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Everything posted by shikyra

  1. aha - the backbilling is interesting. thank you. I called British Gas today and made a formal complaint about the way this was all handled. They said they couldn't recall the debt from Pastdue as my son is not registered at any property now BUT, the guy I spoke to was very apologetic and reported it to his manager when I was on hold - he is also sending me an application to some British Gas trust which will he said, in certain circumstances will pay some if not all of the debt (and he said our situation seemed likely to be successful in the application) The backbilling tool will come in very handy if we get no success from the Trust. Thank you for your input everyone. i really appreciate it
  2. Thank you so much. I will give them a call tomorrow
  3. Hi all When I moved my mentally disabled son into his flat in 2008, I contacted all utilities to register him. Eon took on the electric but said no gas was registered there. I knew gas was supplied to the flat as there was a boiler. Eon gave me a Gas number to ring saying that held all records of properties listed as being supplied with gas. I rang them and they confirmed they had no gas registered at that address. Moving on to 2013, the gas board heavies turned up at my son's flat, threatening to break in if he didn't let them in and installed a pre-pay meter and made him sign something. He was so distressed and confused, as was I. The gas man said an error had been made and that his gas was registered at another number. He now owes around £1500. He is on benefits and couldn't afford the gas so his flat got very mouldy and he recently moved out to live with his friend. He gave no forwarding address but Pastdue have just sent him a letter saying British Gas have past the debt onto them and now he needs to pay. We don't know how they got his new address but that's beside the point. The point is, I don't know what to do to help him. He is registered as mentally disabled and lives on benefits. I have taken this on because he can't cope with things like this. Do we contact Pastdue and offer £1 a month or something or do we contact British Gas and dispute the bill? Hoping someone in the know will be able to help. Thanks in advance
  4. sorry guys... just thought of this... my friend is having debt issues as well. She is on income support, single with one disabled son. She receives a carers allowance which is deducted off her income support money and the child (who is 9) receives disability living allowance. She is worried that if she declares the full income, which includes her son's disability allowance every month, that the debt collectors would take that into consideration... also, that if it did go to court, the court would make her use the disability allowance to pay off debts.. I am not in a position to answer her so wondered if anyone else would be able to shed some light on this. thanx for looking :o
  5. Just found this.... Available Reports Details Company Name: MERCANTILE DATA BUREAU LIMITED Company No: 01829604 Registered Office: Incorporated: 03/07/1984 WILLOW ROAD BRACKLEY NORTHANTS NN13 7EX Company Type: Private Limited Legal Status: Striking off Notice Report Status: Full Data Accounts Type: Dormant Latest Accounts to: 30/04/2008 Latest Return to: 11/08/2008 this is at Creditgate.com Does anyone know what the "Legal status - striking off notice" means?
  6. REPLY FROM MDB RECEIVED TODAY Obviously beyond Mark's job instruction so he has got a Jason to reply.... here it is Dear Mrs xx I am happy to answer your questions to quash any doubts you may have that Mercantile Data Bureau is in anyway not a bonifide company. 1) Mercantile Data Bureau’s licence with the Office of Fair Trading was renewed on the 4th November 2008. 2) Mercantile Data Bureau is a member of the CSA and is therefore proud to have their logo on our letterhead. 3) There are no regulations or guidelines preventing us from withholding our telephone number on outbound calls. 4) The Office of Fair Trading has not notified us of any such investigation and as far as we are concerned all of our activity is within current legislation and CSA best practise guidelines. 5) Our full accounts were submitted to Companies House at the end of February 09. I trust this will satisfy you to the nature of our business and we can now address the outstanding balance, which as you can see from the signed copy of your contract is enforceable. I look forward to your proposals for re-payment.
