrates Court in Essex for unpaid road tax on a car I sold 19 months ago. I just called the enforcement centre and was dealt with by an infuriating man. I told him that I sold the vehicle nearly 2 years ago and therefore was not liable. I had returned the V5 in good faith to the DVLA by post and given the green slip to the new owner. I cannot recall if I received an acknowledgement slip that I had disposed of the vehicle. He told me that I should have called them within 4 weeks of selling it if I had not. I told him, no, the advice is that I call them after 28 days but there is no legal obligation on me to do this and that the onus on them is for them to prove that I did not post the V5 not for me to prove that I did. He said that if I wanted to plead not guilty then I have to appear at court and the magistrates will decide. This is not easy to do as I live in Edinburgh, a 400 mile journey from Havering. I informed him that if I was forced to attend the court to defend the case then I would be seeking expenses from the DVLA to include but not to limit: £100 per day (3 Days) £300 £0.40 per mile (830 miles) £415 Accomodation for 2 nights in Romford £150 Meals and Sundries for 2 nights in Romford £100 total: £965.00 Which, as they do not have a leg to stand on, they would be obliged to pay. So, given the expense and the colossal waste of everyone's time due to their inability to carry out a simple administrative task would it not be a better idea to drop the whole charge.... He told me that 'they could only go on the information they had, I may have posted it but they had not received it and that I would have to attend court to argue my case. Whilst I would quite like £1000 I do not have the time to slog down to Essex and also am likely to be in hospital recovering fro surgery on the 18th August... is there anything I can do, short of going to Essex to get this ridiculous situation to go away? thanks
  9. well, I got a copy of an earning arrestment today - fair enough BUT the employer is not my employer. They have assumed I work somewhere I don't and have therefore shared information, confidential information with a 3rd party. Surely this is a breach of Data Protection, I highlighted this to them but they just didn't get it! - any ideas - I'm going to write to them but is this usual - anyone else had this experience BTW this is the 2nd time they have done this to me 3 years ago they pursuded me at Scottish Widows when I didn't work there either - strikes me that their litigation department send these things out willynilly without checking first
  10. Folks, your assistance is required. My uncle recently passed away. Yesterday, my aunt went to the clydesdale Bank in Glasgow where they have a joint account. She told them that he died last week. The teller demanded all his credit cards and debit cards and the bank then took £3000 out of their joint account to pay off an unsecured loan in my uncle's name. Now from my understanding this sounds rather dodgey. Surely on death (and there is a will) the executor (my aunt) is required to apply probate and therefore any claim the bank have on the estate is dealt with in strict order: Funeral expenses Secured Debts Unsecured Debts HMReveneue DWP My question is: were the bank allowed to take the money from the joint account and pay off thedebt on hearing (verbally) that my uncle had died? surely the joint account should have been frozen, the will executed, the estate drawn up and after the above paid, the loan been settled? if they are out of order then what can she do about it? thanks
  11. ok - I have spoken to a nice lady at the National Debt Helplilne who suggested that I appeal myself as there is nothing to lose. So, I have contacted the court who have sent me form N164 - apparantly I need to ask permission to appeal.... question for you legal seagulls - if I lodge an appeal can the claimant still take action or does he have to wait for the appeal? cheers
  12. sadly, I have decided that I will have to pay this guy off - I am bitterly dissapointed as I simply do not owe him what he is claiming. An English Court with no jurisdiction has made a judgement against me and is ignoring the issue of jurisdiction: This situation is particularly galling here's why: in the summer of 2007 XXXXXX contact me following an RTA which happened when I was driving one of their vehicles - here was minor panel damage. As I had waived the insurance excess I was liable for this and agreed to pay it. What then happened is that XXX sent a demand for some £4500 of repairs and lost revenue to me for payment. The vehicle was repaired in their own workshops by their own staff and the costs were an estimate of this. In addition they claimed lost revenue for every day the van was off the road. I wrote back saying that this was unacceptable and I needed a break down of the costs together with independent quotes and I was not willing to pay for the vehicle being off the road. Rather than provide that XXX started a claim against me