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  1. The SOGA states; DSGi will class a reasonable period of time as 28 days, this will be 28 days from the faulty product being received back by them. Although it is not the norm for refunds to take longer than 7 - 10 working days. When a faulty product is received back to DSGi it will be sent to the workshop to verify the fault, this would have been done with the printer but not the toner. This could explain why you got a refund for the toner much faster. The fault confirmation is normally done a couple of days after being received, so probably the following Monday. Another thing to remember is that once DSGi has authorised the refund to your account it can take up to 3 working days for your bank to credit the refund to your account. This is something that DSGi have no control over.
  2. As I understand it DSGi are also entitled a reasonable period of time to diagnose the fault, and determine its cause. This takes the form of them getting the laptop uplifted. Having re-read the original post it was stated that that customer was using the laptop on their knee. In the manual that comes with all advent laptops it states that the laptop must be used on a flat hard surface to ensure adequate airflow under that laptop. For the laptop to be overheating when being used on someone’s knee it’s not a manufacturing fault - its misuse of the laptop. Once this has happened a couple of times it will dry out the thermal paste on the laptop, this causing it to happen much more frequently. The motherboard will normally be replaced just as a precaution incase it has been damaged by the overheating.
  3. I really dont see where the issue is here? As it was said before, mistakes were made. These were honest mistakes on the part of DSGi and they have given a full refund! It seems like your just looking for an excuse to have a moan about DSGi!
  4. Hi, You will need to get the laptop uplifted and looked at by The Tech Guys, you can book this in on 0844 56 14000. This process will be at no cost to you what so ever. Also if you are unable to be in for them to pick up / deliver back the machine you can also take it in to your store and it will be booked in from there. In my experiance most laptops that get booked in for overheating are fixed the first time. Its very easy to be looking through the forums and get the feeling that any laptop that ever goes wrong is never going to get fixed and you will never get your money back! It is also advisable that you backup any data off the machine before it goes away for repair as the machine will probably be restored and your data lost as part of the fault finding process. Would you not say that it is reasonable for DSGi to have a look at the machine and repair it where possible?
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