  7. I have to say that I am looking forward to what they have to say. Will of course keep you posted.... Have a great weekend everyone x
  8. Email from MDB today.... their follow up to my request for the CCA which they sent me last week.... From: Mark Davies To: xxxxxxx Sent: Friday, 13 March, 2009 8:50:44 AM Subject: Dear Mrs xx I am still awaiting a response to my letter sent on the 4th March 2009. Could you please advise if you have replied by letter, as it is possible that you have but I have just not received it. If you haven’t replied and now that you have received the copy of agreement you requested, would you be willing to discuss this matter on the phone to speed up this process? Mark Davies MDB Debt Negotiator Mercantile Data Bureau Tel: 08445610913 Email mark.davies@mercantiledb.co.uk Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank You. This email may contain confidential and proprietary material for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender and delete all copies. Mercantile Data Bureau Limited does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message, as the Internet is not secure and this message is subject to possible data corruption either accidentally or on purpose. This message has been virus scanned. Recipients are recommended to apply their own virus checks to this message on delivery as Mercantile Data Bureau Limited will not accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of this email or its attachments. Mercantile Data Bureau Limited - Registered office Willow Road, Brackley, NN13 7EX Registered in England, company number 1829604 AND MY REPLY....... Hello Mark I received the CCA, thank you. I contacted a company for some advice and there are a couple of things I would like some clarification on. 1) MDB's license with the office of fair trading seems to have expired in Nov 2008 and from the OFT website, the renewal of the license is marked as pending. Can you send me a copy of your company's current license. 2) The letters that you have sent me have a CSA logo on the bottom, but MDB do not appear to be a member or associate member of the CSA. 3) OFT guidelines/regulations state that the telephone number should not be diversionary and when you phone me, the telephone number displays as withheld. 4) I understand the OFT is looking into your company regarding correspondence sent from the Banbury address and I have been advised to report MDB to the OFT, which I have done. 5) Details at Companies House reveal that the accounts for 2008 were dormant. I also understand that the CCA from Egg is unenforceable. Perhaps you could clarify the above points for me. I do not wish to receive contact by phone as I am waiting delivery of my recording machine. All of my telephone conversations will be recorded. I am happy to receive contact via email or post. Best regards MRS XX
  9. Thanx for that Pinky... referring to the company switch that they do... I did read somewhere that thy are not allowed to pass your details onto another company without your knowledge or authority... did I get the wrong end of the stick?.... Surely, if this is the case then MDB shouldnt be sharing our details with Hillesdon
  10. ps... at Companies House, their accounts were dormant for last year
  11. As you can see... the license expired in Nov 2008. Just thought I would copy what was on the OFT website for others... CCA Search :: CCA Search Results :: Licence Details Application / Licence Details Licence Number: 0545676 Licence Status: Current Current Applicant / Licensee: Business Name Company Registration Number Mercantile Data Bureau Limited 1829604 Categories: Consumer credit Consumer hire Credit brokerage Debt collecting Right To Canvass Off Trade Premises: Yes Trading Name(s) (Current): MDB Mercantile Data Bureau Issued Date: 16-Nov-2003 Expiry Date: 15-Nov-2008 Legal Formation: Body Corporate (incorporated inside UK) Current Individuals that run the organisation: Name Position Robin Michael Faccenda OFFICER Susan Faccenda OFFICER Nature of Business: Debt Adjusting Other Current Address(es): Address Type Address Principal Place Of Business ., Buckingham Road, Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13 7DN Registered Office ., Willow Road, Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13 7EX Historic Address(es): Address Type Address Registered Office ., Willow Road, Brackley, Northanptonshire, NN13 7EX
  12. Soooo..... It looks like my Egg CCA is not enforceable because it does not state a credit amount... MDB have written to me from an address which is not registered and which boldly displays a CSA logo of which they do not seem to be members of.... I do not want to court trouble but if I do not have to pay back Egg because their CCA is unenforceable, and MDB are not being honest about their phone numbers and their address... I am wondering what to do next. MDB have given me 7 days from last friday to contact them and arrange a payment plan but I read on another thread that the CCAs from Egg are so dodgy that even debt collectors wont buy them anymore... Can I ignore MDB or should I write to them telling them I wont pay? (too many choices..... not sure what to do)
  13. MDB UPDATE... REPLY FROM OFT... today (09.03.09) Consumer Credit Act 1974 (CCA) - Licensing Re: Mercantile Data Bureau Ltd Thank you for your email. According to your enquiry, I would like to confirm that Mercantile Data Bureau Ltd holds a consumer credit licence with number 545676 that covers: Consumer credit Consumer hire Credit brokerage Debt collecting and the right to canvass off trade premises. Their main place of business is at: Buckingham Road, Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13 7DN and they also have a registered office at: Willow Road, Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13 7EX. You may also check the records on your own using the public register website that can accessed at: Public Register The Public Register has records of all ex-holders, holders and applicants of Consumer Credit License.