in St Albans County Court. This initial claim was dismissed as being incompetent due to jurisdiction. I thought this would result in XXX brining the case to Scotland, we moved house in the summer of 2008 and next thing that happened was I received a judgment from St Albans Court in December 2008 finding in favour of XXX by default. Had I been aware of this claim I would have defended it. I contacted the Court and explained that I was resident in Scotland and the case had already been dismissed because of this - The court agreed with me and the Judgement was set aside. In Mid January 2009 I received a letter from the Court informing me that judgment had been found in favour of the claimant once again by default. This despite the case having been set aside on 2 previous occasions. No one at the court could explain to me why the judgement had been entered despite being previously set aside. At this stage I contacted the Citizens Advice Bureau in St Albans and explained the situation to them. Their advice was to write the letter I sent in February 2009 clearly stating that the court had no jurisdiction as I am resident in Scotland. The court wrote back informing me that I had to apply to have the case set aside at a hearing. This however, would acknowledge that the court had jurisdiction. In May 2009 XXX swear an oath at St Albans Court enabling the judgement to be entered into the Books of the Court of Sessions, the first I know of this is when the Sheriff's Officers serve this. It was at this point I contacted my Scottish lawyers On their advice I immediately wrote to the court applying for a hearing to have the case set aside. My Solicitors wrote to the Sheriff's Officers informing them that they could be enforcing a judgement that had been made by a court without jurisdiction. The first court date in October 2009 was postponed due to holidays. The 2nd court date was last Friday. I briefed an English Lawyer and our argument was going to be that under Paragraph 3 of the 1984 Act St Albans Court have no jurisdiction in this case. Also to highlight that the claimant did not complete form N224 - had he done so the court would have identified I was resident in Scotland and acted accordingly - also it would have triggered a process that would have informed me of what I needed to do to defend a jurisdiction case. Watertight you would think? Only on Friday afternoon the Judge dismissed the case - he had no interest in looking into the jurisdiction question and said that the case had been dragging on too long and the judgement stood - despite 2 previous judges throwing it out and the inability of HMCS to answer my queries over jurisdiction. On Friday evening the claimant wrote to me informing me that unless I pay the full amount by 12th February he will instruct the SO to act. Now the output of this is twofold. Were I a resident in England I would have the opportunity to have the case heard as it has been found against me by default. This would give the judge the opportunity to look into the amount claimed. Also, I would have the opportunity to request a time to pay order. The problem is that I live in Scotland and this judgement has been logged at the Court of Session which enables the SO to act on the claimant's behalf. I feel bitterly disappointed that I have not had my opportunity to discuss my side of the story in court despite my numerous efforts. All advice I have been given stresses the importance of a case being brought in the correct jurisdiction. I acknowledge my solicitor's advice that I should just settle now but am deeply frustrated at essentially having the best part of £5k plus costs screwed out of me when I don't owe it and by a court system that seems indifferent. However, as I do not have the wherewithal to fund such an appeal it looks like I am just going to have to swallow it. Therefore the issue now at hand is how I pay XXX The formal written Judgement has not yet been published. XXX are aggressively demanding full payment to a tight timescale and from what I know of this man he will not settle for a lesser amount. I work away from home during the week and I do not want the Sheriff's Officers beating down the door on the 13th March. Is there anything I can do to force XXX to come to a time to pay order? The irony being that if I were in England this would be a simple process of going through the County Court - but as St Albans have no jurisdiction in Scotland then I can't go through the county court. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment. I guess I am going to have to pay them off but I don't have the means to raise £5k in 2 weeks - it would take me 30 days at least to release this amount. Can I get a time to pay order from the Sheriff Court? I seem to have got myself pinned down by an unscrupulous and litigious individual who has had the luck of the court. Any advice would be gladly received - I have asked my English Solicitors to see if there is anything we can do in St Albans. does anyone have any ideas?
