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Everything posted by Hotdog77

  1. @Jamberson - yes the road i parked on was my road! the location i parked in was in a bay which allows 20 mins, but at the time of parking The time was not on my mind as i had the get my child out of the car. @BazzaS - A: yes B: yes C: No i did not get back within mins..I was prob 30 mins or so. Now looking back, Im wondering if the agent assumed I had been parked there from 9.03am till the 10.32 and not moved my car at all:|
  2. Good morning, In need of advice/direction My road has now been converted into residents parking zone Monday - Sunday 8am - 6.30pm----very excessive, but its done so ho home. I have a permit for my road. On the day of the offence yes my vehicle was parked at 9.03am, because i had just returned from dropping my 2 boys to school and had to pick up some pots to drop off to my mother who lives in Grays/Essex...about 20 minutes drive on the A13 from my house. went to my mums but didn't stay long. On the way back home my daughter complained of tummy ache (infact she mentioned it earlier in the morning, but I ignored her she has said it before). I was only about 5 minutes (10.15am) from my home after leaving my mums, and I could smell n awful stench my daughter poo's herself. I drove into my road from the main road and the space I parked in earlier the only closest space i could see, i parked there as I was panicking to get my daughter out of the car to get her soiled self inside to bath to clean her up. Once all done, I came downstairs to take her car seat out to wash it, and noticed I had a ticket. I have attached a copy of the ticket received and the sign, Id be really grateful if i could get some help to articulate a letter to newham council
  3. Good evening, I have a quiery!! How long after failed mediation should lowell contact the court to proceed with ccj? Is there a time limit for them to go back to the courts? Its been over a month and I've not heard a word
  4. Right!! Well noted with much thanks The mediator will cal me back in bout ht=rs o get my decision...so i can tell her to inform that i am happy for it to go through the court route?
  5. Hi Andy, In feel a huge sense of relief after reading your last post Everything you have stated above seems fair and highlights what i didnt know, I wasn't aware that i had until 1 week before the court case to agree to their offer, which is exactly what I'll do. I'm ok now but was wondering that if it goes to court, are additional statements required to be added? Going out for a stroll..................................................
  6. having a CCj is not even an option right now for me. As far as they are concerned so the mediator tell me that they are confident they they will win when it goes to court hence why they will not budge and i have no viable defence, they are will to drop the amount by £100. I need some fresh air WoW
  7. I did at the start of the mediation, but they are not standing down at all. Im so anxious I'm about to fall apart. The mediator will call me back later this afternoon to get a decision from me Where do I stand if this goes to court.
  8. Not Happy!!! I spent 15mins on the phone to mediator , of which she calls back after over an hour to inform me that the sods are unwilling to take a reduced offer and are happy and confident that when it goes to court they will win the full amount including all fees. they would be able to take monthly payment, of as little as i can afford....being £5-£10 a month....this would take up to 14 years to pay off:???: is it ok for them not to budge or even look at a reduced rate? i find this bullying and extremely unreasonable. Need some help please, has anyone ever encountered this? Is court my best route?? My anxiety is in overload right now
  9. Good Morning, Just returned from holiday, in my break I had the mediation team call me to arrange a date, which is scheduled for tomorrow. Do I defend of my POC? Further to above, I am currently unemployed and receive just tax credits and child benefits, which I use for shopping, bills, and activities for my 3 children….there is no space really to extra payments to Lowell? Can challenge them on deed of assignment, proof they own the debt? Surely a judge would ask to see this. I also have not received default notice. I also offered a few time full and final settlement offer which they declined, can I question why it was refused as I will put that offer in again. I’ll have a spreadsheet of all my outgoings ready, which will show that every penny I get is disposed of as soon as it comes in. What cards can I play here? I really would like to settle without having to go to court, but I don’t want to feel rail roaded into a situation which is not affordable to me and my household.
  10. Sent the mediation pack back , and received an email to confirm receipt of the docs, and they will call to make provisional arrangement for telephone mediation. I'm lost at this point as I don't understand how this is done. Is this telephone mediation done as a three way call? What defense am I putting to them? what sort of questions will they ask.
  11. AFternoon, Received in the post today a Notice of proposed Allocation to the small claims track from Northampton court. The advice on the other post does not apply to me as 28 days from filing my defence was not up The defendant has now fled their defence It appears that the case is suitable for allocation to the small claims track If you believe that this track is not appropriate tract for the claim, you must complete box c1 on the small claims DQ form N180 and explain why. N180 and file it You must by Feb **th 2017 complete the small claims directions questionnaire form N180 and file it with the court office, and serve copies on all other parties
  12. So Andy, you are so right!! received a letter from Lowell this week, The questionnaire is referring the case to small claims mediation. Please find enclosed a copy of the Directions Questionnaire which we have lodged with the court. You will shortly receive a copy from the courts for completion and return. the court will use the information contained in both our copies and yours to make a decision about how the case will proceed' .......Oh lawd what is this??? do i now have to go to a hearing of some sort? :x:x Do i wait for the court to get back to me
  13. Hi there, just a note that i received a letter last week from the courts to say that they have served the defence to the claimants solicitors. claimant may contact to resolve any dispute, if the dispute cant be resolved then the claimant can proceed to the courts again. the claimant has 28 days after receiving the defence if they wish to proceed further....really holding my breath here. I presume from here on i will be contacted by mail/letter from the court or Lowell? I dont need to log onto MCOL do I?
  14. I managed to get in lol All i had to go was look below and click on the claim number which was lit up below...all done now
  15. Defence submitted with thanks and not. ill still be trolling these threads
  16. Looks good with so much thanks I do have a query though! even though I have been in communication with them, can I deny this clause? 4.Paragraph 4 is denied the claimant has not made any repeated requests for payment...nor have I ever heard of them until this claim was received.
  17. I'm just looking through their correspondence and I have not received the default notice requested via cpr. I have notice of assignment (copy) on no headed paper, but its from Shop direct from what i can gather...sent to the previous address, dated jan 2012. the 2nd doc is a letter from Lowell portfolio informing me that they had purchased the account from shp direct...again sent to previous address dated jan 2012..this letter has Lowell portfolio's details on
  18. yes i have a copy of one of the letters i sent them 3rd April 2014, i must have emailed it them i moved here june 2013. for about 6 years from 2006 - 2013 i was between my parents and the father of my children, mainly because my late father was suffering illness (my letters were redirected to my folks though) until june 2013 when i moved to my current address
  19. Well!! I could prove the info but its on a computer which is now ridden with virus due to my lovely son. think i came accross one of the letters on email...a copy i sent to myself Date of NOA + DN is jan 2012
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