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Everything posted by schmoodles

  1. I wrote to Jacobs and the Council, recorded delivery, expalined my mental health problems, financial situatuion and the intimidation that the bailiff had put me through, today I received a letter from Jacobs tellign me to get in touch with the bailiff concerned regarding my offer to pay by installments (which I didn't offer to them, I stated in the letter that I would pay the council) and a letter from the council saying that they have taken the debt back on the condition that I pay £40 per month, seeing as this is less than half of what Jacobs wanted I've started already! Moral of the story - do not trust a bailiff, even after they knew that my debt was being returned to the council they still are trying to get me to deal with them. I stupidly thought that even though they do a nasty job, they were proffesional and would treat me fairly. Little did I know, if I ever have the misfortune to deal with these scumbags again I shall record everything and go to citizens advice immediately. :oops:Thankyou so much for all the advice given, I would have hidden, terrified behind my door and probably ended up on a pschiatric ward if it wasn't for you kind and patient people. XXXXXXXXXX
  2. Stardust_John, It's really good that you are on here and talking to people, the companies and even mental health proffesionals don't realise that the simple act of picking up the phone can lead you to terror. I know I've been there and still do when I know the conversation could be unpleasant and confrontational. Talking as the third person is a great idea, it keeps you one step removed and like letters gives you the chance to mull over what has been said and to then make a decision that is not based on panic, fear and just wanting to get the hell off the phone! If I have to speak to someone in future that scares me then I will use that, thankyou. With regard to your treatment I would suggest that you go back to the GP and explain or if you can't do that then contact the team who are going to treat you with councilling. Mind are also a really good source of help. Unfortunately the services are very busy and it took 6 weeks for my refferal to come through even though my GP wrote 'URGENT' all over it, and I then had to fill in reams of forms and return them before I would be considered for an appointment. That is due to the timewasters that have an issue and then go to one session and never go back. But they will help you. It might also help to write stuff down, maybe a diary or journal and show them, don't hold anything back just put it all in there, I did and it's amazing because I felt so much better, like the bad stuff was in the book and not in me. Good luck and I really hope things sort out, you are trying and that's what matters. No one ever gets it right 100% of the time, they just mislead us into thinking they do, that's something else I've discovered, people may act like they know exactly what they are doing and come accross as oh so powerful, but underneath they are like us, they can just hide it and overpower it, whereas it's the other way round for people with depression. Keep in touch X
  3. Thankyou, I have been on the CAG debt threads and recieved some useful information and assistance. I am going to try the CSA again, they called me on the telephone and told me that he could not be traced, the woman at the other end got a right earful (wasn't her fault though and I did appologise) as I had given them 3 phone numbers and where he worked and his parents address. The woman told me that they could not trace him and as such they were closing the case, I have the follow up letter, when I dig it out I'll say exactly what they said, but she told me that under the circs she was authorised to tell me that he had left his employer, that was after a rant and me asking them if they wanted me to lock him in a room and then contact them so they knew exactly where he was. So that was that. They suggested civil action, which is why I posted on here, for advice on how to go about it, but I will definately try the CSA again, thank you for your suggestions so far and keep them coming!
  4. He will not be without benefits for ever and I have no money but still have to pay my debts, I don't want it all now, just a little a week would help.
