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Everything posted by red99

  1. Thanks for taking the time to respond in the detail you did. It answers all my questions and more. Thanks again! The 'qualifying week' for SMP is the 15th week before the baby is due, and calculation of maternity pay is based on earnings in the 8 weeks prior to the qualifying week. On that basis, providing that you are continually employed up to that period, and are working for three days a week up until the qualifying week, then your SMP would be calculated accordingly. You must have been constantly employed for 26 weeks at the time of the qualifying week, so you are OK with regard to length of service. You say that you are trying for a baby in the next few months, so providing that you remain employed at three days a week until you are around 5 months pregnant then you will be OK. You must also inform the employer of your pregnancy by the 15th week before the baby is due. You mention that you believe that you would receive £83 per week based on two days a week and that you earn approximately £50 per day, but at the current rates you would need to be earning more than £53.50 per day to receive any SMP, as the qualifying earnings are £107 per week (and at that level you would receive £96.30 per week). If you were earning less than £107 per week then although you couldn't claim SMP through the employer, you could claim Maternity Allowance from DWP - this again is based on 90% of your average earnings. On three days a week at £50, and at the current rate of SMP you would indeed be eligible for £135.45 per week. SMP is 90% of your average weekly earnings (averaged over the 8 weeks prior to the qualifying week) for the first 6 weeks maternity leave, and then 90% average earnings or £135.45 (whichever is the higher) for the remaining 33 weeks maternity leave.
  2. Hello, I am thinking of trying for my second baby in the next few months. I only work two days a week but last week was asked to start doing 3 days. I wanted to say no but have since spoken to a friend who said to check how it will effect my maternity pay. On the calculator online it says I would get £83 p/w working two days a week and if I do 3 days it would be around £135 p/w. What I don’t know is how many weeks before I announce I am pregnant do I have to be doing 3 days? I have been with them 1 year in March. Any info would be great, thanks. FYI my earnings are approx £50 per day. Melissa
  3. All.....my court date is looming, 8th March to be exact. As i have only 2 years worth of statements the amount claimed is estimated and may be inaccurate. Barclaycard assure me they are trying to get missing statements to me as quickly as possible. If these figures reach me after my court date or even beforehand and it works out that my estimated claim amount fell short of the actual amount owed how do i play it?????? confused:confused:
  4. My house was burgled in the week, flatscreen tv nicked. Phoned More than to start the claim, ask me a few questions including any convictions within the last year. I answer yes with a driving conviction 4 years ago...anyway she goes away for a few secs and comes back to ask me did i declare the conviction to which i say i'm sure i did..... At this early stage she has put a few doubts in my head. Firstly as i have renewed the cover for the last 2 years i am not sure if a) i had to declare it, was there something i missed on the form b) I may have declared and am worrying over nothing. As we're talking two and a half years ago i am not sure wot information i gave them. i dont think i would have hidden anythng from them, hence me telling them on the phone about it when making the claim If the worst comes to the worst is it my word against theirs and can i request proof of my application that i have witheld information about it?????
  5. Ok thanks for reply...would be happy to recieve the item i wanted originally rather than refund but not sure they stock it....oh well see what they say tomorrow. If not i have one mukka expresss coffee maker for sale if anyone's interested;)
  6. I purchased a Coffee maker online last week from a website called Red Monkey Coffee UK - Roasted Coffees Beans and Espresso Machines & Accessories Shop.......... seems a decent enough website. Anyway i've dropped a clanger and bought the wrong item...its a stove top coffee maker rather than an elec one. Had a quick read through their returns policy and it lists faulty items etc and nothing for general returns. Before i contact them tomorrow i need to know where i stand with getting a refund. The item is still in box and hasnt been used. Am i legally entitled to a refund??????? Any help much appreciated!!!!!
  7. Has anyone had a any successful claims aganist Barclaycard yet or are any cases close to Court date?????? Hit the jackpot with with Barclays and Barclaycard have now acknowledged on their final day.
  8. Court 8 days and counting.....squeaky bum time!!!! Will i have the pleasure of being the guinea pig or will Barclays fail to show in Court if i dont get a letter off Keith this week???? Gayle Horrocks also in same hearing .....if your a user of this site we could celebrate in the pubs round town afterwards!!!!!