  13. I spoke to a very expensive Sol last year who made a £500 per hour living off this issue - he said it was staggering how jurisdiction is not understood in England. I'm very frustrated by this - essentially due to incompetancy I am faced with a costly legal battle - but hey so are lots of folk here
  14. personally I want to fight the guy- Am furious with the English court - thier judgement is incompetant purely because the judge could not be arsed to look into the jurisdiction issue - if I end up running up 20k it is the principle at stake here and what is more I have a good case
  15. kaalmac- you are not thie only one in this situation. On Friday my application to have a CCJ set aside was thrown out by a judge who did not accept the argument of jurisdiction despite paragraph 3 and depsite the judgment having been obtained by default as the case was never served on me in the first place. 2 previousl judges in England have thrown the claimant's claim out on jurisdiction but this latest ruling sets me back. I now face a lengthy and expensive appeal with no gaurantee I will be able to claim my costs. seems there is no justice - all I want is the opportunity to be heard in court - a court with jurisdiction here's the details: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/249700-ccj-scotland-issue.html
  16. folks - I posted this on the Legal Issues forum as it is a legal issue rather than a Debt in Scotland - would really appreciate it if you could have a look for me http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/249700-ccj-scotland-issue.html
  17. Dear all, thought I would get your take on the following situation. In 1997 I fell out with a vehicle rental company based in England over damage to a vehicle. This resulted in the claimant applying for a CCJ against me...the only issue being that under the terms of the act i am domiciled in Scotland. Here is what happened: July 2007 - his application is dismissed by St Albans County Court on grounds of being incorreclty served in Scotland and therefore incompetant I thought that was the end of it and then moved houseonly to find out in December 2008 that he had registered an identical application at St Albans Court - once again! In this instance the judgement was granted by default. I called the court and a district Judge sitting on 22nd December set the case aside on grounds of jurisdiction - I did not have to apply for it to be set aside or anything. However, early Jan 2009 I get a letter from the Court informing me that judgement had been entered against me by default and I now had a CCJ in my name. I contacted the CAB who told me to write to HMC at St Albans and point o0ut the action was incompetant and the court has no jurisdiction over me and should be dismissed with costs in my favour - also to complain that the court had granted this judgement despite previously throwing out an identical claim. In March 2009 I received a letter from the court dismissing my request and informing me I had to apply for a set aside hearing. I wrote back that to do so would result in admitting that the court had jurisdiction. The court wrote back insisting that I apply to have the judgement set aside. In May 2009 the cliamant has the enforcement of the judgement by defualt transferred to Scotland and I am presented with a payment order by the Sheriff Clerk's Officers. at this stage I contact my Scottish solicitor who points out to the SCO that they would be in danger of enforcing an incompetant judgement - to be fair to the SCO they hold fire on this. In the meantime my Scottish lawyers write to HMC highlighting the jurisdiction issue. At this time I also request my MP looks into the issue which he does. The St Alban's court are inisitant however and tell me top apply for a set aside hearing which we eventually decide to do. A court date is set in October but then i am informed by my scottish solicitor that we should not go to a set aside hearing so i cancel my cheque and write to the court. We then engage an English lawyer who, working with my Scottish solicitor desides that a set aside application is the best way forward and a date for a hearing is scheduled on 28 th feb the defence is straightforward - the claim and judgement are incompetant on jurisdiction the claimant did not complete the correct N form stating that I was domiciled in Scotland I have not had the opportuinity to defend myself in court. We were confident however on Friday afternoon the judge threw it out after 3 minutes on the ground that too much time had elapsed between the initial claim in 2007 and now. I am very cheesed off about this because it is not exactly for want of trying to get a ruiling that this has dragged on so long. The judge saw no jurisdiction issues despite the clearly stated Paragraph 3 of the act. All I want is the opportunity to argue my side of the claim in court but let that be in the court that has the jurisdiction to do so. As things stand the claimant (a litigious fellow who is his own lawyer) seems to have had a streak of luck. My English lawyer is advising me to pay the man (about £5k) and walk away. My Scottish Solicitor is telling me to fight it as it is a serious quesion about jurisdiction that the english judge clearly does not understand and there is a good chance of winning an appeal. I'm in 2 minds - but I have never put up with a bully before and I believe we have a just cause and a good argument if only we could get a judge to hear it!.... any ideas?