  5. I am currently up to my eyeballs in debt and need some advice on how to persue money that is owed to me from non paid child maintainence for years. I'm probably opening myself right up for people who are being chased by the CSA or courts for maintainence so perhaps if I explain. When I fell pregnant i had a good job, so did my partner. We had split up and I gave him the option, I told him that I didn't want to trap him and that if he wanted to walk away then I wouldn't stop him. That I would tell the child, in time who their father was and it would be up to them both if they wanted a relationship. I also told him that I would never prevent him from seeing the child if that was what he wanted and that I would promote a relationship for the childs sake. He stated that although it was a shock he would be involved, that he wanted to have a relationship with the baby and to support the child. I took him at his word and never got in the way. Despite the fact that it was very strained for me financially I agreed to £20 per week maintainence. I let things slide and slide when the money wasn't forthcoming, yes I would ask but I never persued it with any seriousness and never held back contact because the money wasn't there, I don't believe that a childs relationship with a parent should depend on whether they pay up or not, it's not the childs fault. He didn't pay on time or at all until I was made redundant and claimed benefits until I found another job. He really had no choice as the benefits agency will persue any non payment of maintainence unless there is a risk of abuse towards the child or others. The day I got a new job and came off benefits, 2 years ago, the payments stopped. He also started to let contact slide, no contact for weeks at a time and then getting nasty when I insisted that they were re introduced steadily for the childs sake. I have repeatedly stated that maintainence needs to be paid. I have even offered reciepts for what the money is spent on to prove the child is benefitting from it and not me. I spoke to a solicitor who wrote him a letter stating that contact needed to be more consistant and regular and planned one month in advance to ensure that when working, I could arrange proper childcare. It also stated that the maintainence had gone unpaid for 18 months and the outstanding amount was nearly £2000, but that if maintainence payments started again with immediate effect, I would be happy to accept £30 per week until the arrears were paid off. I don't think this was unreasonable seeig as he still lived with his mum and worked full time earning twice as much as me! Still the access is intermittent at best and the money remains unpaid. I then contacted the CSA as the solicitor had advised if payment was not forthcoming. They closed the case as he was not on the electoral register and had given up his job. They had phoned him and he had ignored their calls. I asked him for a contact address, for them to get in touch, but as he wasn't registered at that address then they wouldn't write to him there or take further action. His attitude was well, what can you do, I can't pay anything because I gave up my job and have no dole. I reminded him of the years he had a job and never paid. He said that he didn't have to pay because the government give me money and that he knows I will go without as I do, to provide for the child. I want to know is there any further action I can take. I have stopped access as he will not tell me where he takes our child and the child comes back distressed, he often arranges access and then doesn't turn up at all. I don't feel this is fair, I want the access to be laid down by a judge so that he has to attend and if he doesn't then he will have to face his actions, but I can't initiate this, I have to stop access and then he has to initiate court action. Can I sue him for what he owes? And can I insist that the CSA try again? I really don't want to put him under financial hardship but I am struggling with bailiffs and as I am owed money I think that I should at least try. Can anyone offer advice please? Thankyou:|
  6. Dear all, If you are like me, you will have suffered from the mental health problems and associated debts. I suffer with depresson and anxiety and when finding it hard to make minimum payments and trying to talk to people on the phone I became tearful, panicky and sometimes aggressive, not swearing or anything but with an attitude that was not constructive to solving the problem. Once employees of a certain debt collection agency realised that I could be easily intimidated, they did their utmost to continue the intimidation and suggested loans and other equally un helpful solutions, they also made threats that they can't carry out by law, because they knew that I was vulnerable. This culminted in concequences for me. I didn't sleep for literally 4 days or nights, by the end of those I contemplated suicide. I took some medication that was prescribed to calm me down and help me sleep but in my confusion I took too many and rather than sleep I had a massive panic attack and ended up in hospital, with no one knowing where I was and on the verge of being sectioned because the dr's thought I had tried to take my own life. I told the truth, despite having contemplated it, I hadn't and just needed some peace and sleep. Although they helped me it was my friends and family that have supported me. The debts have not gone away but I have asked for my mental health problems to be taken into consideration and the psychiatric liason spoke to the company involved, it didn't solve anything at all, but gave me an objective view on things, someone who is not emotionally involved. I have now contacted not only current creditors, but companies where the bills have just come in, or that I know I will have trouble paying in the future. I have asked now for payment plans to pay gas and electric and the like, to prevent this happening again in the future. My advice to anyone who is the same as me is: A) Seek help from your GP immediately, they can give you the number of a local crisis team that will come out day or night, they will support and listen right when you need it. Take any prescribed medication, if your leg was broken, and it hurt you would take painkillers right? At the moment your mind is injured, take the medication to relieve the symptoms and the pain, even only short term will help. B) Don't try and talk face to face or on the phone to creditors if you find yourself being intimidated and upset. Write to them, and then wait a while to review the letter before you send it. I have sent letters as a knee jerk reaction and it's caused more problems than it's solved. C) Ask a family member or friend to sit down and go through your finances with you, I can't budget, I don't go out and blow thousands on cars and clothes and TV's but I don't pay things and then it adds up and goes on. I sat down with a friend and they helped me to go through my finances and to prioritise what needed to be and we made lists of who needed contacting and when. D) Don't hide from it, I know how hard it is, go and see citizens advice, tell them that you have a mental illness, or that you are depressed etc, it does make a difference to how your creditors will view you, as long as you don't try and use it as a reason not to pay, but as an explanation to why things have got as far as they have. E) Don't think that people are angry because you are depressed or ill or in debt, my friends and family were furious with me, but not because I have a problem, because I had kept a face on and tried to hide the problems that I was having from them. It hurt them to think that I was suffering without telling anyone when they could have helped. F) Take time out and don't feel guilty about it, just because you owe someone some money doesn't mean that you have to live in a dark room. Obviously don't spend money you haven't got but a bar of chocolate, or a cake and your favourite TV programme or a nice hot bath and good book will give your mind a rest and allow you to try and switch off for a little while. G) Post your problems on here, there are many people on CAG that will have been in your position and will offer advice and support to you, they have been so helpful to me and they offer their help without condition. They are from all walks of life and willing to help, no one will judge you here, we have all had problems that we thought insurmountable until someone opened the door. Basically, there is a way out other than to punish yourself, no one will win, least of all you. I am trying currently to get an advocate, someone who will listen to what I want to say and help me to put things in place that will help in future with creditors etc. Does anyone know of an advocacy service that I could use? I hope this helps at least one person, remember, just because you have a mental problem and are in debt it doesn't mean you don't deserve to have a life or the right to enjoy that life.