  9. I got told i was being greedy by my other half for going after Barclays and Barclaycard...Funny then that i'm off to court for the former two weeks today and she's got her calculator out already!
  10. or try 02071163869...case management or failing that customer relaions free phone 0800282390
  11. 02071162705, litigation and disputes...good old mr Jermeiah. Might well be a permanent answerphone now though
  12. Yep thats wot i've done...nice big fat bundle of docs now to send off...just need binding then off they go.....19 days and counting:D I've noticed the amount of settlements has been steadily rising over the last few weeks so hopefully i will be joining the list shortly. Surely the courts must be pressing for a test case with the amount of claims going through now and the numbers only going to get larger.
  13. any help appreciated folks. are the dates a mixup on the courts behalf???
  14. I spoke to case mangement section and he said it is odd as you normally have 14days between serving docs and court date. The case is with mediation team at the mo and wont come back for another week maybe so he said phone back then.. As for "neither claimant serving documents on each other".....that refers to the fact there are two claimants in the same hearing, i dont need to serve docs on her. I have my documents ready to send nearly....do you think case would get postponed so as to allow the 14 days????
  15. right sorry for the wait.....the letter from the courts say hearing allocated to small claims track.....shall take place 14:30 0n 24th Oct 2006 at Manchester CC...................each party shall by 23 Oct serve on the other copies of documents on which they intend to rely upon at the hearing, neither claimant is required to serve documents on the other. I thought 2 weeks was given between docs going to defendant and court date......not a day!!!!!
  16. after returning allocation q. for 26.08.06 and having to wait over a month for a court date finally came thru for 24 Oct.....is it just me or is that super quick????? had expected early new year. Tt's manchester county court by the way and the case is to be shared with another defendant by the name of Gayle Horrocks....anyone on this forum??? Also i see the day for return of any documents i will be relying on is the day before the hearing....is that normal?? The finish line is in site!!!!!! woooooo
  17. actually estimating the charges is pretty straightforward......its calculating interest where it gets a bit complicated. If you can work out the average charges per month using the info post 04 info they sent, you can multiply that figure by 36 (amount of months between Jun 01 and June 04) thats providing you have been with them for that long, to work out the remainder. As for the interest i used an imaginary date in Dec 02 (middle of the period June 01 - June 04) and worked out interest on a standard charge for that particular day. Then multiply that figure by number of charges for that period, ie total amount of estimated charges for that period divided by 20. All gets a bit confusing but can PM my workings if your interested for help.
  18. Hey Evzy....i'd send the letter from the templates saying i'll accept as partial settlement blah blah then on to the LBA if not already sent. Going thru some of longer threads on here, icefall's is a good one will help you on your way and generally taking time to understand the whole process. oh and prepare for a long wait
  19. Hi Glen.....cheers for reply. Spoke to the court today and as claim has been served it cant be withdrawn. Spoke to case management and as you said there is a general form for me to fill in with 35 quid fee, where i can amend the particulars. The refund shows on my monthy statement as repaid penalty charges going on memory but no letter or explanation as of yet......wont hold my breath. Think their latest policy must be to totally ignore any correspondance received because apart from statments i haven't had a peep out of them. Anyway digging in now for a very long wait. I'm also waiting for a court date now for Barclays with my current account, apparently the district judge has sent it up for the attantion of a more senior judge for guidance. Mercantile caught maybe but ive been waiting for getting on a month now. If i get a date for early next year in m/cr in hoping the judge would consider listening to both cases togther if it drags on that long....
  20. Help needed. Up to now i have sent Barclaycard all the usual letters; DPA, Prelim and then LBA....not a sauasuage out of them. Quite suprised actually as i have quite an advanced claim with Barclays with my current account. Anyway time expired for any sort of reply by Barclaycard on Monday, none arrived suprised suprise so yesterday i sent off my schedule ot charges, estimatation of charges and N1 to m/cr county court. Today i recieve my Barclaycard Statement to find £8 per £20 charge of the charges that have not been estimated have been refunded. HELP. Do i now need to get back in touch with the court and see if i can amend my claim as they only received it yesterday or press on???
  21. Proceed to moneyclaim and stick to your timetable set out in LBA....they will try anything to stall.....good luck:D
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