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Everything posted by nicola83

  1. can some one please give me the insurance head office address so i can send them my teplate letter many thanks xxxx
  2. i was suppose to hear from welcome a couple of days ago but they never got in contct i threatened them with court and funnily enough i havent heard anymore ?????
  3. thanks for the advice this is great and what has happened to welcome ??? they promised to call me at 12.30pm during my lunch break on the 2nd march but tried calling me on the 3rd at 8.30am when i have just started work.
  4. thank u very much 4 this info its a great help xxx
  5. I have been with this bank for 8 years and over those years I have been charged over £2000 pounds in charges can I have any advice on how i can go to reclaiming these please. I had another charge from the bank today coming out in march is there anyway I can stop this please.
  6. I am having trouble with welocome finance me and my partner spilt and i have been left with the payments in full. I have asked them to stop the insurance on this loan and as a result i cancelled my direct debits to them because I could not afford the payments i sent them cheques on a weekly basis what i could afford but they cancelled them and said that they could only take cash or card over the phone. I have had 2 hand delivered letters with 3 visits on my doorstep and i have had 2 letters via post also i have had at least 3 to 4 phone call at work and they have called me at work I was worried i was going to get in trouble for that but luckily I have a great manager. I am a single mother have a home to support if the insurance was cancelled the payments would be cut in half maybe more but they are saying it cannot be cancelled and another person has told me from the company it can be so who is telling the truth. These people have lied to get in contact with me I am offering all I can so what am I doing wrong advice please. many many thanks.
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