  7. Thankyou Oh Boy much appreciated and sorry about my posts being erratic it goes crazy sometimes
  8. Hi Oh Boy, Just wanted to ask something. I have had bailiffs delivered 24 hour notice yesterday I have written recorded delivery to the council and bailiffs saying that I do not have the lump sum or assetts worth the amount and that I am vulnerable due to being a single parent with mental health problems, and requested the council to take back the debt as dealing with the bailiffs (I asked and asked and asked to have my payments lowered and they flatly refused) is distressing me and has become intollerable, which it has. I text the bailiff who delivered the letters this morning telling him that I had written to his head office and council and that I am a vulnerable debtor and why, and that I didn't have to open the door and wouldn't be, and that I was requesting that it be referred back to the council. I also added not to ring the number as I would not answer, and he hasn't rung. I don't think they have been either because there is nothing been put through the letter box. Firstly, on the phone, he told me that they would come on Saturday, that was after he delivered the 48 hr notice on Tuesday, can they come anytime after the 24/48hr periods are up? In other words, can they come tomorrow and Saturday and every day after? Secondly, should I start to pay a little to the council via their website now? Will that go in my favour when they decide whether to take the debt back? And what will happen if they refuse to take the debt back? Will I still have to go in front of a magistrate so I can explain my circumstances, or will the bailiffs just get a warrant to enter my property? Sorry it's a bit long winded but I'm very stressed out and it's making my illness worse. Oh and the bailiff also told me that they would call the police to pick my lock so they can get in if I don't let them in, I spoke to a police officer who said that wasn't true unless they were court appointed, is this common practice and can I complain about that? Again, thankyou.
  9. Yes, I can stand and see who it is without being seen, he called twice and then I went out and there was a 24 notice when I returned a few hours later.
  10. I am recieving 25% single persons reduction on council tax. It's still nearly £100 pcm and I only missed 1 payment and I told them that I had been unable to work because my daughter was ill and I had lost a weeks wages. The council said that as I had gone not kept to the installments my 'right' to pay by them was removed and if full payment wasn't recieved in 14 day they would pass it onto the bailiffs. Which they have. What are the chances of them reffering me back to the council? I have asked to be regarded as a vulnerable debtor due to single parent status and mental illness.
  11. Gremlins again with the computer! Sorry! It is steam powered! They have never been in, I arranged the origional payments by phone and post and this is the first time i have had them at the door. They did try once and left me a 48hour notice but I had paid and had proof of payment so when I phoned them they tried the hard man tactics but when I said that I had paid via cheque (my mum sent the cheque and I paid her) and read the cheque number out they said it was a clerical error. So no they've never been in to levy goods.. The council are currently 'investigating' my claim for HB and CTB, and have been since the first week of January, and because they say it will be 'backdated' IF I'm awarded, I can't claim anything else to help me while I'm waiting to hear, so I'm living on SSP of £75pw and child allowance and tax credits, it's less than £100 pw, my rent is £125. Thanks for al your help so far.
