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  1. Simply that they did not explain that the premium would only run for 5 years and that we were not made aware that it was an optional policy. It really was a simple letter stating just that - I hadnt yet even requested any additional info from them.
  2. Hi, just to let everyone know. . . . . After writing just 1 letter to FP, they have upheld my complaint after just 6 weeks and sent a very apologetic letter :laugh: I would appreciate some advice on what to do next though because I'm a little unclear on what they have offered me. They have offered to give a full refund of the insurance premium of £6,178.30 plus interest paid on the premium to date of £2,454.36 and apply this back to our loan account. They will also reset the loan back to as it was without the PPI ever being on it. And will send us a cheque for the monthly payments we have made toward the premium of £2,841.20 Now, I'm not complaining - far from it, but I'm unclear, should we not also be able to request the interest that has been paid be sent to us? or does this have to be applied back to the loan? Or do I shut up and accept whats been offered? Thanks in advance for any advice!
  3. Hi, Can anyone please advise? We managed to end up with 2 sets of buildings and contents insurance as we didnt realise Northern Rock had included this in our mortgage. To cut a long story short both NR and Zurich have agreed to refund 50% each. We have just got a letter from NR stating that they have now refunded their part and paid it back into our mortgage. Are they allowed to do this? Surely they should have sent us a cheque? Can we request that they send us the money instead?
  4. Thanks Varda! Good luck with your claim. Trying to weigh it all up - going on holiday in august and could really use the guaranteed payout money then. Just would hate to get tied up in a lengthy battle for this :?
  5. Hi, we are due to have our premium paid back to us in June, as it will have then been 5 years since we took out the loan. We firmly believe that (like probably everyone else) the policy was missold and after having successfully reclaimed from RBS we are keen to reclaim on this policy too. The question is would it be better to wait until we have had the premium paid in June or go for them now? Could going for it now lead to delays or even non-payment of the money we would be due in June? Thanks in advance for any advice
  6. we are due to go to our review meeting very soon. Going to get it then
  7. Thanks for the response! I have spoken to the IP and they say that the valuation will last the term of the trust deed. trouble is I have read about others who had been told this only to be landed with a nasty surprise at the end of the term. Anyone got experience of this?
  8. Hi, Without going into to much detail both myself and my wife are in a protected trust deed and at the outset we had a valuation done on our property which advised that there was no free equity which could be released. Does this mean that this valuation will be used for the full term of the Trust Deed or can we expect our IP to re-assess this in the third year and try to release any free equity then? I know in the current climate its possibly highly unlikely, but would appreciate anyone else's advice/experience with this. Thanks in advance
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