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Everything posted by Topham

  1. No I’ve not considered one of them is that like an IVA or something we have a mortgage on our property Then the debt just has thousands of pounds of fees and court costs added?? Just goggles a DRO and I have assets over 1k and my credit card debt is more than 20k
  2. Yes that’s what my suspicions were. Either way both are bad just ones more bad than the other That’s what my worry would be. But equally is there any benefit of paying a debt once it’s defaulted if it’s just gonna drag on
  3. Yes that’s what I was aware off. I’m thinking long term. If I took the hit now with the defaults it will be done and dusted in 6 years. It’s a unique situation many people are facing due hardship from covid. if I default and then set a payment plan up it just carries on on my file like it did about 14 years ago. It took me a while to get it sorted. But now I’m out of choice I think. If I have one default or 5 defaults if ya get me do you have to pay a defaulted account or can that only be from a ccj? Cos setting up a payment admits liability with regards statue barring I’m already into my Vodafone contract as when I do work it provides me worldwide cover for when I’m flying. i did an income and outcome expenditure with mbna earlier. I said at first about paying less but that will still have the same effect as either a long term or short term plan and put me in default
  4. Hi people my story is probably the same as many thousands around the uk. Before covid, I was living comfortably. Working unlimited overtime. Nice cars etc. Since covid struck my carpets been cut be best part of 2-3k a month due to loss of wages and overtime. My basic salary alone has been cut by 700 a month this leave me in a position where I have exhausted all payment holidays available to me by all my lenders. I’ve had full 6 months. I’m at the point now to break. I work for a uk airline and work has been stagnant as we aren’t flying so my debt is as follows bmwfs 765 pm vauxhaull finance 286pm mbna credit card 270pm total 13700 natwest credit card 170pm total 6700 Virgin credit card 125pm total 5000 omni capital 56pm total 2500 ikano bank 127pm total 5000 obvs I have the like of my mortgage and stuff and utility bills but above are my main debts. If I had have held of 6 weeks I wouldn’t have needed another car due to lockdown. But back then I had a nice surplus of money and lived for the day. I’ve been on the phone to mbna to try and sort it and I have been through income and outcome and they said the only option is to either earn more money or reduce something to be able to go on a short term plan for a few months or long term would be default route. not entirely sure what’s best. I have been winging it for so long but I can’t take another year of it. It’s been over a year now. im thinking if I take the default route, do I still pay the accounts off, do I just default on everything in one go and then not pay anything back cos then in 6 years the account will be off my record. If I pay after a default it just strings out the 6 years and may never clear my file any thoughts or advice appreciated. I have a few days to decide I can’t just offload the bmw which would be nice cos the negative equity is about 10k at trade in and 15k to the Vt point
  5. I sent the enquiry twice and it never give me a reference number
  6. Yes I have the proof It's been an ongoing issue for the past 3 months being charged for data over 12gb when my bundle is 20gb Yes I have already sent a letter saying official complaint and account in despute It was sent recorded delivery on 28dec15
  7. yes I've done this, I've just emailed everyone mentioned above and also filled out the online web escalation form
  8. yes I've emailed them this evening I'm hoping to get something sorted. i can't see why they can't sort it out when they are presented with evidence to show they are in the wrong
  9. I have been charged again for DATA usage on my vodafone account i used 16.5GB of data. and my allowance is 20GB of data. I have documented proof of this. So up till the point a data test drive was added to my account i was within my allowance. The problem is vodafones system haven't updated and in doing so they have been billing me for everything over 12GB. So i go out and get a new contract after being told it would sort this problem out, and notes even a new connection didn't sort this out. so i returned the phone to the store and ported my number out and went with 02. The problem i have now is vodafone seem to think despite that no matter how i break the proof down to them they can't see that the charges are incorrect and are positive they should be charges. argh banging my head against a brick wall. My december bill has 65 of charges on which i have been disputing from 14DEC when the bill was generated. I just keep getting fobbed off by people. Ive put it al in writing and sent recorded delivery and I've received a text again saying the charges are correct GRRRRRR Need help Ive filled out th online form and posted off problem is my credit report gets updates on the 14th JAN and last thing i need is a bad mark against it for a ficicous bill from vodafone
