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Everything posted by desperate&depressed

  1. Sorry - not very tech savy! I think this should work though - if you click on the link and then double click on the picture it opens it up large enough. Thanks everyone for trying to help. Pictures by shereeks - Photobucket
  2. Have tried to upload a photo of what I have received today - does it work?
  3. It doesn't have any heading saying the 'rate of interest'. It does have 2 - other financial information - If, for example you immediately borrow £1500 and pay it back in 12 equal monthly instalments, your total charge for credit under this agreement would be £123.71, not including the £1500'. Is that what you mean?
  4. Hi - thanks for replying. Yes - it has 'Your Annual Percentage Rate is 15.9% APR (variable).
  5. Hi everyone I've just been sent a copy of my CCA from MBNA. I don't have a scanner so can't put it up on here however I just need some advice. The date of the agreement is January 2007 - is this before the cut off date? The agreement was taken out online. It has everything on there that I have read on this site that it needs to have EXCEPT the credit limit - this simply says 'We will choose your credit limit and tell you what it is. We may vary it at any time and write to let you know'. Is this enforceable? I thought it had to have your actualy credit limit on there. There is no signature on the agreement (neither mine nor theirs) - it's just a check box that was ticked online. Please can anyone give me any guidance? Thanks.
  6. Hi everyone I've just been send a copy of my CCA from MBNA. I don't have a scanner so can't put it up on here however I just need some advice. The date of the agreement is January 2007 - is this before the cut off date? The agreement was taken out online. It has everything on there that I have read on this site that it needs to have EXCEPT the credit limit - this simply says 'We will choose your credit limit and tell you what it is. We may vary it at any time and write to let you know'. Is this enforceable? I thought it had to have your actualy credit limit on there. There is no signature on the agreement (neither mine nor theirs) - it's just a check box that was ticked online. Please can anyone give me any guidance? Thanks.
  7. Awww, thanks Mrs Westham - you are such a sweetie. That sounds like a good idea. Right now I just feel like none of this is worth it anymore so probably a good idea to speak to someone. Have never suffered from depression before but there is only so much the mind and heart can take!
  8. Hi Mike My understanding is that when you go bankrupt all of the debts that you list on the application are included, whether secured or unsecured. You WILL be liable for the shortfall on the mortgage but this can be included on the bankruptcy application - so you will want to hand back the keys to house before filing for bankruptcy, even if the bank hasn't sold the house at the time of applying for bankruptcy it can still be included. You will definitely want to get somewhere to rent beforehand as you probably won't have much chance if you have already gone bankrupt. Good luck with it all!
  9. Thanks Spamalot. It's been 3 weeks since the last burglary attempt and I was home alone when he tried to get in through the back door. Terrifying experience when I got face to face with him before he ran off. Hence why hubby has had to give up working nights. But daily we get stones thrown against the windows and threats and abuse when we walk out the front door. Apparently we're too 'rich' to live round here and don't belong! If only. Thanks for all your support - I really appreciate it.
  10. Thank you so much for your support Spamalot. Unfortunately getting a guarantor isn't an option as I don't have any family in the UK and my husbands' parents both passed away in a car accident two years ago (yes, it's been a great couple of years for us) - ever feel like him upstairs has got something against you?!
  11. Thanks for having a scout around for me Spamalot. If you see my reply above you'll see I've had an answer from the solicitor. Grrrrrrrrr. We owe £212k on the mortgage, are selling for £190k so already there is a shortfall of £22k on that which we are going to pay off at the time of sale (borrowed from family and savings). We wouldn't be able to pay off anything to Firstplus apart from our usual monthly payments - even if they hiked the interest rate we wouldn't mind - anything to get out of here!
  12. Thanks Bincrunched. I have spoken to our solicitor who has advised that the sale cannot proceed unless First Plus agree to remove the charge over the property. The sale would be halted at the final hour when it became apparently we couldn't settle the first and second charge.
  13. Thanks for replying Bincrunched. The mortgage itself is with Northern Rock and yes - it's way more than the 20k that we have with First Plus. I know that First Plus can't stop the sale if the property has been repossessed but I didn't think that was the case if we are voluntarily selling it. Am I wrong? Any idea how I would find that out for certain?
  14. thanks Mr Broke - maybe that's the solution - but seriously, who wants to live their life like that! I think we must have bought a house in the worst street in the whole of the country (little did we know). Estate agent said it was a lovely family area. Pffff.
  15. No, unfortunately not - inconclusive - he was wearing a hoodie pulled over his face so they couldn't 100% identify him. Not as stupid as he looks.
  16. Thanks Spamalot - this was one of the options we considered before trying to sell. We applied to Northern Rock for permission to rent the property out but they declined it on the basis that we owed more than 80% LTV. Check mate.
  17. No, if only they would! He was bailed pending further investigations after burning the house down. There were 3 witnessess, of which all three pulled out of testifying in court (intimidated we suspect but of course noone will admit that). There was no forensic evidence as he burnt it all so they couldn't make the charges stick. Since then he's burgled us again and there were again witness, unwilling to testify. The system is a complete joke to be frank and I spend every minute of my life scared to walk out the front door.
  18. Sorry, go the people mixed up! - PGH7447 - we're not buying anywhere else, we are going to rent. Can't get another mortage as have no deposit I'm afraid! Have lost £40k in this house since we bought 18 months ago.
  19. Thanks PGH - we've already got the CCTV, a fully monitored alarm system and my husband has had to give up working nights so that he can protect me so not much else we can do on that front! Thx for replying though!
  20. I hope that someone may be able to see something that I'm not (pretty please!). We are/were in the process of selling our house after having it burnt down (since rebuilt) and burgled repeatedly by the same guy for the past year. We are decent hardworking people and don't know this guy but he seems to see us as rich pickings. Hence, we desperately needed to sell and found a buyer at last. The offer from the buyer was enough to settle the outstanding mortgage but we also have a £20k secured loan with First Plus. We applied to First Plus to convert the secured loan to unsecured so that we could sell and would continue making the payments as normal. First Plus have today come back to us with their decision - they are refusing to unsecure the loan. Consequently we now can't sell. We are so confused. We don't know what to do now. Our only options seems be either to hand they keys back to the mortgage company, let them repossess and then there won't be enough to pay First Plus. Or, stay in the house, which we just can't do safely. The problem I guess with the first option is that Northern Rock and First Plus will then both pursue us for the shortfall which we can't afford to pay of course. We earn enough to be able to keep up all payments but just have no savings and noone we could borrow it from. We can't go bankrupt because even though I have lived in the UK on and off for 12 years I am not actually a UK Citizen -just indefinite leave to remain (I have a NZ passport). Can anyone see a way out of this mess? Thanks for taking the time to read my post - I hope there is an answer out there that I have missed.
  21. Thank you both for your advice! I will get that letter off to them tomorrow and see if has any impact. Now, any ideas as to how I can get MBNA to even acknowledge my request for my CCA?
  22. Hi there I'm hoping someone may be able to offer some advice. As above I sent off my CCA request in March, they cashed the £1 cheque and then didn't respond. I sent off the letter above about 3 weeks ago and they still haven't responded! They have now passed my overdue payments onto a company called RMA who I have refused to speak to and are calling me several times a day at work, home and mobile. I have asked them to remove my work number from their records but they refuse until I am willing to discuss the matter with them. From my understanding MBNA are not allowed to pass the debt onto someone else when the account is in dispute - is that correct? What should I do now? Thx everyone!
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