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Everything posted by xyzylt

  1. BBC NEWS | UK | Rise in debt collector 'mistakes' have a look at this on the bbc. i have just sent all my letters and demands to the OFT and to watchdog.We also have a Consumers Minister Garath Thomas what about sending him a copy of all your letters and threats. the more the merrier.
  2. The Enquirys Team The Office of Fair Trading Fleetbank House 2-6 Salisbury Square London EC4Y 8JX. Also call consumer direct they are very good. How can we contact surfaceagentx20 he or she seems very good.
  3. Surfaceagentx20 can we have some input into 1St credit threads? thanks
  4. Lilly, the police will Not get involved unless you are being harrased at the door,being threatened with bailiffs or nuisance telephone calls which are giving you distress.so i am told.
  5. I am just posting my nail in the coffin off to the OFT hopefully they will act on it. see my posting XYZYLT.
  6. Today I intend to send details to Gareth Thomas MP Consumer Minister OFT Trading Standards in the 1st Credits area and last but not least 1St Credit. I will keep all informed of progress
  7. Lilly, do you think this is a police matter? do they look at this sort of fraud they may help what do other people think should i get a crime number ?
  8. Thanks for all the support,I have sent an E mail to watchdog today hopefully they may take on the case. I will get some copys done and send them to OFT and trading standards. Has anyone any dealings with advice from Consumer Direct for advice they are the offshoot from the OFT?.
  9. I am new to the forum could I have some advice please.Its about 1st Credit(would you believe it) Out of the blue in December I received a demand for an outstanding debt of £245.00 from 1st credit ,which they were acting for a company called CashEuronet.uk. I wrote back and told them I had never heard of either company and the debt was not mine,which it isnt. They persisted and sent demands for a payment plan which I rejected and responded with the 12+2 day letter for them to send me details of the Credit agreement. Would you believe it they have done,all typed up ,my name and address and postcode but with a hidden electronic signature and a debt taken out at some 3.49am in the morning from somewhere in London. Anyway as the debt is not mine I asked them to let it go to court so that I can defend myself. [EDIT] What should i do next ,I have no debts especially with someone who charges 1400.0% interest.whats my next move to prepare myself to defend a CCJ. HELP WOULD BE MOST APPRECIATED.
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