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Ed Gasket

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Everything posted by Ed Gasket

  1. If you go to the dealership, they should be able to sort you out with a replacement key for your locking wheel nuts. Alternatively you can try a motor factors who might stock a range and see if one will fit. There aren't that many designs so hopefully you can get a replacement without too much trouble. I think Draper might do a set with most styles in but you don't really want that do you, just the one that fits your wheel nuts. As to who was to blame; I guess strictly speaking the breakdown man should have ensured the locking wheel tool was carefully put back for you but its your word against his if they won't admit they didn't hand it back so I guess in that case it is your loss.
  2. If it is like the Audi then the M8 tensioner bolt needs replacing everytime as it is not really up to being reused. Who knows what happened except that either the mechanic didn't do something right (most likely) or there was a faulty bolt (less likely). Any news on progress indigo_lisa?
  3. "is this the only option ???" Probably. Complicated gearboxes are best avoided as are french cars in general.
  4. Tough being in car sales these days; everyone expects a 'new' condition car for peanuts and wants to start litigation if they don't get it. Why not inspect the car properly before you buy it?
  5. You have to bear in mind that had the trader done all the work you mention before selling the car, he would probably have wanted a lot more for it to cover his costs. A £1500 car can be expected to have some faults and as you say, none were visible. If you want a top-notch second hand car with warranteed condition, you need to go to a reputable dealer and pay through the nose for it; not expect to get the same service from a street trader. As you were able to fix it I would see if the trader will contribute and if not, then just move on. Life is too short for petty quarrels.
  6. Unfortunately I think legally, you have to give the seller/trader the option to correct the faults. As you went ahead and changed things yourself, I don;t think you have a leg to stand on however unfair that seems.
  7. It's a pity the police don't concentrate on finding the vandals and dealing with them rather than harassing and penalising the vehicle owner but unfortunateley it doesn't seem to work like that anymore.
  8. Friend took his Mondeo to Ford Main Dealer for service; after service oil looked black. They told him thats because they only suck out what oil they can; if he wanted it drained out via the drain plug he would have to pay more.
  9. Corrosion can be subjective; try cleaning up the bits you can see and coat with some smoothrite/hammerite paint then take it somewhere else.
  10. Most Quick/Fast fit centres just suck the oil out of the dipstick hole these days as do some main dealers (Ford) using an electric pump; it's quicker and cleaner for them and they can't mess up torquing the drain plug. However not as effective as a proper change. You are better off changing it yourself if you can.
  11. Good for you ! I don't see how they can claim to repay you 'Market value' and then use a trade only guide as their price. They should put you back in a position similar to what you were in before your loss. This, to me, means you should be able to replace your car in a relatively straightforward manner; not have to bargain hunt and mess around on eBay! Hence you should be entitled to the retail price of a replacement vehicle; not the cost price that only a trader can get. I am sure the balance will be in your favour on this one if it goes to court. Let us know the outcome !
  12. Which company is it? (so I can avoid them)
  13. Seems a bit daft; they could damage your car out of spite if you wind them up. just go to somewhere you can trust in the first place !
  14. If you declared the value as 4000, I can't see why Tesco would pay any more as they will say that is what you told them it's value was. If you are very lucky and the book value is higher, they might just use the book value but tbh they usually offer you some derisory amount and you have to argue them up. Difficult to do if they look up what you said it was worth. Your insurance will claim off his insurance so if he is not reporting it, it will delay things no end; be warned. I've been through this and it's a complete and utter pain !
  15. "BUT the retailer still argues the MOT checks the thickness of the brakes" That is incorrect. All they check is the braking efficiency and balance on a rolling road. They may or may not look at the brake pad thickness; most do not as it is not part of a standard MoT Test and on most cars you cannot see the pad thickness anyway without dismantling which is not done in an MoT test.
  16. Usually if a court order is not paid, you can apply for bailiffs to attend the premises and get the payment or goods to equivalent value.
  17. As the thief was caught, you could claim the cost off him/her by taking him/her to the small claims court; assuming the police will tell you who it was that is. He may or may not have the means to pay but you can at least try.
  18. I had exact same problem (Rover 216 with Honda engine) and it was a dry solder joint on the fuel pump relay. When hot, the cracked joint opened up and became open-circuit. Fixed it for nothing by resoldering. When it doesn't start, try banging the fuel pump relay or swapping it.
  19. Whether or not it stays in 5th gear has nothing to do with the clutch; only the gearbox. if there is not actually a clutch problem, I don't see that you have any complaint and an uphill struggle to prove that the clutch was not renewed. What quality of clutch they used is irrelevent as the advert only says it was 'new'; not that it was a genuine part fitted. Air filters are not changed at every service; usually every other service. i expect they only did oil and filter.
  20. I would think the previous garage would say that the work was between them and the previous owner though if the seller used the receipts to make a claim as to the condition of the car then, if you can prove these were false, you might have some claim against the seller; very 'iffy' though as it would be your garage's word against the previous garage/seller. It might be worth checking what the previous garage say in case the stamps and receipts are not genuine. Is there a problem with the clutch now?
  21. I am 99% sure the AA will treat this as one incident and only pay £500. As to whether you should have to pay for repairs that have not repaired the car; I don't know but I would have thought the garage should bear some of the loss as they are the 'experts' but have failed to repair your car. I mean you wouldn't pay a builder in full for an unfinished job would you? You could try CAB and see what they say.
  22. If you are not losing coolant and the oil is not creamy-white then it is unlikely that there is a head gasket problem. The water pump is also unlikely but in rare cases the impeller can become seperated from the pump shaft so that the shaft turns but the impeller does not. I would think changing the pump is also an expensive job; depends if it is driven by the timing belt or not. Best to determine if the thermostat is the problem. There are guides on diagnosing this on the internet; basically along the lines of feeling the top and bottom hoses as the engine warms up and checking the radiator is hot all the way from top to bottom. Best of luck; but I would forget legal action on a £600 private car sale; just fix the problem and move on.
  23. OK, well I hope you get it fixed. The thing to bear in mind is that if you get an MR2 for a knock-down price privately (and it is exceptionally cheap), then you can't expect the sort of guarantees you would get had you bought for much more at a dealers, and should expect that some things need attention. There are very few private sellers that sell a perfect secondhand car because if it is perfect, they wouldn't be selling it in most cases. I don't know why the seller would say 'head gasket etc. done' if it hadn't as on a £600 car it adds nothing to the value; though you could mention the rusty bolts etc. to the seller and see what they say.
  24. Your post does not make sense. If £600 is a lot for you then why on earth buy an MR2? You can't afford it ! The insurance must be a lot more than that. I don't think you have any case at all against a private seller; you view the car, make your mind up, and that's it. Any problems that came with the car are now yours. Even if the head gasket has gone again, it doesn't mean the seller didn't do the work, just that they didn't do a good job. Presumably you checked the recipts for the head gasket work BEFORE you bought the car if this was a concern for you? Are you sure the overheating is not something straightforward like a seized thermostat or radiator fan switch?
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