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Everything posted by Hotdog77

  1. Oh! the ticekt was issued 1 minute after i arrived, and he said that he'd put a note on it to mention that i was dropping the kids of, but nothing has been noted.
  2. hi there , got a parking ticekt this morning for dropping my kids off at nursery even though i have a large a4 note in the front screen saying this, bare in mind i have 2 small toddlers. Even 1 of the girls at the nursery explained to him, hut he wrote out the ticket anyway. i want to appeal and need some help on what to put. He said that he'd been waiting for 8min, but was not possible as i got there about 8.57am and left 9.03am due to being held back at the nursery. pls help
  3. Hi There, I've had a littlewoods account since November 2006, and have been paying payment protection on the account to date. From as far as i can remember the ppi was on my account from teh 1st statement i ever had with them, but just never questioned it at the time How do I go abouts claiming this back? also i would like to cancel the premium.
  4. Hi Aa, I May Have Not Understood What Who Are Asking For But Ppi Was Different Every Month, But The Total Paid To Date Is 542.00 + 27.9% Interest + 8% = 729.34 Currant Apr On Purchase Is 27.9% Inyerest Charges At 27.9% Per Annum The Coversafe Is At 1.30p Per 100.00 Pound Of Outstanding Balance - (pound Sign Not Working).
  5. Hiya, Long time!!! And still very busy at work got a phone call from Argos 2 weeks ago, from teh person who wrote me the letter about the goodwill gesture to confirm that she'd received my letter. basically Argos will have to put the money back onto my account as this sithier proceedure and also that they cannot not write out any cheques. I told her to put our conversation in writing and i;ll revert back to her. I also told her that the be very frank i think they are taking the p*** considering that the money was unlawfully taken from me. A couple of days later, got a letter from her to confirm that they will refund the total amount of ppi applied to the account, and awiait my acceptance. i've not replied back as yet as i wanted to check the workings out? ppi paid = £528 + 8% interest = £42 total =£570.....is this correct?
  6. Hey!! Sorry been very bust at work...in fact....always. anyways, last week my other half received a cheque fro A & L with full payment. RESULT!!!! I thanks you noonmill. X.x.X
  7. Hi there, I had a Hsbc managed loan account which was closed in December 2002. where do i stand with it?
  8. Hi there, Sent a letter to Lloyds tsb on behalf of my partner with regards to the ppi applied on his 8k loan taken out in 2004. Ppi sum = 1737.58 Last week he received ny the looks of things a standard letter of refusal on teh complaint, although they are willing to refend aprox 658.99 of ppi, which is the total backdated to 13.03.09 when we first made the complaint. The letter they sent is just them upholding the fact that thier staff are trained to explain fully to the customer the protection policy, they provide a mixture of oral and written documentation for the customer of what the policy would/would not cover, tehy provife its customers details of the costs of the insurance showing the difference in cost between loan with and loan without ppi...da....di...daaa..... To be honest I am not happy with this as its another fob off letter, and the fact that if i were to cancel and get a rebate, the rebate figure would be all of 172.72 if the insurance was cancelled now. Lastly, if my other half did accept thier offer, they would refund the money off the loan. Need to know how to takle this? We don't want to accept thier offer, nor does he want the money taken off the current loan.
  9. Hi Johnny, O! your advise is taken, so i'll send the above letter and also send a seperate claim for mis sold ppi, as in my original letter i requested the return of all the pii paid to date and got no feedback. I'll let you know how i get on. I'm well nervous
  10. Hi AA, Thanks for both posts i will not send the claim for ppi with my letter for Civil Procedure Rules, as i would hate for the coggers to offset by balance with any ppi that they owe me. So will wait for teh outcome of the cpr, then ask for further advivse. Thanks a lot, and i'll tell you how i get on, if don't pass out before
  11. Just some honest advice please? I've thought hard before sending HSBC another letter and was thinking of returning my credit card back to them (non acknowldgement of debt). Can i do this or will i be shooting myself in the foot in some way or another? if i do so can i still claim ppi paid to date?
  12. Just some honest advice please? I've thought hard before sending this letter and was thinking of returning my credit card back to hsbc (non acknowldgement of debt). Can i do this or will i be shooting myself in the foot in some way or another?
  13. Hi JJ, LBA was sent out yesterday. On the original letter received, they gave 28days to return back the accceptance form if you agreed with it. Up till now still not heard anything from them, even though the acceptance form was sent back in April.
  14. Hi AA, Any advise??? and furthermore, in the original letter i sent them back in feb, I actually asked that they refund all the ppi paid to date on the card. I have had further reponse from them with regards to no signed cca agreement, but nothing on the ppi. I'm sending them a letter today with regards to Civil Procedure Rules. and was wondering if i should send another letter to thier complaints dept about the ppi?