  10. I have been with vodafone for years so would like to think I'm a valued customer. I've never had problems up until now. I switched in september from a 2 year contract to a sim only contract. In my bundle i was meant to have 20GB of data. In my old 2 year contract i had 12GB of data. Anyway whats happened is that when they have changed my tariff, one half of vodafone system says i am entitled to 20GB of data, yet the other half of there system has been changed to reflect. So whats been happening is that every bit of data that i go over 12GB is being charged for. So last month i questioned it with vodafone, and they raised a bill query to cancel £71 worth of charges. But this hasn't taken into account the remainder of the charges I've incurred for the remainder of the month. Anyway long story short again, i used 16GB of data, My contract allowance is 20GB and they have billed me 4GB over the 12GB. The first bill amendment was for £71, but they then started to say that this was final and that the final bill was £46. When i questioned what it comprised of they went a head and confirmed it was for £20 of data. I asked how i can be charged for data when its in my bundle. The advisors each time agreed. But the bill still stood as they refused to do another bill recalculation. Anyway i asked to have my contract terminated due to the hassle and then i was happy to take out another contract which should have been clean without any glitches. They told me for this i would be charged. I suggested a data test drive in order to give vodafone time to sort the problem. This was refused at first. I phone up to pay for the £26.50 which is what the bill was. after they reluctantly took the payment. the following day i received a text threatening/blackmailing me to hand over money or the remainder of the bill or i shall be cut off. I then phoned them again asking why i received this. they apologised. They said it wouldn't happen. The advisor then said that he would apply a data test drive to my account, which he had done. But also told me that there was still a picture message outstanding on my account for £0.45. I agreed to pay this. I checked my online banking today and they have taken the remaining balance of the account being £19 ish. So basically after the advisor agreed an amount he then proceeded to falsely enter an angered amount and charge my card. I spent 3 hours on the phone today complaining going around in circles. Ive had enough now. Ive spent in total 10 hours plus on the phone trying to sort this problem out. And I'm just getting passed from person to person. To make things worse, I'm being charge again for this billing period until the data test drive went live. And they have had the cheek to add a late payment charge onto my account. Which now they have agreed to wipe. They have also agreed to refund the £19 into my account but will take several days. There quick enough to falsely steel it. So my question to the forum. Where can i go from here? I don't want to be having to go through this hassle every month for the remaining 9 months of my contract. Do i have ground to have my contract terminated due to a failure on vodafones behalf. Cos they are adamant that i will be charged and i have to pay the charges. Ive phoned Natwest fraud department up, and basically they have said that if i don't have it in writing what the charge was going to be for which i do, then they have nothing to act upon to carry out a visa charge back, even though its on my bill, and i recorded todays phone conversation for proof. Also ombusman want 8 weeks and this has now been 4 weeks, and they say it could take a further 8 weeks again so 12 weeks all in total. I feel its every week I'm having to spend hours on the phone to vodafone At one point they had great customer service and had no problems recommending them, even got my wife onto them Im stuck guys and need help. They have proven they can't fix the problem, now i want out help
  11. where would i find a template for a sb letter
  12. Yes must be the cca then and ok happy days
  14. doong some research im assuming seen they lee referring to carey v hsbc does this apply to me this paragraph Carey V HSBC Bank plc [2009] EWHC 3417 (QB) (23 December 2009) "108. Accordingly, I conclude that Reg. 7 requires *a copy of the executed agreement in its original form *as well as a statement of the terms as they are at the time of the request."
  15. Ok Ive spent the afternoon reading I was under the impression the signed copy of my credit card application is in actual fact a signed copy of my CCA. Which according to dx in actual fact is just a signed copy of the application form.That's one of my confusions And obvs the second is with the sb date, which I'll just wait a bit longer
  16. I'm just worried as well the next letter could be a copy of the CCA and then a court order I'm getting married this year and don't want any hassle
  17. Ok so how will I know when it is sb properly, how do I work it out I think then I can rest a bit better knowing that's its sb
  18. So the CCA is the Credit card application form, that barclaysbhave provided. I have to wait for this same thing to be provided by MKDP and until then there nothing that can be done about court with that respect. And with regards statue barred debt, according to the limitations act it's 6!years from last payment or from when I admitted in writing to knowing about the debt, and in my case I havbt and its over 6 years, so therefore its frowned upon having MKDP chase me for a debt that is stat barred, but I have to j form them in writing and ask them to stop chasing me just as they can ask for the money. Does that sum it up have I got it right
  19. Awwww really wish I could just send one letter and that would end it all! All the advice had been great so Far What would there next move be from here? Another fishing letter or a court letter CCJ thingy which I've read in other subjects happening
  20. Ok so if at this stage I can ask them to go away shall I write to them with a template letter from here saying that it's sb! The last payment was 6years 2 months ago and I've never spoke to them since all this asking for CCA and SAR So again shall I ignore it or tell them it's sb?
  21. Ok but the account was defaulted then sold to MKDP and they have 6 years of non payment I'm totally confused here now, either the accounts stat barred or it isn't, if it's not what do I do, as I've sent them SAR and CCA request, and also had a letter from Barclays stating that the failed to supply the original and there fore at the time being the account is unenforceable, but I still should pay not that I have to pay type thing
  22. So what are my options now then How long will MKDP keep marking my credit file as mused payments for if its 6 years in August theybhave had the account? Can they keep going for ever marking it as late even tho they legally have no claim to the debt
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