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Everything posted by ROBBO

  1. ROBBO

    has anyone

    This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. Hi Badger There is an excellant post by wolfcub it is in the Lloyds tsb sub forum, she details her case from start to finish and includes her court case notes . She actually went to court but scm never turned up and had to send a local solicitor the judge adjourned the case , it is an excellant read and should put your mind at rest good luck
  4. ROBBO


    you can claim your interest up to the day of judgement
  5. I understand that you can ask the court to pay any award into any bank account that you choose , so if you dont have a parachute account fixed up, now is the time to do it
  6. ROBBO

    has anyone

    ever contacted the bank ombudsman? , he never seems to get mentioned on here i was wondering , as Lloyds are pretty quick to get us to contact him what help he could give us.
  7. I posted my DPA request on the 10 April and not yet even recieved an aknowledgement, and i stupidly didn`nt send it recorded I suppose they are using delaying tactics (hope the postie hasn`t ran off with tenner cheque)anyway I have emailed them today so hopefully they will reply to that Good luck with your claim ,
  8. ROBBO

    The NHS

    errrrrrrr yes i think you are missing the fact that `grandpa` has probably worked for the last 50 yrs of his life and therefore contributed in tax and national insurance Why should the elderly be discriminated against because they need care ? Alzeimers is a recognised medical condition and the the N HS is supposed to be free they are entitled to free freatment in whatever form this takes .
  9. Great thank you for your speedy reply I will keep you posted .
  10. Hello i`m a newbie to this site and i`m acting for my Daughter who has been put in serious trouble due to excessive bank charges . I wrote to the chief exec of Lloyds requesting that these charges be stopped and that she should be refunded for all previous charges At the time i didn`t know we could claim back six yrs .nor did i threaten legal action .Athough i always knew that i would use this option if i had to (luckily for me i was directed to this site via a newspaper artical) Anyway he passed the letter to their so called customer care team and they have written to my daughter saying they would stop this months charges of £150 and offering a a partial refund on previous charges which i think isn`t a bad result but still nowhere near the amount they have taken off her over the yrs So thanks to this site we are going for the full amount .I dont know the final figure yet i am writting asking for back copies of statements , i have a question which i hope someone can help me with i have read the rules of engagement and it tells me i should accept this partial refund and tell themi will be pursuing them for the full amount but i was under the impression that one should never accept the first offer in any negotiations why does that rule not apply in this case ?
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