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Little Heart

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  1. Hi It was on street parking...parking attendant acts for the council.I asked him not to ticket me..he said it was to late and handed me the ticket straight from the mahine.
  2. Hi Everyone. Can I get off paying my parking ticket due to the ticket saying my car is black...it's not it's dark blue. I have a valid blue badge and was showing it in the correct manager, but the spot i parked in is no longer a disabled bay, it's for loading only.(it has been disabled for years). thanks
  3. Hi everyone. Can anyone recomend a good insurance company...I want some insurance on my loan i'm about to take out...been quoted £43 per month from the bank.I'm after full cover. Thanks
  4. This is scream M.R.S. Get yourself down to your local council office with your legal letters. Do you know what you LTV on your property is..ideally it needs to be 79% or less but your council will decide. Good Luck
  5. This is scream M.R.S. Get yourself down to your local council office with your legal letters. Do you know what you LTV on your property is..ideally it needs to be 79% or less but your council will decide. Good Luck
  6. Think you need to apply to the court to have the order set aside. LH
  7. Hi Richmond. If your household income is less than 60k p.a apply for the Mortgage Rescue Scheme NOW. You need to go to your local council office with the eviction letter, you need to do this quickly then make an application to the court to stop the eviction on the grounds you've already mentioned and that you have applied for the M.R.S. Good Luck
  8. oh damn there's me getting all excited, thought i could send them a snotty letter. Thanks everyone
  9. I thought that a DCA was not allowed to call after 8pm. Is this correct? The last call i had today was 8:20pm Thanks
  10. o.m.g your friend is in a pickle. Firstly i'd find out who cleared the land(probably wasn't the estate agent),report them to the police for criminal damage.if no one will give the companys name just report the MC. also ask the police to go with your friend to the estate agents with copies of land registry.tell the estate agent they have 24hrs to take the land details of the off the property details(if not she will report them to the police for attempted fraud and also to the body that governs estate agents)also if they take anyone onto the land she report them for trespass. Oh and while she's with the police report the mortgage company for intimidation. Good Luck
  11. Hi Flick. When legal action starts in Scotand the Solicitors have to send out a Intial Writ which will of been sent to the mortgaged property address(if this is your home)or the postal address(if mortgage is a buy to let)this will be sent by recorded delivery.Once the solicitors have received confirmation that these have been delivered and signed for that is when the clock starts ticking. If the writ is returned back to the sols as undelivered they then have to pass to the sherrif office whom have to locate the named person. Someone has signed for your legal pack... Your mortgage would of firstly sent you a demand letter,then a letter before action and finaly a letter to say they have requested a decree. Once the decree had been granted you should of also been made aware. So did you not receive any of these letters? LH
  12. My CCA may have had all the requirements on however the LARGE section on Data Protection had been taken off. YA know the bit that says they can pass on my information to a third party, CRA etc I'm in two minds to write to the OC about selling this account on.RW have confirmed they have bought the account and not just collecting on behalf of. What do you reckon i should do? LH
  13. Oh bless em.They are so thoughtful Had my 1st ever letter from Rw asking "Where did it all go wrong" Apparently they have sent me a number of letters, tried to telephone me and have sent their local rep round. Well I must of been on drugs or something because I've not had any letters,calls or seen a rep. I've only ever had 2 letters reguarding this matter from HF and 1 was in reply to my CCA. They would like me to contact their "trained" financial advisor. I take it from this nicely nicely letter that my CCA is NOT enforceable. LH
  14. Hi. You need to speak to you ex wife's trustee or the Official receiver direct. I've copied and pasted the info below from a web site.Hope this helps. LH If an insolvency practitioner is handling a bankruptcy, the husband, wife, partner, relative or friend should contact the insolvency practitioner for information on what to do. If the Official Receiver is handling your bankruptcy, the husband, wife, partner, relative or friend should contact the Official Receiver. If the home is jointly owned, they may be able to take part in a low-cost conveyancing scheme run by The Insolvency Service and a firm of solicitors. Under this scheme, the beneficial interest and the legal title can be transferred to your husband, wife, partner, relative or friend. Please note that they will have to pay: for a solicitor or licensed conveyancer to act for them in the transaction; £211 (as at February 1999) to cover the Official Receiver’s legal costs. This amount must be paid in advance. It includes an allowance for expenses which may be incurred in the transaction. If the allowance is not fully used, they will receive a refund; the cost of an independent valuation unless you already have a very recent independent valuation of the property; the agreed purchase price for the beneficial interest based on the valuation. If your home is now worth less than the amount you still owe on it, the price of the beneficial interest will be set at £1 The purchaser will also have to give the Official Receiver up-to-date details in writing of the amounts which would be needed to fully pay off the mortgage and any other charges on the property. If your husband, wife, partner, relative or friend cannot afford the costs of the scheme at present, they may still be able to take part at a later date. They should contact the Official Receiver about this. If at a later date an approach is made to the Official Receiver to purchase the beneficial interest, and the property has increased in value, it is likely that the purchase price will be more than £1.If the home is mortgaged, the lender may have to agree to the sale - the solicitor or licensed conveyancer dealing with the transaction will be able to advise on this.
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