  15. Ok! Will send it today and see what come of...been thinking and was thinking of adding this to the letter, because they have given me a default charge of £12.00 for late payment. nad in the last letter i sent them i actually quoted the below. Furthermore, in the last letter I sent I noted the below, and have found that you have not adhered to it and have since brought a default charge against my name in relation to the above account. I cannot at any point acknowledge this debt if you do no have an agreement for me. The lack of a credit agreement is a very clear dispute and as such the following applies. * You may not demand any payment on the account, nor am I obliged to offer any payment to you. * You may not add further interest or any charges to the account. * You may not pass the account to a third party. * You may not register any information in respect of the account with any credit reference agency. * You may not issue a default notice related to the account.
  16. Hi JJ, Yes!! The offer was reasonable, and the timescale to accept was 28days from receipt of letter, of whcih i adhered to.....but still waiting for the pricks......but they did'nt give a timescale on when they would pay...so in fact enjoying the benefits of the already paid upfront premium/interest. **Noomill** - should another sentence go in, with regards to updating the payable amount/increase?
  18. Hi AA, I've taken my eye of this one for a while, but what you wrote, went right over my head. Although i've done a SAR's and got all the info I require can i put 2 requests for ppi refund and balance brought to zeroat the same time? .....Just go in all guns blazing? if not then if im complaining to the FOS then should'nt I have at least made an attempt to try and claim the PPI? even to date the ppi is still on my account, and has made me over my limit.
  19. Hi Johnny, I'm thinking of sending the letter below, what do you think? FORMAL REQUEST FOR INFORMATION CPR part 31.16 Dear Sirs Account number On XXXXX i wrote to your organisation requesting that you supply me a copy of the agreement for my account. My request extended to the full agreement which bore my signature. I enclose a copy of the letter which was sent should for your information. I note that to date i have not received a reply from your organisation nor have i received a copy of the agreement which i requested. in view of the circumstances i do not feel it unreasonable to ask for this document to be disclosed, it is not commercially sensitive nor is it a restricted document and should be easily accessible for an organisation such as yours. therefore i would ask that you provide me with a copy of the contract which bears my signature, i require the complete document with all its parts . the reasons why i require this information are clearly set out within my original letter dated XXXXX , but for clarity i require this document for the following reasons 1.I require this as i have reason to believe that there may be discrepancies within the agreement which may leave it improperly executed 2. Because i believe that the Payment protection insurance was not correctly incorporated within the agreement 3.because i believe that there was a commission paid in repect of this agreement which has not been disclosed to me and therefore is a breach of agency law 4. .................. since this matter is likely to be subject to proceedings and gioven that your organisation is likely to be a defendant in any action which would be brought by me, i must draw your attention to Civil Procedure Rules part 31.16(3)©&(D) which gives the court the power to order you to disclose this document to me. The disclosure of these documents will allow me to consider any claim i may have against your organisation and will allow for the matter to be dealt with possibly without the need for costly litigation. Therefore i again ask that you provide me with the documents which i have previously requested . I don't not consider this request unreasonable and therefore if you fail to comply with my request i will be left no option but to make an application to XXXX County Court for an order made under the provisions of CPR 31.16 ordering you to disclose the documents which i have requested. additionally i will ask the court to make an order for my costs in bringing this application and reserve the right to disclose all communications in this matter before the court should such an application become necessary Please confirm by no later than 4pm on XXXXXXX that you will comply with my request or if you will not comply, please provide your reasons in writing Regards XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxx[/color][/i]
  20. Hey Noomill, Have you forgotten bout me?
  21. Hi AA, Ok, So I kinda tweaked what you wrote and added a little extra. Let me know what you think. Dear Sir or Madam Loan Account no: xxxxxxxx I thank you for the goodwill gesture but unfortunately this offer is formally refused and I intend to lodge a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service unless you make a full offer of all PPI paid together with interest equal to your APR at the time under the accepted principle of mutuality and reciproci during the life of my Argos account. I understand that the complaint will not be resolved quickly but I are prepared to wait for an official adjudication on the matter of Mis-sold PPI. The fact you have been made a goodwill gesture without any liability being admitted will go well with the FOS as they will more than likely see the offer as a probable admission of mis-selling. No one would offer a goodwill gesture if they were on solid ground to prove they did not mis-sell the produce I hope that you will enter into a sincere dialogue with me about this matter and I am writing this letter to you on the assumption that you will prefer to do this than merely respond with standard letters and leaflets. I will give you 14 days to reply to me accepting, unconditionally, my request in principle and letting me know a date by which I will receive this payment from you, I would require written confirmation that any refund paid to me would be by personal cheque in my name only, and that the appropriate refund should not under any circumstances be deducted from any balance remaining on the card I believe that this time frame is sufficient for a large company such as yours with its dedicated staff and departments. Yours faithfully
  22. Hi AA, I see you have given some good info on this site. Just to let you know that i sent a S.A.R with 10.00, and have all the info in a folder inc signed CCA. Ppi calculated to date is 775.00. Obviously i do not accept thier good will gesture and wish to send a letter explaining that and go over old ground that i was mis-sold the ppi premium
  23. And the ppi was put on about 3 months after signing up to it. pu nothing is on paper. they only have a signed agreement from me, and at that time i declined the ppi.
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