  18. Thanks for clarifying this. I must say I am annoyed that I have to apply to have this set aside for the 2nd time for the same reason just because the judge couldn't be bothered to read the paperwork properly and see that I lived in Edinburgh. The CAB were very adamant that I should not apply for it to be set aside as it is an error but it looks like I will have to and part with my £75 fee. I will print out the relevant act and attach it to the form
  19. The claiment is a vehicle rental company based in north London. The claim is for around £5000 and relates to alleged damage caused to a rental vehicle and also loss of earnings due to the rental vehicle being off the road.
  20. I am having a real issue with St Albans County Court at the moment. Before we go any further I should state that I am resident in Scotland. Last year and without my knowledge a company attempted a claim against me in St Albans CC. The District Judge threw the claim out as I was resident in Scotland. I thought that was the end of it and prepared to recieve a summons in the Sheriff Court so I could fight the case. However in December I received a notice from the court saying the case had been found against me by default as I had not defended myself. Now putting aside the fact that I did not receive a summons so was usable to defend myself, surely the court has no jurisdiction over me as I reside in Scotland? I contacted the court on Christmas Eve and they agreed with that and set the case aside. I then recevied after Christmas another notice from the court saying that once again the case had been found in favour of the claiment and instructing me to pay the full amount. At this stage I contacted the National Debt Helpline who told me to write to the court thus: I am writing in reference to the above judgement. I have been advised to request that this judgement be dismissed as it is denied that this court has jurisdiction. I reside at++++++++++++++, Scotland. This is my principal or main home and I am domiciled here for the purpose of section 41 of the Civil Jurisdiction & Judgments Act 1982 ('the 1982 Act'). I entered into a contractual agreement with the plaintiff as a consumer. Paragraph 3(4) to schedule 8 of the 1982 Act provides as follows: "(4) Proceedings may be brought against a consumer by the other party to the contract only in the courts for the place where the consumer is domiciled or any court having jurisdiction under rule 2(i)". Rule 2(i) concerns moveable property which has been arrested and is not applicable. Paragraph 3(6) does not apply. Accordingly, this action is incompetent for want of jurisdiction and should be dismissed with expenses in favour of the defendant. Furthermore, the claimant repeatedly keeps claiming in your court. His initial claim was dismissed as the court had no jurisdiction. However, he subsequently has lodged a second claim upon which judgement was made in his favour by default. I telephoned the court on the 22nd December 2008 and this judgement was set aside by District Judge ++++++ on that same day, I was notified of this on 5th January 2009 . However on 12th January 2009 I received notice that I had not responded to the claim form and Judgement for Claimant (in default) had been made. I believe that this judgement has been made in error as I would like to remind the court of Section 41 of the Civil & Judgements Act 1982 which clearly states that St Albans Court has no jurisdiction in Scotland in this matter. I am surprised that the claimant has not been informed as his initial claim was found incompetent and yet he continues to pursue me in your court when you have no jurisdiction. I have been advised to request that the Judgement be dismissed and that any subsequent Judgement made against me in your court in this matter will result in the lodging of a formal complaint to Her Majesty’s Court Service. This was send recorded about 10 days ago. The NDH told me specifically not to put in an application to have the case set aside as it should never have been ruled on in the first place. This weekend the clerk of the court wrote back to me informing me that theJudge said the judgement stood and I was to apply to have the case set aside formally - he included a form for me to fill out. I am now confused and feel like I am being used as a cricket bat for the NDH and St Albans CC to hit each other. To me the matter is simple - the case should be thrown out and should the claiment wish to he should pursue me in a Scottish Court where I am ready and willing to defend myself. Any ideas what I should do now? Is it time to complain to HMCS? please help as I am having sleepless nights about this.
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