  12. Ok so I've sent letters recorded delivery to Jacobs and the council, he has been at least 3 times today and left now a 24 hour notice of removal of goods. I'm terrified I have to go out early in the morning but need to came back and get changed and go and pick my daughter up then bring her home, This will push me into orbit and I doubt I could open the door even if I wanted to as each time he's banged on the door today I've gone to peices. I've got copies of the letter I sent to them and the council and I thought I could tape one to the front door as I leave and then they can see for themselves, I'm not sure how much good it will do. What can I do if he tries to force his way in while I'm bringing my daughter home? There's no where else we can go. i can't have her here while he bangs on the door and seeing me like that. I'm at my wits end. I did speak to a police officer today and he said they will only attend if there is an actual or threat of breech of the peace, and that they will only be there if the bailiff has a court warrant to gain entry. I don't know if I've had a court summons I don't think I have but certainly not in the past couple of months, I tend to panic and hide them when they come through the door, part of my problem mentally i suppose. Why can't they just see that I'm trying and stop hounding me, if they had let me drop my payments a little then I'd never had to have gone off sick because the stress is just intollerable.
  13. And I'm on SSP at the moment so I'm not entitled to IS I can't claim any other benefit on SSP.
  14. Thanks, that's helpful, i know they are trying to scare me but I just wasn't sure if they could gain access with me already agreeing to pay then not being able to. I will write to the council tomorrow and ask them to take back the debt and to arrange to pay off what I can afford XX
  15. Ok thanks to who replied but for some reason when I click on the thread I can't see the replies! Can anyone PM me to let me know if I'm doing something wrong please, I can see replies on the other threads just not this one! Can anything else go wrong?.....lol thanks XX
  16. Hi all, I've read some of the other threads and they have provided great advice, but, I just need to clarify a few things to make sure I'm right. I owed year 2008/09 council tax, I couldn't pay and it was referred to Jacobs bailiffs, despite my offering a realistic payment plan to the council. I made a payment plan with Jacobs, they demanded £200 per month but I got them down to £90, which I paid a few installments of. Despite me asking them to send me a card (as they advertise on their web site as a payment method) or slips they didn't even reply, so I paid by postal order, costing me more money, which was even more of a struggle. I then became ill, I can't work due to constant anxiety and stress, I had panic attacks at work and am signed off by my GP, I also have mental health issues that have caused me distress. Now when I couldn't keep to the plan I wrote to Jacobs, they ignored my letter, I recieved a final notice and again wrote, again no reply, with hindsight I should have sent them recorded delivery, but it's too late now. Anyway, today a bailiff called and left a 'Removal of Goods' notice. Stating what I owe and that I have 48 hours to pay up the £1112, I rang the number and told him my circumstances, that I have a 5 year old child and that didn't have hardly anything. I asked if I could pay something. He said that I had to pay it all and to try and borrow it from someone. When I said I couldn't he said that they would call and if I was out they would get a locksmith to pick the lock to gain entry and then take what was there. I asked him to give me a time/day when they would call as I don't want my daughter here to witness it. He said it would be Saturday (today is Wednesday so 48 hours would be Friday right? I think it's a trick) and that they would get there when they got there and repeated the bit about the locksmiths, adding that the police would be in attendance to assist them. I then asked wouldn't it be easier to just tell me when they were coming so I could open the door, he said it didn't matter either way because they would get in and there was nothing I could do to stop them and repeated that the police would be there to help them. I then asked if there was anything I could do, he said that he could talk to me all day, but short of handing over the full amount there was nothing anyone would do to help me. I then said that the goods I have in the house would barely cover the cost of the diesel to get here, he replied that if that was the case and the sale of my goods didn't cover the debt then I would go to prison, and did I know that it was a criminal offence to not pay council tax. I replied yes, but that doesn't help when I didn't have the money in the first place does it? He declined to answer that question. I became very stressed during the call and was tearful, which was something I really didn't want to do but was powerless to stop and had to mumble 'goodbye' due to the onset of a panic attack. After reading some of the advice on here and other websites I have emailed Jacobs telling them what the bailiff said and saying that I will not permit 'peaceful entry' to my home, and that as I have neither the funds nor the assets to clear the debt, requested that that they return the debt to the council and I would negotiate with them. I said that I was not refusing to pay the debt, but due to my circumstances could not pay what they were asking. I basically said there was no point sending the bailiffs to recover as I would not let them in and that the police would only be in attendance to ensure there is no breach of peace, as I read that on a website. Is that right? Can I refuse them entry even for council tax, or will the police assist them and pick the lock to get in? And should I write to the council myself? Please help me with this as I am at my wits end and it's really distressing me. Am I considered a vulnerable party because I am a single parent and suffer with a mental illness (have been previously hospitalised)? Many thanks if anyone can help ASAP XX
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