  14. Thanks... I have emailed the OFT today giving them all the details of MDB, their phone number and their letter heading address and asking them where I can find out if they are licensed for credit collections. Thanks to all who have helped me through this maze x
  15. I have just done a search on the CSA website for Mercantile Data Bureau Ltd and it has no members by that name (today). The footer of his letter has a CSA logo on it though. I have also checked MDB out a Companies House and it states the accounts are dormant.... not sure what this means Certainly, I will be asking him for proof of his credit License and to explain exactly who he is working for (I suppose)
  16. Hello all, I received another letter from MDB enclosing the CCA I requested via our telephone call. This Mark Davies chap asks me to contact him within the next 7 days to discuss payment options. I attach the CCA he has sent me minus my details which I erased...(on next post cos i am having trouble uploading....lol) Can you tell me if this is enforceable please? Basically guys.... it is help!!! what do I do next. £4k is a hell of a lot of money to a single mum on benefits.... :?
  17. oh Tut, Tut MDB.... Guess there must be huge amounts of money to be made as a debt collector then. Wonder why he is using false address etc... frightened of baseball bats or something...lol Thanks for that Pinky and thanks Cerber for the CSA website. I never knew any of this. I never knew we had rights. Thanks so much x
  18. Wow... If only I had found out about this site earlier. Thankyou guys, I feel much better knowing I have all you experts out there... Really I am paying £1 a month to 1st Credit which started 20th Nov 2008 and £1 month to Link Financial Ltd which started in Nov 08 as well. So I should send that letter that Cerbarusalert said above, to request my CCA from both these firms then? What I really wanted was a copy of the statements from the credit cards as well, but I guess that's a bit far fetched. I managed to get my ex-husband to agree to pay half towards the debts in the divorce papers, as long as I can prove that he contributed to them. I can only do that if I can get back statements and it will be either impossible, or a very complex thing to do, especially as there were so many card transfers. But hey! I feel that I can make good progress and hope to get these people tied up in their own mistakes, meaning I wont have to pay them. Would be amazing. Thanks for the advice about the pleasantries. I have had horrid phone calls in the past, before I disappeared for a couple of years... I wont stand for being bullied anymore though. I will tell them I will sue for harassment etc... But, we shall see eh?! Thanks again everyone:D
  19. Very interesting, thank you both for your valued information. The Mark Davies chap (who signed the letter) did ring me this morning and asked me to confirm my DOB, which I declined. I simply said that before I did anything I want him to send me my original credit agreement as it is a lot of money and I didnt want to pay anything until it had all been verified. I also said that I would prefer to do everything in writing as I needed to keep copies of everything. He gave me some spiel about it taking a long time to get this agreement and did I realise how very serious it was and how urgent it was, so I replied that as it was at least 4 years ago, I dont suppose a few more weeks would hurt and I look forward to hearing from him in the near future with my information. Interesting that their credit licence wasnt renewed. Does that mean he has no right to ask me for money? The letter heading says - Freepost. ADM4119 Banbury OX16 4ZY I realise now that it was silly acknowledging I existed, but I have recently been contacted by some debt collectors and as they were smallish amounts I paid them off. I thought that my new address would be registered on my credit reference account... or whatever it is, and it would be pointless denying my existence if they had the proof. I am only in this mess cos my ex-husband left me 4 years ago , with our combined debts on cards in my name (cos I had internet access and he didnt) and we were transferring to 0% all the time. I moved and dumped the whole 10k worth cos I had a breakdown and couldnt cope. When I moved to my new flat last year I got a BT phoneline and then I started getting letters from all these debt people. I couldnt live with the stress of them harassing me so I have set up very nominal payment plans... £1 a month to 2 different agencies for a 3k and a 2.5k debt. Thanks again for replying. I would be interested to hear what you think about them pursuing me if they have no licence.
  20. Hello all, just joined after I googled MDB and a link to this site came up. It has been an interesting read especially about the addresses etc. My letter is addressed to the wrong flat but right road, hence I received it. I tried calling the 0844 number and got an answerphone message from a Mark Davies telling me they were busy...blah...blah so I left them a message with my phone number. The letter is as follows "I have been instructed by Hillesden Securities Ltd (trading as dlc) to contact you about the above unpaid debt... (Egg Card pre 2005) Part of my account management process involves profiling accounts to pass to doorstep specialists who may arrange to visit your home. However, I would rather give you the opportunity to discuss your account with me over the phone. blah blah... I urge you to contact me today to conclude this matter as quickly as possible. Please do not ignore this letter yours sincerely Mark Davies MDB Bureau Administrator ....... so....... after reading a lot of stuff on this forum I am a little confused as to what to do next. Shall I ask MDB to send me my original credit card agreement? My fear is that if I do pay them any money they are not a kosher firm... Any help would be appreciated
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