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Last of the Mohicans

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Everything posted by Last of the Mohicans

  1. Hmm.. so, I'm going to bang in a request for the true copy on Monday. Any speculation as to what I might be able to achieve if they cant produce?
  2. Hi Davey, not questioning your expertise here, rather I'm clutching at straws in asking .. do they absolutely, 100% have to show the judge the signature document to enforce an agreement? eg, would the Judge have to be formally presented with the original agreement before finding against you, or is it sufficient that you dont contest (as I didnt due to stress and illness) Thanks Mo
  3. I'm with Rooftop and London Mortgage Company. Be thankful you're only with Rooftop... You *should* have the lower LIBOR rate through now. I have, as of Febs payment. Re their charges, which I agree are - f...- er - jolly high - I'm a complete n00b at this, so I'm just passing on advice I've just been given about getting all your records from them using the Data Protection Act by sending them a SAR I'm sending this out on Monday morning, which was kindly proffered to me by Midge61 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/516-1-data-protection-act.html FWIW, I'm sending mine to the Registered Office rather than the PO Box because I figure thats safest and best. That address is: Rooftop Mortgages Ltd 2nd Floor 20 St Mary at Hill London EC3R 8EE Remember to send it proper registered signed for post and include a cheque for £10.00 as per the letter. Mo
  4. Hi Lily, I'm not going to be much help here, but the phrase "not regulated by the Consumer Credit Act" rang a real bell with me, because this seems to be a mantra with London Mortgage Co. They even rattled it off as a reason why they could charge me 6 months interest as a redemption fee when I asked them yesterday. I was always under the impression that if you supplied credit to the public, you HAD to come under the CCA - but I might be wrong, and I wouldnt mind some clarification on that point. (Sorry, thats no help to you, but I'm a n00b here myself )
  5. Please see this thread (or if Mods could merge?)
  6. Hi Midge, thanks for answering and the linky No they didnt get the house - I'm currently (fingers crossed) in the process of selling it (for sweet FA of course, although it appears to be a good offer, with a non-refundable deposit already down ) so anything I can grab back of them could mean the difference between being able to redeem both mortgages and get out from under, or not. The other mortgage is with Rooftop, who although they've whacked me for fees I'm hoping to get back by negotiation, I have to say have been A1+ for service and understanding - as opposed to LMC who are just ... well, words fail me... I'll check that out. I was self employed, but I dont remember taking cover out. In fact I'm almost certain I didnt - but I will check. Thanks again...
  7. Thanks Um.. can you explain what a SAR is / does (or maybe point to a thread?) and er.. whats PPI? Cheers Mo
  8. Hi, first post so go easy if this has been covered before:) I got into arrears on a secured loan with London Mortgages last year and they ended up getting a repossesion order on the house - even though they were second lender, which amazed my solicitor, but thats another subject. I went into an arrangement with them to pay the arrears off at £100 a month over the normal repayment, which although it makes things tight I'm just managing to do. Then today I got a statement through from them, and noticed theyre charging me £30 a month "Arrears Management Fee" (although they do nothing) PLUS "Additional Interest charged this statement period". When totaled these come to just under £75 a month. I rang them to ask how they justified this, given I am already paying £100 more a month, and they would just say "Its in the terms". What really got to me was that they said that in fact, these charges are taken OFF the £100 a month extra I'm paying, and therefore my arrears are only actually going down by £25 a month - the remaining balance on which they are obviously charging interest on. Question is, is there anything I can do - and if so, what? Thanks... Mo
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