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Everything posted by Undercover-Elsa

  1. Ahhh the benefits of technology and progress! I used to have to make a wax doll and stick pins in it in my youth. It's so much easier now Sooooo glad to read you've finally got resolution on this DD. I know it's been a hell of a journey for you and the early days were very dark, but you've gained strength and confidence along the way under our very eyes...your win is that you didn't let her beat you down. Denying her the gloat factor of slamming you with her ridiculous costs bill is also a massive win for you. Well done and a happy new biaaatch free year!!!!! Hugs, Elsa xxx PS LEXIIIISSSS!!!!!!! Hey!!!!
  2. Yes, definitely send one. Now that it's defaulted/terminated have they stopped adding interest? If they don't comply with the CCA I would stop payment until/unless they do comply, but put the money to one side each month with a view to an F&F at some stage. Certainly 75% of usual monthly amount is a high payment on a defaulted account and if you're struggling with this they need a wakeup call (CCA) after which they'll be far more likely to either offer a discount or accept much lower payments within your budget. kind regards, Elsa x
  3. Hello Pipster and welcome to the thread! Congratulations on your own success, I'm sure your input will be invaluable! Elsa x
  4. Hi, Just subbing, sorry to hear you're having such problems depite all your best efforts. As above, please don't let CCCS handle this summons for you. We often have to pick up the pieces on here after they do. If you can answer Andy's questions above it will help us advise you better. If you decided to defend there are many opportunities for resolution along the way, eg if Reston's don't have all the docs or via mediation etc. Sometimes they discontinue or the case can get struck out if they can't come up with the paperwork. Ultimately it's up to you to decide, but we'll help you either way Elsa x
  5. That's excellent news Mani! Must be a load off your mind. WEll done !!! Elsa x
  6. Hi Batman, I would check with the court exactly what the status of your claim is first. Are you in a position to offer a F&F to the DCA, starting low at 10%? Another avenue which has just occurred to me is to check whether you can utilise the Banking Conduct of Business Regulations. Have a read here and follow all the links: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/announcement.php?f=9&a=228 Elsa
  7. Hi, if you used the standard template which specifies that the £1 is only to be used as a Statutory CCA fee, you should be OK. I've known this happen but when confronted have been made to remove it from the account. Elsa x
  8. Hi Just_jue, If you're sure it's out of time now send them the Stat Barred letter. Elsa x
  9. What happened about the CCA Request Jellybabe?
  10. Sounds as if this poor lady has enough on her plate without having to deal with these sharks. Well done you for being so kind and helping her. Elsa x
  11. Hi Sameagle, I also have concerns about checking the credit file, as it could bring more critters out from under stones, and will pinpoint this poor lady's current address. I don't see any benefit in doing this. If they've already blanked you on a writeoff, I believe the best way to get these people off her back is to send CCA requests first, as P1 says, and put the accounts in dispute for those which don't comply. Call me cynical, but they are far more likely to write them off if there are paperwork errors. I know this from personal experience, even after recent court cases etc. Alternatively if you are keen on the writeoff route, you need to send a letter to all the creditors at the same time. Even if only one comes back positive then you can tell the others that "x" has already agreed... It also helps if you have a letter from the GP or other confirmation of illness, copied to each. Just a thought...Have you also checked whether there has been any period of more than 6 years when payment wasn't made? kind regards, Elsa x
  12. That letter says they've transferred "£0" from one account to the other leaving £10 odd left to pay.???!!! You need to open a basic account at another bank. In the meantime if the money in your other account is needed for subsistence...food,rent,council tax, utility bills..you can try writing to them and telling them this if the transfer means you will be put into hardship and unable to buy food or pay rent etc.
  13. That one works fine... I'm disappointed though..thought you were going to have a perm and blue rinse for the photo!
  14. Just checking in, Newman. I wouldn't worry about the guests, probably a Tenalady staff day out that took a wrong turn at Reigate... Just a thought, after something DonkeyB said....Have you given any consideration to issuing a Notice to Admit Facts? Elsa x
  15. Dear Me, I'm gutted for you Newman. As stated earlier I would have thought those costs would be reserved. It seems wholly disproportionate to engage the services of a top Consumer Credit Barrister to face a LIP at a set aside hearing! And then to make you pay his fees. Unbelievable. Awaiting Andy's comments with interest (not statutory interest though!) As DonkeyB says, time to regroup, learn the lessons and crack our knuckles for the next round.
  16. Well I just did..LOL! I've got no nails left. Hope Newman's OK.
  17. HiLaura, I agree with Hightail. You have clearly acted responsibly and offered financial help or to take the puppy back, subject to medical evidence. Have they provided anything at all to substantiate their claims..vet bills, copies of reports etc? Keep everything in writing. Might be an idea to respond to their latest demands with a letter, sent recorded delivery, on the lines of: Dear xxxx In reference to your further demands for money in respect of (pup's name) sold to you on xx xx xx for £xxx without paperwork as a pet. For the avoidance of doubt, I have repeatedly stated that I would be willing to contribute to veterinary fees or take the puppy back and refund your money, upon production of satisfactory medical evidence of your claims. However you have failed to provide this,and the veterinary surgeon informs me that you have refused testing for the condition. I therefore feel that your continued demands are unreasonable and should you "take this further" as threatened will be seen as vexatious by the court. Because of the time scale involved here and your statements regarding this pup's health, my main priority is his/her welfare about which I am becoming increasingly concerned. As I'm sure you are aware you have a legal responsibility to ensure this pup receives proper veterinary care, and I am beginning to question whether he/she is receiving this in view of your refusal to provide documentary proof. I am therefore considering requesting the RSPCA to visit your premises to check on the welfare of (name), unless you provide me with copies of vet bills / medical reports or other documents confirming that he/she is receiving appropriate treatment for the condition you claim. I would be grateful for your written response, enclosing the requested documentation within 7 days of receipt of this recorded delivery letter, otherwise I will have no alternative but to take further action to ensure the welfare of this puppy. Yours sincerely, Just my opinion...hope this helps Elsa x
  18. Wishing you all the very best for today, Newman. Just be yourself, What shines through this thread is the bullying, sarcasm, procrastination, intimidation and cynicism that you have had to endure. Let's hope the judge sees the true picture of how you've been treated. Fingers firmly crossed for you, Elsa x
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